I'm getting an imported asian bride from a 3rd world country because I want a maid I can snuggle with and fuck...

I'm getting an imported asian bride from a 3rd world country because I want a maid I can snuggle with and fuck. In exchange she gets free food, healthcare, gets to travel with me, and pretty much do what she wants as long as she doesn't cheat, and when she does its right back to her 3rd world shithole.
Tell me why this is a bad idea. Jealous roasties need not reply, you could have been my comfy hikkineet gf if you didn't ghost me.

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You'll probably end up feeling bad for literally enslaving a human being.

Where did you order one? How much does it cost?


Non non non my good sir, we are mutually exchanging services. I get snuggles and sex, she gets food and shelter, the way nature intended. She wouldnt be locked away in the house all day anyways, she would be able to do some things on her own. And the more trust is built the more privileges she'll have.

50 dollars for the dating site to be able to message them, then about 2k or so total to get all the visa paperwork settled.

Which dating site though?

You don't think she's doing it for food and shelter do you? Lmfao it's for greencards you fucking loser. She's going to divorce you ASAP, take your shit and bring her family over and in the meantime you'll be expected to send money to her family. Not much but still.

You don't honestly think that even 3rd world girls would stay with you do you?

she will never love you, doesnt matter what you do

Don't want to give away my secret, I just happened upon it. What you do is use the limited free messages to get their contact info then go from there.

She can get the green card if she fulfills her sexmaid duties. And no money is being sent to her family, I know that trick, my uncles did this back in the 80s and one is still married today. If you give a 3rd world girl a better life than she could ever imagine, and dont give her a reason to view you as anything less than the leader of your house, then the chances of her leaving drop drastically.

Women are incapable of love, this is(should be) common knowledge, I just want a snuggly fuckmaid.

Not of you get a prenup that makes clear after divorce you keep all the stuff.

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>Don't want to give away my secret
So this is just one of those fantasies, its not real

>let a bunch of underage failed normies, and redditors, and actual normies in on my secret fishing hole

Haha nope.

>If you give a 3rd world girl a better life than she could ever imagine, and dont give her a reason to view you as anything less than the leader of your house, then the chances of her leaving drop drastically
She's a human, not a dumb dog you retard. Unless you're rich (you're not) she's going to be able to find a more sociable, better looking guy who can give her the same if not better life. You view her as an object and will resent you for it, not to mention you're awkwardness and low standing. You can't lead anything, it's why you have to import a girlfriend. And it seems being a failure with shitty genes runs in your family.

You know there are Asian virgins in your country that you don't have to pay for right? I met one on a dating site who let me smash because she was "sick of obeying her parents" and wanted to "rebel." Let me take her virginity and came back over the next couple of months for more. Just do that you sad cunt.

Its not like you will keep ordering from it. There is absolutely no reason for you to keep it a secret.

Thus, its a lie. A fantasy. You're masturbating to the thought of it, aren't you.
And making this thread sort of makes it just a little bit more real in your mind, even though it is all a lie.

wait, so they're not a threat considering they're "failed" (as an actual normie, or redditor would never even consider this an option) and you're still intimidated by them? afraid they might ruin your sekrit club with their charming pepes?

you can smell the jealousy through the interwebs
hooo boy

>haha you're jealous I have to pay for pussy

The reason I can do this is because I'm (decently)rich you jealous faggot lol.

Once I get my pick of the liter I'll let everyone else have a go. Pic related.

Redditors ruin everything they touch. Jow Forums used to be an actual sekret club.

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1000% full retard. she is going to put on a mask to get a free meal ticket. also she is going to push for marriage to divorce rape the living shit out of you. also she can destroy your life with false accusations of domestics violence. VAWA laws will give her a green card if she is a "victim of violence".

>2000 dollars
>decently rich
Lmfao. 2nd from bottom looks like the Asian girl I fugged.

>the price of visa services has any relation how money i have in bank

>claims to be rich
>still has to specifically import pussy
??? Lmao

Fine choice good sir.
Im looking into myself.
I already got a lot of messages in my inbox.

Now I can tell (You) are a jealous roastie.

>everyone who makes fun of me is a roast
You import pussy because you can't get it mate. I think everyone would make fun of you except other losers

Arguing with (You)r holes is the only tactic roasties have

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How is she a bride if you aren't getting married? Because if you're getting married she automatically can just divorce and dump you on the spot.

I dont care what you roastie dogs think
Even if yall gave me the time of day id feel resentful
Local women are not a choice
Yall might as well be ghost as far as im concerned

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>entire thread is about your quest to finally get pussy
>m-muh holes argument!
How much of a genetic failure do you have to be to fuck up this badly?

You're so desperate to talk to a woman that you've deluded yourself into thinking I am one.

Was just going to post this, mail-order brides are a meme.

Whatever you are it doesnt matter
Im bypassing you

I should have specified, """bride"""

>finally get pussy
I've had gfs, pussy is warm and comfy, I'm just done putting in extreme amounts of effort for low-value whores who think way too highly of themselves (You)

>Im bypassing you
Lol what does this even mean? I'm not even in your life you idiot. I'm just making fun of you for being dumb like everyone else

Your brain is so empty! You think making a womyn your sex slave will solve your inner issue? Forced sex? You gona feel the love aint you? Instead of guiving her love and wait, this is so worst then desesperate. Some of these storys resulted in happylly maried, but the men, was kind, not forcefull. If you cant risk it with love, if your dick is all that matters, you are worthless! Love, is not what you take is what you guive without expectation, could it be a smile, good food, care for a person. If you cant just care for a person! Why should anyone care for you? For my part, i spent winters sleeping out in the cold, 90%of people mostly men just did not care for my life, it was all about their dick when they offered help, i near died in the cold due to that men selfisheness! You can just see my face when i read womyns are selfish, you are one of those i disrespect as you deserve, so stop crying your loneliness whiner! You dont get love, cause you cant guive true love! Now what happens when you guive good love to a human, is you look good and if not from that one, will attracts sweet people your way. Get that human over to disrespect her, all judjement on you, no respect, no love! So do as you will! But dont say you had no choice. If u want to get that low, the suffering will be yours dont complain, dont wine, you deserved it all.

I'm not forcing her to do anything, but I'm also not tolerating adulterous or sneaky behavior. If being a man and taking control of a relationship is considered "forceful" to you then its your own fault that you ended up where you did. If you can't be a loving wife and milk your man's dick to keep him happy enough to want you around then I dont know what to tell you. Its a two way street, take and give sweetheart, don't expect anything for free just because (You) have a vagina.

How do you go about this without being divorce raped? How do you get her a visa and everything?

I will treat my bride very well
I will also treat western roasties bad
Ill tip them badly and call their managers and give them a hard time for kicks

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I plan on not marrying her until a few years into it, waaaaaay down the road, and almost everything she does will be documented in some form or another so she can't lie that easily. The visa can be handled by the site depending on which one you use, some give exclusive travel deals as well. If I remember correctly it should cost anywhere from 450 to 2000 once it's all over. Flights not included, those can be anywhere from 300 to 1500.

But is her residency contingent on you at all? I'd love to be able to import a waifu and force her to stay with me or else she goes back to her third world shithole, but it sounds like she could just get a job and find someone else. What kind of visa would you even use? H1-B only works if you can't find an American to do the job for you.

I don't really get the paperwork process, but you're doing God's work user. I'm proud of you.

>what is common law marriage
Enjoy getting divorce raped

As long as you're getting a prenup and postnup and every other type of nip it's a solid plan.

Yes she will be hermitmode neet with me. I'll let her have hobbies(women having hobbies, lol) and we'll do stuff outside together sometimes but I won't allow her to work at all. She'll get a SMOL allowance for her hygeiene products and thats about it. Any money she wants to send her family will come from that.
And I'm not entirely sure on the specifics of the visas and paperwork stuff either, right now I'm still weeding out potential candidates.

Only in certain states

Just be careful with the her. Also lol at the roasties in this thread.

I fully expect to be taken advantage of. Its just that asian women are better at pretending to love you for it and western whores will just treat you like shit from jump and still expect to be pampered. Nail salon ladies talk so much shit about white women its not even funny.

I hate how foreign wives can still gain permanent citizenship and are entitled to a lot of your assets. Fun fact: if she divorces you and goes on welfare, the government can charge you for what they spend on her. If we didn't live in such a judeo-feminist society then we would have a very streamlined process for importing a bangmaid, and shipping her back when you're done with her.

Good luck with the visas by the way. Another important thing to worry about is some white-knight prosecutor trying to say you raped her by using so much leverage to have sex with her. Make sure the sex isn't a formal part of the agreement, and is more of something implied from the beginning, that you don't bring up again until she's in your house. Although I'm still doing this with the perspective of her being a worker which obviously isn't true, because then she'd need minimum wage. I'm really not sure what to say OP. There's so much legal trouble involved with this; I'm amazed that you have the tenacity to follow through!

cisGirl here. I don't see anything wrong with what yuo're doing desu as long as you both want it. good luck.

Yea I'm not looking forward to the mountain of paperwork and office visits, my stomach turns just thinking about it, but after that short interruption hermitmode will resume, but with a qt snugglemaid to enjoy it with. Thanks user I hope you get one too if you want it.

>cute asian girl called me cute
Looks like I'm outta here, robots

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Good luck with the paperwork. Be sure to talk to immigration and marriage attorneys. I know you want her as soon as possible, but only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Also I'd like to get one one day. Hopefully I could find a slav gold-digger, since I'm not super into asian girls. Despite being a robot, I still put a lot of effort into my career, so I'll be fairly wealthy. All the games me and the gold-digger gf play against each other sounds like fun. I wonder if I'm strong enough to break her.

>hahaha fucking loser get a job no woman wants a poor piece of shit like you, so what if a white woman wants to date a member of another race, white men are weak sissies-yaddayadda
>NO WAIT STOP she doesn't love you this is slavery! asian masculinity! date within your own race l-l-l-loser!

I'm not interested in critiques of OP's mating strategy.
What I AM interested in is advice on how he can protect his catch from the legalist judeo-feminist nightmare hellscape he brings his ugly gook to.

By making her be hermitmode neet with me of course. Worst case scenario I just burn the house down and an hero so she gets nothing.

why dont you learn a little bit of basic conversation in an asian language,
go to an asian country
and meet a girl

that relationship would last longer then some dumb mail order shit

The fat feminists will shriek and withered after everyone converts to christianity, one christian at the time.
Also vote republican.

couldn't she just kill you to get your money and freedom

>when she does its right back to her 3rd world shithole
that's not how that works son. she stays with you long enough to get citizenship of her own, then she leaves.
>so get another, the third world is full of them

These things never end well, plus they're usually a scam. Gl op hopefully you won't be the one getting fucked in the end.



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>I won't fall in love with her

It's an amazing idea. I highly recommend it. I have an asian gf (she was foreign student, met her in a software dev class lol) and she's been the best girl I've ever dated. I'm going to marry her :)

>get killed by my qt asian wife
I'll help her desu, I have a set date that I'm doing it anyways so if she can wait that long its nguyen/win hue

Thats inevitable, the key is to not show it so much that she thinks she can control you.

Asian girls are the catgirls of real girls

>tfw no marriage scam gf

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More like feel bad after she cucks him in one way or another
>enslaving A HUMAN BEAN willing to provide service and getting benefits from it
Give me a break

Why the fuck do you even care about his wealth and how he spends it faggot? Are you sure you arent the one larping because you reek of insecurity

>free healthcare
not for long kek

I have a really good policy and she'll be on it, so it will be free for her.

honestly, what site did you use?
i tried asiandating.com but it's full of bots (or desperate filipinas)
okcupid is full of roasties and SJWs
pof and match don't have many asian qts

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this thread is full of angry roasties and bulli chads.
OP i hope you have good luck

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