I'm going to be on a major news network tomorrow night speaking as an """incel"""

I'm going to be on a major news network tomorrow night speaking as an """incel"""
besides placing the blame entirely on reddit, what would you like me to say?

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Talk about hypergamy

Talk about how 80% of women have sex with the top 20% of males.

Tell everyone what a faggot you are then kill yourself.

the entire roastie population problem.
also, if this is legit, make sure to update us

what time are you going to be on?

Stop lying on Jow Forums when you get there. No news Network would bring in a virgin for a price, also how would they even find you for this

Talk about legalizing, taxing and regulating prostitution. Do some research on this subject. Throw out statistics. Crime rates go down wherever it is legalized. Its a huge industry, so a lot of taxes. Mendatory std checks will keep everybody clean. Girls who feel like they have no other choice will be helped. There is tons of arguments for it.

Say that the game is rigged. In fact it was rigged from the start. Kids who felt alone during the most crucial days of their entire lives are the victims of this illogical irrationally. Irrationality perpetrated none other than the kids and parents who never endorsed each other, to give a fuck about some of us.

Drop a code word in there so we know this isn't a larp, which it almost certainly is.

>email the network
>tell them competitors are politicizing the issue
>tell them competitors are misrepresenting the group

Talk about how pepe isn't the Grinch and the raise of el the robots and how normies will die. If this is real

What network? Where can I watch this?

Its not 80%
Its the top 30% get 60% the next 30% get 30% and the bottom 40% fight for i can count to potato amputee

I dont know dude, yesterday at around 3:30pm MSNBC had some dude on their with a terrible speech impediment and let him rant about the importance of LGBT and colored representation in the media

Obligatory mention that the beta uprising has begun

Go on a rant about how you're the nice guy and Stacy rejected you because she wanted Chad Manly who beat her because his eggs were overcooked

Talk about how inspirational Mumkey Jones and Evangelion are to you. Mumkey is the comedic voice of inceks everywhere and Eva the dramatic voice.

Say how young men are lied to that being "nice" and "yourself" will get you laid. You need to dress well, conform, party and drink alcohol, and tell women you want to have sex with them.

Here's points to talk about.

>legalize prostitution
>inceldom is not a problem its a symptom
>different incels have different underlying problems
>most common underlying problem is social anxiety/awkwardness/shyness

Strongly imply that there is an ISIS-type conspiracy of incels about to commit horrific acts of violence everywhere.

Familiarize them with the term "weaponized autism".

Make the normies sweat a little.

imply that the only way to solve it is state mandated gfs
and/or put the blame on stacies

this is good, but normies react to the beta uprising with comments like "lol u have hand" and "just pay for sex", when the issue is more a lack of human companionship that you don't actually need, but all of society is shaped to tell you that nothing you do is right if you don't have a hot woman who loves you unconditionally, even though those don't exist.

You can mention that Elliot's father tried to take him to Vegas and buy him a hooker but that rather than fix the problem, it just insults and exacerbates.

Say how you hate Jow Forums try not to sperg out also say:
"Originini" or >tfw
So we know you legit

Tell them that the beta uprising is just around the corner, and that the streets will run red with rivers of normie blood.
Then exit the stage with a mighty REEEEEE.
You'll be the living legend of this board for all eternity. The absolute madman.

Attached: beta uprising 1.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

nothing speaks louder than a gunshot to the head

go in peace brother

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Quote Elliot Rodgers manifesto

Yes im sure ypu have run the numbers and this is a verifiable, duplicable study that holds up. I can see why you felt it important to correct him.

>listening to CBC
>They have an hour long segment about incels

This shots hilarious. Some robot is on there trying to use big words incorrectly in an attempt to sound intelligent, talking about how he only goes after fat ugly women and still gets rejected and calls out the soundman for being a chad. Fucking hilarious.

Tell them that you've started homosexual relationships even though you aren't attracted to men but you're so starved for affection you started sucking dick because it was the only way to find "love". Do it op!

You know your rant is going to end up being a 3 minute long mish mash of out of countext soundbytes? Why even bother?

Blame Ebaums World

The code word should be dickcotton, as in the lint that grows on the tip of a NEET cock from wearing the same underwear every day


Sounds hilarious blox

Please say you're a socialist and that you lean heavily to the left. Claim that Jow Forums and Jow Forums hate each other (which is not even that far from the truth) and that you want a more sexually egalitarian society. Say that there's a growing understanding in Scandinavia that the disabled have a right to fulfilling sexual relationships, and that you truly envy the Nordic model and want to apply it here.

talk about eggy and blackpill mentality

Tell them that incels are mainly a peaceful movement but that a minority of the group is unsatisfied with the lack of progress and have decided to take matters into their own hands.

How many jizz+estrogen+steroid onions shots do i have to take to say this and bealive it

Fake it till you make it, user. Just don't bee urself.

Tell them you're a jet-flying, limousine-riding, kiss-stealing, wheelin'n'dealin' son of a gun

It's live on air. CBC is on different stations depending on your area. The segment is over now but they usually air the same shit several times alover the course of a week.

Meant for you and need to write a longer sentence because this comment is not original enough for robots.

someone record it and put it on youtube if it's real. I'm not a burger so I can't

Following this, what time zone and what channel?

Tell them that you feel threatened by females on twitter that now hate you just for being a virgin. Incels are not an organized group trying to go start a revolution, and that some personal investigaction has determined that the guy on the van was of armenian origin, and he might have wanted to get some recognition for the armenian genocide. They will ask if you hate women, you gotta said no, that you fear them. You fear feminism because it only makes things harder on you as a socially awkward person, since now you are being policed even more in your actions and words.

you have to slip in "tfw no gf" somewhere

Also talk about guangzhou(a city in china)

Convince them you are left leaning. And that the reason icnels exist is because of the patriarchy. Use the feminism to help us

>people find out you're an incel
>get invited to a news channel
>talk about the issues of inceldom
>everybody is understanding
>interview becomes popular
>a porn site offers you 10 grand to lose your virginity on cam
>you accept and go to the shoot
>they tell you they don't want a 10 second video so they're going to edge you
>this basically means the girl will stimulate your dick very slowly not letting you cum
>you agree, the shoot starts
>your dick is diamonds, but she won't touch it
>she keeps teasing you, sometimes she strokes your dick, but always stops
>after a while your mind goes blank, you can't think anymore
>your body start shivering, you start shaking, muscles start tensing up
>you're begging for her to finish it, but she won't listen
>she keeps torturing you, getting you closer and closer
>every inch of your body is aching for a release, you're pleading, begging, crying
>she doesn't give it to you, she keeps edging you, driving you insane
>its all captured on camera, but you've forgotten about that, you just want a relief
>please, just keep going, don't stop, please, i can't take it anymore
>but none of that matters, she keeping going, and stops, and keeps going, and stops
>suddenly she speeds up, your muscles tense up even more, you realize its happening
>she doesn't stop this time, you feel it building up, and then it happens
>its earth shattering, your back arches, you can't even comprehend reality at that moment
>cum shoots out everywhere, you have after shocks, muscle spams for what feels like forever
>all your strength disappears, you collapse, exhausted
>you slowly start realizing where you are, people are concerned, shocked, looking at you
>they've never seen anything like this, they keep asking if you're okay
>producer makes you sign a weaver stating you can't sue them for torture
>you feel the afterglow for days afterwards
>video is released

i want to be edged into oblivion by a temporary porn gf

make the point that that dudes facebook post was really suspect and not how people here talk at all. let them know robots != incels.

mention onions and basedboys but dont explain it

Pretty hot desu. Can't wait for the incel revolution on my own country

Preach them the verses from Saint Eliott's manifesto.

say that electrical infetterence causes normal boys to become incels and it should be stopped

Throw a tantrum on air that 10/10 stacys aren't panting with lust over overweight neckbeard virgins to accurately sum up what Jow Forums and incels are really about.

Praise communism/socialism

>willingly identifying yourself as one of the most despised groups of people in the world

Are you desperate for attention? I don't understand.

>le all posters on the board have the same opinions face

Tell them incels are newfags and to stop targeting Jow Forums. I'm not an incel I just want to talk about vidya without having to sign up for any bullshit. Tell them go after Reddit and shit, that's where this faggotry started.

you are the faggotry incarnate

he should tell BBC that they got the terminology wrong. We call ourselves Chads and the normal people are called robots, kek

Fuck you fag, I'm sick of you spastics drawing news attention to this place. You're the reason there's so many normalfags here.

Tell them the beta uprising is real and the only way to stop it is to begin purging betas from society

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I see you've come here straight from 9gag. Remove yourself from the gene pool

mods ban this underage sperg please

Talk about how ridiculous it is that a woman coined the term "incel"

*autism steadily intensifies*

I've probably been here longer than you. You niggers probably weren't even around when moot brought back this board you're so new.

Blame Drumpf if you're a burger

Blame Jews for promoting degeneracy, destroying the nuclear family and benefiting with a highly profitable divorce industry, blame them for feminism and creating a highly unrealistic male standard through tv, movies and other media.and also encouraging miscegenation.
just for the laughs

Tell them its a lifestyle of peace and that guy was not a real incel. Then call them bigots to generalize it on all incels and that they they are creating anti-incelism.

Looking forward to my on air shoutout, Petey.

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Tell them about that suicide kid and bring media attention to livestream suicides

Man, no matter how you draw Shadow he will always be attractive

All that is missing from this image is an overlay of the twin towers collapsing.

This one was really my favourite

Attached: Donte and Kill La Kill bitch mistakes into miracles wtc 911.jpg (500x500, 46K)

if you're on camera then have a framed picture of elliot rodger in the background
try to not be too obvious with your trolling but still fuck with them
search up ''the man who trolled the world'' to get a example of a proper trolling of the MSM

tell them bullying autists is wrong

Make sure you blame the Jews a lot.

Attached: jew_basic.jpg (220x220, 19K)

I am not gonna read this long winded bullshit

I'd fap to it and give a thumbs up on video.

do this user

so you want him to prove Jow Forums is autistic?

This is the correct answer
Mozzarella tagliatelle

"In all the words of tongue or pen. There is nothing sadder than the pharse "Jow Forums was right again."

Cut to the core of the issue. This isn't just about sex. Due to feminist incursion in to the school system starting back in the 80's, boys are being taught that simply being male is a crime against women. Curriculum changed to better suit girls at the expense of boys all based on zero valid statistics that girls were underperforming in academics. This creates a scenario where boys feel disenfranchised by society. Naturally there is anger, frustration, depression, suicide, homocide.

In adulthood, traditionally middle class jobs have been outsourced overseas. Family courts are absurdly biased against fathers, divorce courts against men. Criticism of women in any way is now misogyny, meanwhile women have carte blanche to deride men as they please as they are supposedly the oppressed class. It's acceptable to tell men to 'deal with it' but not acceptable to say maybe the so-called wage gap has a little something to do with women overwhelmingly pursuing low pay part-time low effort jobs.

Wear a black suit with a red tie, a white shirt, and green spandex over your face

Tell the world that the KIKES are pushing hypergamy. The roasties are not the problem, they're just a tool.
Frustrated young men, bitter old women and no white kids, that's what they're after, while also pushing mudblood immigration.


Further to this, there is the sex issue. Feminist have skewed the definition of sexual harrassment/assault/rape so far afield of the legal definition that men are instantly put in a compromising position by interacting with women at all. False rape accusations are getting all the way to trial, acquitted men are still vilified as if they had been found guilty. Men are being expelled from schools, fired from their jobs, all without evidence of wrongdoing. They are not receiving restitution when it finally comes out that they were victim to false allegation. The women are typically not charged when their claim is shown to be without merit. They take to the streets after acquittals with mantras of 'we believe survivors' and 'teach men not to rape' and 'down with the patriarchy'. It has come to the point where merely asking a woman out on a date can be construed as sexual harrassment if the request is not positively received.

OOH THIS most importtanly talk about how we desire companionship and want one person to love us
not just sex

Put this in there somewhere

From the sane society wiki
In the 19th century inhumanity meant cruelty, in the 20th century it means schizoid self-alienation. The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots. True enough, robots do not rebel. But given man's nature, robots cannot live and remain sane, they become "Golems", they will destroy their world and themselves because they cannot stand any longer the boredom of a meaningless life.