Why are guys so sex-obsessed? Why is it so difficult to find a good guy who shares the same traditional values as I do?

Why are guys so sex-obsessed? Why is it so difficult to find a good guy who shares the same traditional values as I do?

It's like every guy is a shitty, entitled, sex-obsessed "incel," some nu-male Nintendo loser,
a LARPing Trump or Nazi redditor, or a fucking stoner. I can find nothing but pathetic degenerates no matter where I look or how hard

I just want a good husband, why is that such a huge task? I don't even have high standards for looks, I'm plain and average and I want someone who's plain and average as well. So why is it so difficult?

t. fembot

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It should be common sense that deadbeat manchildren are more obsessed with carnal pleasures.
You're looking in the wrong places, go find yourself a businessman instead.

People will reply to this horrible bait unironically.

Most of men are obsessed with sex because of fear of losing YOU. If they won't do it someone else will. I would like to have sex with woman who I love but I would be fine if she doesn't want to do it often. But that would probably made me a cuck while she would be fucking other guys.

>Why do you crave sex which every normal person has, which defined them and served as a progress signpost of self development, why do you seek this form of intimacy ith another person which seems impossible for you sine you're so alone and detached from reality, why huh? Why? LMAOS, STACY, it's definetly because he's just a loser who just thinks about sex all day, there's no way he is a human being who has been deprived of most natural personality development in his life due to being asocial, being labelled as an outcast, stunted emotional growth as a result, loneliness leading to romanticism and intimacy being only a dream.
>I bet he complains about it all just because he can't get some, what a loser! Of course he isn't just venting his frustration as how something mportant to him is being thrown around as if it serves no value while everyone is unaware of the social dynamics involved, how the few things one covets in life which are being destroyed through degenerate natures makes him reject others more.

Yeah, OP. We just think about sex. Sex sex sex. Yep. Pls show bobs.

I'll admit, I'm heavily into femdom to the point it's one of my primary thoughts at all times. But I think my submissive nature would make me a decent husband, in that I'd do everything to provide for my wife just for her sake.

men are physiologically hardwired to be more sex driven. they naturally have more testosterone for women which is the universal hormone for getting horny. when women ovulate they release more testosterone which gets them more horny during their cycle.

Sex is really all woman have to offer. Men do literally everything better than woman other than being attractive to hetero men

Women can provide comfort and companionship. While sex is nice that's not all you should look for in a person. Look for someone who you can relate to on an emotional level. You can't just treat women like sex objects. I'm a virgin but I still value women a human beings and don't blame anyone but myself.

Tldr: Treat women like humans and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

user are you me? I've never seen someone express that on this board

>You can't just treat women like sex objects.

You can and they will love you more for it. Woman aren't attracted to soft basedboy$ who want to cuddle all day.

Tell me why a Nazi would be a bad husband.

Are you a coalburner?

What do you offer?
Would you be a good mother?

i feel the same way but about women, im a tall skinny dark haired v shaped guy with a 8/10 face and girls always get nervous around me

i feel so lonely and paranoid every day

Its true that they don't love b a s e d boys but the whole "women only date assholes" is a huge meme.

>8/10 face
says who?

peers at work/school when tey ask me why i dont have a gf yet, they also suggested i look for an autism dating site

>"women only date assholes" is a huge meme.

women are a meme

2 reasons. Men crave physical intimacy because it feels really good and men equate physical intimacy with love. If women aren't physically intimate with you, then that means they don't love you. I assume women equate emotional intimacy with love, which is why women can have sex with random men and have it mean absolutely nothing to them but friendzone tons of guys for orbiters.

Men use meaningless friendship and meaningless emotional connection with women to get sex even if they are faking it all, and women use meaningless sex to get emotional intimacy and validation. So both sexes abuse the other by giving them what they want to get what they really want.

>they also suggested i look for an autism dating site
I'm sorry user but that's hilarious

>traditional values
o shit I'm sorry

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I can agree somewhat, sex is important but can wait, but I dont want no average looking bitch, my ex was a movie star for me to even consider another girl in this lifetime you better be a celeb or something. A girl calling herself plain or average is fucking nonsensical. How incredibly boring and ugly

>the whole "women only date assholes" is a huge meme.

Of course. They date beta boys (for money) as well.

An actual Nazi would be fine what I'm referring to is 'alt right' LARPers who don't actually believe in any of it

only roasties do that
>inb4 every woman is a roastie

We care about sex because we have come to terms with how we can't actually enjoy our time with others, so sex becomes the only thing a human female can offer

>every woman is a roastie

So you know already!

It's in their nature, user, don't waste your time with men.

What does a woman offer in a relationship besides sex? Like, what differentiates a female friend from a gf? It's all sex. Why would I be even dating you if we aren't fucking? Why wouldn't we just be friends if we aren't having sex?

I'm a huge beta (poor). How come I've had a few gfs, most of whom were pretty qt?

because the whole alpha/beta spectrum is made up bullshit by autists on the internet to justify their lack of success.

>"women only date assholes"

I know a guy who beats up his 11 girlfriends and he had kids with them. this is the type of men women are having their babies with.

You're an exception, and exceptions only prove the rule.

How does it prove the rule?

>Look for someone who you can relate to on an emotional level
How do you do that?

Where are you finding these men? I'm having to opposite problem. I meet these great guys but then they end up not wanting a relationship or sex.

No one gives a shit you fat fucking roastie. Hidden and saged.

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The simple fact that you say "well I'm this special snowflake blah blah blah"

I want to marry you and start a family.

>they end up not wanting a relationship or sex

*they end up not wanting a relationship or sex with me

fixed that for you, friend :D

Piss off cunt. Your cunt is the only thing we want.

>end up not wanting a relationship or sex.

that is because the quality of women is not great either and one of the reason I tapped out. I blame men for being too thirsty not setting higher standards for women and government taking the role of the provider. Women don't need to be great people to attract men because they have daddy government take care of them.

No, as in they're literally single. This has happened to me 3 times.
First guy I kind of dated online. He was pretty much asexual due to his niche macro fetish.
Second guy is a complete loner and hasn't dated in the 3 years I've known him.
Third guy got out of a divorce a few years ago and hasn't dated since.
All of them were very sweet, but just weren't interested in dating and/or sex.

I was basically invisible to guys in high school, it sucks cause the rumor is always that "teenage boys will stick their dicks in anything" but for some reason the dudes at my school were really picky.

I wished I had your ego. They obviously would have been interested in the right person. At least those that aren't asexual.

That reason is killed fear of losing face. You only pull uggos if none of you're friends will find out. Nobody wants to get roasted by their buddies all the time.

Exactly. Guys are so concerned with prestige and having the hottest girlfriend.

This is why I keep preaching to the guys on here that there is nothing wrong with practicing with uggos. Experience will only increase their chances with better looking girls. But they aren't listening.

Ah lucky me, I can be a robot's uggo practice gf!

I can't help but want to impregnate girls like you, fembot.

Maybe some

But fuck I just want someone that would a give a fuck about me
Every female I've encountered hasn't
Not really even my mother

I can't talk to ugly girls either user
Plus that seems mean-spirited

That's terrible advice.

1. Ugly girls will constantly try to get pregnant, especially if you are above them in looks.

2. Ugly girls are easy sluts, more likely to have stds because even a fag lime you can fuck them.

Well, in my case i never had any physical contact with girls until a few years ago because of how ugly i was (And i still am), so now every time i have prolonged physical contact with one, i get unwanted erections...
It's really a problem, but i'm not thinking about sex 100% of the times... For me it's like a relief, or a good subject to talk about (Because i'm incredibly boring)

>there is nothing wrong with practicing with uggos

I couldn't bring myself to use somebody like that.

Relax. There are plenty of guys willing to settle down with less than stellar looking girls. I'm just talking about decent to good looking guys that just haven't developed their social skills yet. You know, people that deserve a cutie in their life.

and yet you are attention whoring on a website that will get you 100s of replies from what you are "trying to avoid" you fucking dumb shit

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Girls do the same shit in their teens. They practice with best looking guys that they can possibly pull in order to figure the whole dating dynamics out.

This is obviously bait, yet I can still imagine some roastie's thought process
>I'm looking for a guy who values traditional values
>Wow, that describes me! I've been a church-going conservative my whole life and...
>oh wait, did you vote for Trump? FUCKING DROPPED

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>implying women don't get resentful for doing that

women don't like wasting their youth on men who don't full commit and don't marry them. I can see uggos talking trash about you if you breakup or do some vindictive shit.

I know this is probably a larp but what you're looking for is a ex Jow Forums nazi who's then become good friends with and been socialised by women.
I used to be an extreme traditional who thought all women were beyond saving but now that one of my best friends is a female I've softened up a bit. I still believe that traditional values should be mostly upheld but I'd rather find a nice girl who I can get along with than reject all women because they're not 100% pure virgin non-degenerates.
Basically what I'm trying to say is get a guy who was too extreme and then softened up, because everyone else is either a full degenerate or an unsocialised larper.

Non sex-obsessed guy here. There are so many of us. You can't find us because you're looking in the wrong places.

Stop looking for guys on dating apps or anything internet/anime related. I met my girlfriend in class at uni.

I'm none of what you describe. But I also wouldn't settle for someone as plain and average as you. Look within your own league.

that's how you end up in a boring sexless marriage and then get pissed off a few years into it that he doesn't want to have sex with you. women like you always find something to complain about

Truth be told if I found a girl I shared any interests and I could interact with her through those interests I wouldn't even care about sex

But I have yet to find a female who I can relate with
So basically any female is just a vagina and a pair of tits to me

You have alwys the chance of either staying (somewhat) truthful beforehand, or just lying through your teet (like many women do) and tell her that you lost your feelings for her or that it's you, not her but that you want something else out of life etc. She won't know that she was a practice girl.

Trump is a puppet

If a roastie told me that she unironically believed that Trump was controlled by Putin, or worse, believed Hillary was the Chosen One, she's not the one.

>which is why women can have sex with random men

Men are literally known for doing this especially chads. They have sex with as many women as possible because heartless just want sex. They are obsessed with sex counts, they trick women into thinking they love them to have sex with them.

Man this board is so delusional.

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If you don't marry me I'll find you and hurt you

Refer to pic related.

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A puppet of the kikes, not Putin.

>Women can provide comfort and companionship.
so can men
women are the niggers of society and everything they can do a man can do better, except offering vagina of course

My unwillingness to do this is why I'm a virgin

Also I don't know anyone who would invite me to a party

good bait

on the odd chance it's not, you're probably looking in the wrong place.

i rather just talk to them and practice my social skills on them. also I got the cute girls interested just by being friendly with her uggo friend.

Of course, you can also use the qts as practice girls. There is no law against that.

>qts as practice girls

if she is not a nutcase then maybe. I had qts interested but them seem abusive and just plain crazy.

I want to bellow in your ear as I empty my balls deep in your asshole

I just told you that men want sex because it feels good and it's equal to love. Women don't really care for sex but use it to their own benefit. That's why they can have meaningless sex with tons of men.

Women are fucking brainlets.

this checks out and I don't like it

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>women don't enjoy sex
Why do you think we buy vibrators and dildos?

Because youre either attractive, high social status, or alpha and you just dont know it. Or your gfs were not qt.

"You" don't exist.
It's cruel to get people's hops up like this.

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>Why are you obsessed with the one tangible milestone that sets you apart from happy, functional human beings?
A good portion of us have jobs and friends, this is the difference maker.

It's because women keep bullying men for being virgins, every new outlet and entertainment media shoving relationships in our faces, and biological imperative all at once.
In the end, it's a problem that your ilk has engineered. Blame nobody but yourself.

Do you "enjoy" it as much as men?

>Men find sex equal to love
That's exactly the opposite of what I just said you fucking retard
Men trick women into having sex by saying they love them even though they don't , then they leave them in the morning. They just want sex and then they leave they don't want a relationship.

If that is love to you you are the brainlet autist

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Maybe stop trying to go for chad and instead settle for men? Ever thought of that? Oh wait you were too busy deciding whom you'll cheat on your beta orbiter with while lying to him to say you love him.

>leave them in the morning

I'd only stay the night if it was at least a fwb to be honest.

>leave in the morning

wow that's longer than I'd be willing to stay around you tbqh

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What men? You mean the man children here that scream every day that women are not equals , that women are only meant for sex?
Fuck off

Looks like a nerve has been struck with utmost accuracy. Fuck off roastie.

Now thats a toastie roastie postie

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Nobody thinks that. It's just that one guy's "only good enough for a shag" is another one's future wife. Women view men pretty much the same way. No hard feelings.

Guy who'd rather jack off than have sex here. not gunna read the rest of your post or this thread just want to let you know we exist

Then there's me who genuinely wants to become a loving husband but can only get hard thinking about cannibalism

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"Cure" yourself with milkers
You're still technically eating a part of her

Uh I can guarantee you female orgasms feel fucking great.

Im not really about sex. I want a commited relationship. Too many thots only want to pump and dump

Many people, a large portion here want that, too, and that's why they're so angry. They wanted a mutual virgin thing where you're both planning for a long and happy life together and not treating love and sex flippantly, and that seems to have been wiped out in women in this culture, since you can't even express a desire for it without being shamed and silenced. You'd know that if you've been here for more than a couple of days, I'd think.