Millennials reach adulthood faster

>millennials reach adulthood faster
>there is no teenage period anymore
>at 16 you are already an adult
>at 19 you have gathered enough wisdom to take it easy after that and live the life you chose
>if you are not a "wolf" and a "player" you should kys
>if you are under 6'' you should kys
>education and social norms are for the weak

How do we fight this? Went to a 24/7 to get coffee and cigs, and there they were, two highschool freshgirls, talking about serious relation ships, tall and older guys, wearing slutty clothes, hating school. Every time when I go to the local market I have to witness this degeneracy. When I was in highschool, these kind of shits were no more than a few. Now all of them are like that.

And I'm not even that old. I'm 29. I aint old, r-right ;_; ?

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It's the influence of black culture and the raising popularity of weed.

I'm 28 and honestly feel extremely out of touch and old as fuck. I can barely comprehend the memes around here anymore.

this whole "ass eating" shit needs to stop
why would you lick someone's dirty asshole what the fuck

hormones in our tap water

It doesn't even feel good. I think the person licking my ass got more out of it than I did, felt weird and fetish-y

As stupid as blowjobs

>It's the influence of black culture


The wiggerification of America is complete.

That's what Jow Forums doesn't understand. There's no "future for white children" because there ARE NO "white children". Some niggers have less melanin than others, that's all.

Feel ya senpai. Shit's disgusting. Plus the whole big booty worship thing that's going on right now

you're a millennial. what you're describing is gen z.

This is what people would say about anal 50 years ago. I agree though, it makes no sense.

Most women aren't even big breastedThis isn't a bad thing

Eating ass is a sign of trust. You feel so close to your partner that you lick their asshole. It's something you robots would never understand. After a hard day my ex would eat my ass and vice versa. Ass worship? Cmon. Big butts are a classic sign of fertility and womanhood.

>millennials reach adulthood faster
No, they don't.

>there is no teenage period anymore
Yes, there is.

>at 16 you are already an adult
Literally who says this? You're an adult when you're 18, no sooner and no later.

>at 19 you have gathered enough wisdom to take it easy after that and live the life you chose
No, you have not. Everyone experiences life differently and people all over the world have different struggles. There is no uniform way to live life and believing that is delusional and stupid.

>if you are not a "wolf" and a "player" you should kys
Says who?

>if you are under 6'' you should kys
Says who?

>education and social norms are for the weak
Says who?

The big butt was a stupid meme and the nigs are so stupid they thought it is real

Anal too dawg. Like why would you wanna stick your dick in someone else's butthole. Rimjobs follow from anal. If you're sexually attracted to the anus, then you're gonna lick it.

Heck I don't get a bunch of stuff that normies like. Why would you wanna stick yo dick in any part of the body other than the pussy

And they would be absolutely right. This whole ass eating meme is real time proof that normies are so fucking gullible you could get them to do anything so long as it's trendy. Oral sex and faggotry got normalized the same way, just over a longer time period so nobody really noticed.

The internet has sped up many social processes in ways never seen before, it's glorious.

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No they're not. It's the shapely hourglass figure, the 0.57 hip to waist ratio that's considered the sign of fertility and womanhood. Grotesquely big asses are the sign of being closer to apes and monkeys. I get liking shapely buns, but nicky minaj type asses? No

>classic sign of fertility and womanhood
That's a combination of both breasts and buttocks, not one more than the other.

I may be wrong on the hip to waist ratio thing but yall niggaz get my point

I find myself becoming more and more attracted to breasts, before I didn't really care about them but now I'm fucking jacking off to adult breastfeeding. I am falling down the slippery slope of degeneracy

Most people don't like big butts. It is just a meme. Only nigs and women think guys like that.

>mfw nobody responds to this guy cuz everyone realises he's right and don't wanna admit it

>Most people

Bullshit. Maybe most robots but everyone i know prefers Ass over Tits. It's even a deal breaker sometimes for my friends if she has no ass.

Even if you like butts, it's not the same thing as being attracted to the actual anus. There's a big difference there.

No. Minority cultures are closer in touch with nature and the feminine goddess archetype. Ancient humans lived in peace and harmony under the protection of big, beautiful matrons who were independent and could sleep with whoever they like. Men would pay tribute to their goddesses by eating ass. It was only the narrow minded patriarchal supremacism of white colonists that changed this and made the world the violent shithole it is now. If you think you're smarter than professor Goldstein, go ahead, emarrasd yourselves by trying to prove me wrong

It's shape not size. Fatty one covered in cellulite is considered less appealing than a small, muscular one.

>mfw nobody gives me (You)s so I'll do it myself
you sad sack of shit

Don't question it goy. Have some SSRIs

Prove yourself right, then

True but eating ass is common now. It's the new home run. 3rd base is just fucking now. Even girls like eating ass as much as they get eaten. Sure they don't like to admit it but once you get intimate they'll do it during a blow job.

I also prefer butts over boobs but that doesn't mean I like that

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Nobody likes point-by-point replies. Don't make them unless you wanna come across as a cunt.

I'm not even him, but whatever floats your boat, my man.

Asses like that are gross. I like a girl with a fat ass but fuck man this is just unattractive.

You're a grandpa by todays standards with 28. You're supposed to have your life sorted out and made every experiance that you want.
If you haven't then you're considered a failure and deserve to be forgotten.
I'm 30 and wasted my 10s and 20s. Whereas everyone I knew is living their life, I'm still stuck where I was 10-15 years ago.
there is no catch-up. No fast-track. No way to do what you should've done when you were younger.

Try to accept it and live the rest of your life in solitude, becasue nothing else will happen anyway.

Your partner is willing to accept the most disgusting parts of you and even pleasure them. They even trust you not to poop in their mouth or fart in their face. What could be more beautiful?

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Or maybe he made no points whatsoever

I feel like I'm the only man on Earth who likes a chick with a nice big ass and nice big tits. I really wouldn't be able to pick one or the other seperately.

no, you prove you

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This, man. I have no idea why normies like kim k. Although I do realize the most vocal ones are black

I require shapely butts too - as in, the gluteus maximus. But I don't fantasize about licking buttholes.

At least you don't feel like the only man on Earth who likes a chick with a flat ass and a flat chest.

>>I'm 29.
I have bad news for you OP. It's not that the world changed (drastically), it's that you were a boring fuck in high school.
It's completely natural for kids from 13 - 25 to engage in this kind of behavior.

>a nice big ass and nice big tits

Yeah honestly what kind of inhuman freak are you, seriously. Fucking weirdo.

So you like fat girls?

I never give sources either. Fuck newfags.

This is the best female body. Absolutely flawless.

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I have several friends that lose their minds, when a cunt with a big ass walks by. Yes, I have friends.

The same guys joke on me, cause I don't care about butts and I like small tits. Obviously I know nothing about women. Yet, collectively, I've fucked (and other types of sexual acts) more girls than them all together. But I know nothing. Ok.

Giving up is the beginning of the end. Congrats.

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It's not that there's no more teenage phase, it's just been moved to early-mid 20s. That's why so many "young adult" millenials are so infantile and helpless in certain areas.

Compare the actions and attitudes of twenty somethings and teenagers on sticoms/in movies. They combine the lack of care and responsibility of being a teen with the freedom and resources of being an adult

Fucking primitive.

It's because you have low-test user. Simple as that. You probably like traps as well.

I bet you bring up the fact that greeks liked small dicks huh you fucking faggot.

I dunno about my testosterone, but I sure hate traps.

lol, no
I wasnt even thinking about dicks, are you gay?

This is the truth.
The only reason whwy OP belives times were different back then, was becasue he wasn't coll, funny wahtever enough to be included in it.
And now when he sees what is actually happening to children in that age range he thinks it's something new when it happened back then as well.

You missed the point. Liking big asses is not primitive its natural.

Fucking this.
I still remember the one time I was out with guys from my class after our high school finals.
before I alawys tough that they have similar lonley lives as I do, but it turned out that they go out multiple times per week, get laid, make out with as many girls as possible per night. All that shit is completly normal to them. And probably to the majority of teenagers.

it's not that the world changed, it was alawys like this. You just were never a part of it, and now it's too late to change that. You jsut have to accept that you missed a part of life that is normal to those around you. Sucks, but that's just the truth man.

The reason for this is the west becoming less white.
You can see on global maps civilised countries prefer breasts while the 3rd world loves ass. The reason for this is evolutionary. Humans developed breasts as we began walking upright, to emulate the ass. If you prefer ass you're literally more primitive.

Getting rimmed is fucking heaven man. Having a warm, eager tongue massage your asshole already feels intense as fuck but then you have the psychological part.
Fags keep going on about cumming on a girl's face ruins them for any other cuck afterwards, that shit doesn't compare to having their adorable face stuffed between your sweaty asshole until your grinding it against her nose.

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Also if you wouldn't lick/kiss/suck Pic Related, you're gay.

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The only relevant country that isn't vast majority white is muttland

UK is hanging on by a thread. 83% White about 7 years ago. Probably down to 70% or less by now.
And Germany is set to be majority non white in 1 generation.

When it comes down to sex, THE MOST PRIMAL OF HUMAN NATURE, why is there a need to be advanced?

>natural =/= primitive


Why is american "culture" so disgusting?

>UK is hanging on by a thread. 83% White about 7 years ago.
Wew, totally wrong.Wales and Scotland are high 90s, England is the one with muzzies and it's still high 80s. Where are your numbers from?
>And Germany is set
So it isn't eh? And yet the trend still happens anyway.

Same reason you don't pick berries and nuts for food, faggot. We have farming. We developed past primitivity, there is nothing to be gained by trying to remain there.

I think it's related to the amount of information we receive nowadays, before the internet shit used to be a lot simpler. However I bet people use to say this shit about younger generations since the beginning of time.

They're too cucked to put agressive blacks in their place.

>Wew, totally wrong.Wales and Scotland are high 90s, England is the one with muzzies and it's still high 80s. Where are your numbers from?
Last UK census was 2011, said 83%. Average net migration to the U.K. Is 300,000 people, and they ain't European. UK is rapidly becoming non white
>So it isn't eh? And yet the trend still happens anyway.
Are you a fucking retard? Do you think half the population is just going to turn brown over night? That prediction means that currently there are enough brown to our number the whites were it not for the older generation. After about 15 years, once the old whites die off and the new browns have kids Germany will be non-white.

oh my god you fucking idiot. Missing the point. Im talking about just sex. Of course we have all this other shit to make our lives better. Fuck it why not just abanden sex all together right? Since it's so primitive.

>Last UK census was 2011, said 83%.
Wew, wrong. Why would you lie when it takes two seconds to check?
>Are you a fucking retard?
Are you user? This discussion was you claiming it was non-whites changing the trend to ass over boobs. Can't do that when they're not the majority right now huh? I think you're such a drooling retard you couldn't help but forgot the orginial point and go into your fap fantasy of the world becoming as brown as your country.

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>calling anyone else an idiot as he fails to see parallels then creates a strawman
My dude. Humans have evolved past a preference for ass. I'm sorry if you've got some African in you and still can't overcome it. I bet you can't digest lactose either.
Humans walk upright. That's why women have breasts. Other apes don't develop breasts until they're lactating because they walk with their asses on display constantly.
This isn't a matter of choice or preference, i am telling you preferring ass over breasts objectively means the genes for your sexual development are less evolved than those of others.

Humans shouldn't drink milk past infancy. You milk drinker. Also liking a skinny chicks is a sign of low test.

Europeans farmed cattle and adapted to digest lactose into adulthood.
And weight preference is actually societal. From Amcient Greece up to the Renaissance the rich used food as a status symbol. If you could afford to be chubby you were clearly wealthy. Now fast food is cheap and most poor people don't have the time to go to the gym or the money for a personal trainer, so thin and lean is a symbol of status and health

>tall and older guys
This is killing me. I have no chance with girls my age. There's this one I love but even though she likes me, my age and height is a complete no-no to her.

>Europeans farmed cattle and adapted to digest lactose into adulthood.

Peasant tastes i see.

While i do agree for the most part it is societal. Most of human life has seen that big ass and big titties women are better suited for for procreation. Whereas thin women, albeit more attractive, would not provide for a child.

Does a big butt matter when more people do c-sections?

Does anything about women matter when we can create life outside of the womb? At this point its a strawman argument.

>sign of low test
Post proof.

I'm pretty sure this has the same idea of the tide pod challenge behind it. People just perpetuate doing it as a meme and some morons actually go ahead and do it irl.

good but tenddies too small

What you're describing is a hip to waist ratio which has nothing to do with ass.

So wide hips with a small ass would look normal to you? It goes hand in hand.

Hitler was right all along. All his ramblings about the negrified culture of the united states

It's not about the wide hips, it's a ratio dumbass. It's actually the waist measurement that is more important here because that is what gets larger as the woman has more children and becomes less fertile.

Ass eating is only a social stepping stone to getting with traps.

This . Your post was complete dogshit and you made absolutely no points. You thinking that your post was so insightful and profound that it /thread'd the topic is the most delusional thing I've seen all day.

You're not an adult until you're 25, and even that's pushing it.
Some people never grow up, and that's chill.

if you were born 8 years younger, imagine all the highschool pussy you could be smashing as a 21 yo
just hangout at the 24/7 and by beer, and get your dick sucked by 2 hiighschool freshmen

sucks to be you OP

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non blacks adopt nig words almost instantly. thicc and woke and yas qween. actual knowledge of correct spelling or vocabulary is basically uncool.

People will defend this degeneracy because either they pump and dump these sluts or are beta cuck that are fine paying women to exist through government.

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this guys right,
sorry, 29 is old OP

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Anal is natural: you put your dick in a hole. It would make more sense for earfucking to become popular, than asslicking.

I agree with this statement desu. I've only started developing complex emotions at 25, which is a pain because now I can't navigate life with easily repressible signals, too much of cognition is affected by complex emotions, which is a massive weakness, given that people exploit you at the drop of a hat.

instagram is heaven my fellow males

If anything I'd reverse your analysis and say they stay teenagers forever in their mentality
>if you are under 6'' you should kys
Only manlets would disagree with this one to be honest

Poor Regina. She was so scared