/ept/ Elliot Prevention Thread #2: Virgin Killer Edition

See what happens when you are virgin for too long?

So how many women did you approach today?
Are you trying to improve your looks?
>Reminder that even your face can be fixed with plastic surgery.

Are you too ugly and inexperianced?
Consider using a prostitute, but don't forget to put on the condom.

Remember Elliotism is a preventable disease, don't wait till it gets to the final stage.

If you need any advice just ask :D

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if youre gonna kill people atleast try get a highscore

Nah, we need to turn this back around on to the females

Something like "use your cooter to stop that shooter!"

murder is the result of sexual frustration
go and find a hooker before it is too late user

not really, i could care less about women or sex but would love to see some normie deaths

>giving these faggots any recognition

Thread hidden and forgoten.

reminder that sex is dead technology with all the porn available in the current year

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Prostitutes are too expensive since they took down backpages.
Anybody got any good sites?

You are just denying it.
Your frustration builds up your agressive tendencies and this leads you to have fantasies about killing normies.

Speak for yourself. I love being a virgin. The problem with being a low value male is that you essentially have to sale your soul for pussy. Being myself means no pussy, and I'm fine with that.

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I completely gave up on dating because I'm sick of the one sided conversations and bullshit. Eventually I'm going to save up money, go to one of those brothels in Vegas, then kill myself.

>hey qt 3.14, i am sexyally frustrated and could end up killing random people, so would you be so nice to give me a bj

Yeah sounds like a good idea
Good luck user :D

>See what happens when you are virgin for too long?

More like


Its normals fault these things happened and will continue to happen. Normies deserve a bullet.

That's not even remotely what i was getting at, but w/e.

This woman is angry and could end up killing some people.
She demands you to fuck her user.
If you don't it is only your fault when she kills you and other randos.
>your virgin logic

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Its her fault shes fat. Not my fault Im short.

it's not pic related fault.
she demands the same.
your choice?
>but you are to much of a hypocrite

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Only if the eyehole counts hgnnnnn

I had just had a friend go through plastic surgery and a week into recovery he still looks ugly as shit from it, is this normal?

>So how many women did you approach today?
in my 27 years i have never approached a woman. it wont happen today either
>Are you trying to improve your looks?
nope. can't bother. too much effort for nothing
>Are you too ugly and inexperianced?
>Consider using a prostitute, but don't forget to put on the condom.
not that ugly and i only want a woman who is a inexperienced as i am, no roasties or prostitutes

>comparing a short man to a deformed person

See, this is the mind of roasties everyone.

Sure I would do it. And I am probably 30-400 pounds lighter than her, and no girl would do that for me. Really makes me think.

Well you need a couple of months to heal from the scars of surgery.
So yeah it is normal.
But it also depends on the kind of operation they performed and the competence of the people involved.

user if you want we could actually make you date an obese woman like this.

>and no girl would do that for me
How do you know?
Did you ask?
have you even ever approached a girl in your life?

> i have never approached a woman
>i only want a woman who is a inexperienced as i am
You realize what are you saying?
How can you get a girl, if you never approached one in your life?
I am sure that there a plenty of young and inexperienced girls out there for you.
I was in the same situation as you when i was 24.

Would you?


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>So how many women did you approach today?
None, I want to but it's too risky one mistake and you could be locked up for rape.
>Are you trying to improve your looks?
Losing some weight now, but when I was at healthy weight I still got nothing out of it.

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>How can you get a girl, if you never approached one in your life?
i don't know how to do that. nobody ever told/showed my how. too scared and too late to try now. i doubt i'll ever get a girl.
>I am sure that there a plenty of young and inexperienced girls out there for you.
then you have more faith in humanity/girls than i have

Hookers are illegal

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I keep trying and getting rejected. While young I have a job, a car I own completely, an education, decent looks, and a caring heart.

I need a few weeks to recover but I should be back in it soon enough. Always remember, if she says "let's just be friends" you have the right to say no. I have enough friends.

>Losing some weight now
good thing user, are you also going to start lifting to make some gainz.
It is the right choice, it will improve your health and increase you sexual market value.

>I want to but it's too risky
No it isn't.
Just don't be creepy
go there and say:
"Hy, my name is user Anonberg. I think you are cute. What is your number?"
Works every time*

*conditions apply only if you are not too ugly

Prostitution should be legalized

>Elliotism is a preventable disease
these threads are complete aids. you're just telling incels they shouldn't turn anything down. fuck a retard they'll love you. fuck a trap. fuck a fat bitch. yeah great. you seem to think that sex alone is going to fix the problem when it is clearly more than that. It is because they have standards that many incels are incel. You're telling them that the quality women are actually not for them and they should just take the garbage because thats better than mass murder. A better piece of advice would be to get a job, work hard, and see a high price escort as often as your budget allows. These women are 9s and 10s and won't make these men feel like they are debasing themselves.

Yeah but their like $600 an hour
Im not a richfag

>get a job, work hard, and see a high price escort as often as your budget allows
OP here, i agree.
But the thing is that in most cases, as exemplified in this thread, they never even tryed to approach a cute girl.
Not everybody is going to make it, but many of them could if they tryed to.
Think about Elliot, he was good looking.
He could have had a 7/10 even a 8/10 qt grill, if he only tryed.
But no he was to much up in his own ass, he wanted to be approached by women. Like a roasty wants to be approached by men.

No practice on the "garbage". You're obviously not going to be intimidated by your sacred precious oneitis stagefright in that situation you dumb faggot. Then you'll learn something and can force your awfulness on the girls you want like other guys. You faggots are just like girls thinking your affection is so beautiful and deserves only something equally beautiful. Most hypocritical cesspool I've ever seen. Your justice and vengeance are nothing.

>I keep trying and getting rejected.
What kind of girls are you approaching and where?
At a club?
The issue is that, it is way easyer to find a gf, by having common hobbies.

Why does nobody point out the fact that casually saying some men will only ever be able to get sex from prostitution is fucked up beyond belief. Saying you're so undesirable and horrible that the only way another human being will ever acknowledged you sexually is if you pay them first is incredibly demoralizing and mean spirited. Society is fucked up beyond repair when this shit is the best we can do for lonely, introverted, shy men.

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>are you also going to start lifting to make some gainz.
I do workout for almost 19 years now, it's probably safe to say that I'm bearmode. But personality is everything, I see attractive women with ugly manlets all the time so they either have money or just the right charisma. Meanwhile I'm still a KHV.

I don't know if this thread is a mockery or a pathetic attempt of damage control. Even the most retarded of normies knows that frustrated men that got nothing to lose are dangerous.

>Society is fucked up beyond repair
Tell me user, when was it better?
In the past women had to stay with men, due to the fact that they couldn't provide economically for them selves.
How is that different from prostitution?

> lonely, introverted, shy men
This is me. But you can change at least partially you personality. To adapt to the environment user.
You can't just "be your self" in this world, if you want to survive.

wtf, i hate robots now


>I see attractive women with ugly manlets all the time
user i have never seen a woman with a guy who is shorter then she is (unless he is rich as fuck).

>But personality is everything
It's 50/50 between personality and looks.
And both things can be changed.
So what do you think is wrong with your personality?

>i don't know how to do that. nobody ever told/showed my how. too scared and too late to try now. i doubt i'll ever get a girl.
You are too scared, for no reason.
What is the worst thing that could happen?
Also you have to look at the signs that she is giving you.
If she looks at you and smiles or bites her lips or touches her hair.
Then you should approach her.
Watch some approaching techniques on youtube.

>Society is Robots are fucked up beyond repair

everything is a honeypot these days, It's easier and safer just to fly to Bangkok for a day and fuck hooker there. You have to book the flight month in advance if you don't want to pay out the ass to fly.

Yeah but thats a +$1500 flight alone...

no need to hate them
they are just somewhat autistic
so they are incapable of putting them selves in someone elses prospective and empathise with them

So are we starting incel prevention threads on Jow Forums now to keep our forgotten, old brotherhood alive? I'm OK with that.

This doesn't even need to be self-improvement. Just talk, feel occasionally sorry for ourselves, and relate to each other. We're ready to stop the radicalization of robots.

Are you doing alright today, robots? Did you eat yet? Did you go to the bathroom? Have you gotten out of your room? Have you said hi to a family member? Are you doing your hobbies?

Hope ya find someone you deserve, user
At least you wanna stay being yourself instead of being a worthless soulless faggot

The radicalization of robots is fucking AIDS, user. Playing the victim of society and wanting to kill every normie out there for your own shortcomings is wrong, and will always be wrong. A robot can choose to improve, or not and try to live a comfy life, maybe try new things here and there, or accept some traits and not become a bitter little bitch about it, like a 13-year old girl.

Pound my pussy or ill kill all the chads and stacies.

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yes i'd fuck her

Jesus I know i would pound her as hard as humanly possible
>if this is not a trap

i can settle a date for you two user
but are you ready for it

set-up dates always go wrong

Easy solution everyone. Just go to your friendly neighborhood Walmart and grab a rifle. Show these whores how to get proper iron in their diets!

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>set-up dates always go wrong
sure thing user
do you any statistical evidence for this?
or you are just admiting that you would not fuck someone like her

I have a knife in my pocket.
I can escalate this really quickly if you want.
Just do as i say and you wont get hurt.
The only thing im after is your body, if you let me it ill be a happy camper and go on my merry way and nobody gets hurt.
Dont underestimate me.

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Or you could just, try talking to these "whores" and maybe have sex with them fag

Not if you go to Netherlands or Germany

>just dont be creepy
The absolute state if roasties

Any PA or NJ fembots want to have sex with me so i'm not an incel anymore? You girls have the power.

Just sort of girls in the friend group. Got pretty close with a girl before getting the "strictly platonic". Fuck off roastie, I don't need another sister.

How about:
>user here
>you are really cute
>what are you doing later?
>lets grab some coffee or a drink
>what is your number?

Why are you guys encouraging dis cis scum to keep trying harder and keep oppressing us?
Theyre not good enough in bed.
Theyre not useful to us.
I will never give them access to my red dyed vagina.

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If i were a girl (even ugly 2/10) i wouldn't have to "approach" or "improve smth"

monkaS dude, yikes

>strictly platonic
but did you make the nature of your interest explicit from the start?
Do ever go slowly, you have to make things clear from the moment you approach her.
Otherwise you will endup stuck in the friend-cuck limbo.

I'll get a rifle and go hunt game for her and give her all the iron in the world when I find somebody I like and if they like me back.

In the meanwhile, I'll stay comfy. I'm getting a bit better. Tried to commit sudoku two years ago, but figured it wasn't worth it. See a therapist now once a week. I'll get there anons, and if you don't want a qt 3.14, that's ok, too.

Girls that are below 6/10 have to go and approach guys to get some dicks.

I think she has a green vagina
But i would still stick my dick down her throat
Unlike you low T fags

So make an account on Tinder of "below 6/10" girl and then do it the same but for average guy

I was talking about the real world

unironically the type of woman i dream about

by the way how does the "average guy" looks like in your mind
can you post a pic of the average?

I mean that if the girl wants a dick she can get it in 2 second but if you are man looking for ons it isn't that easy

idk, I flew there for $600, still feels like I payed too much.....

I can't Craigslist is dead and so is backpage

Thank you robot now that you pounded my pussy im no longer mad at the world.
Im forever in your debt.
Youre my hero.

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I ain't Chad buddy, what world do you live in?

What was his lottery obsession about. Why did he buy so many tickets and then post about it?

go to colombia bogota
you will be the happiest man on earth with 50$

he wanted to be a millionare
the idiot had enough money from daddy to live a more then comfortable life, but he wanted more

But did you tryed that?
You don't have to be a Chad to approach a girl and get that kind of a responce.
Jesus kids just fucking try, i promice it will not kill you.

you owe me 100 $ bitch

Fuck, misread the pack on the left as "Cashews of Chads", lol.

It's very easy to trivialize a problem if you are not affected by it.
Normies have never ever felt true loneliness, the feeling of knowing you will never genuinely mean anything to anyone or be anything more than a scapegoat.
They don't know how bad of a feeling it is and because of that they can't fathom how deep the pain actually is.

user's absolutely right.
Bee ing urself>>>>>>>being a slave to pussy

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>So how many women did you approach today?

None, but I thought about it today. I saw a qt tomboy on her phone wearing a Joy Division hoodie and I wanted to talk to her about the band, since I listened to Substance this morning. I was too scared and thought I might bug her, so I kept walking. I really regret it, she had the cutest button nose...

>Are you trying to improve your looks?

I've made huge steps in improving my dental routine, because now I actually brush my teeth on a regular basis. My teeth are still crooked and chipped after years of neglect, though, so I'll have to see a dentist when I can. I'm planning on getting a haircut this weekend. My skin has been looking clearer from improving my diet. I now shave regularly. Things have been looking up so far.

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OP here, i proud of you. You are going in the right direction.
>I wanted to talk to her
Do it next time, remember if you don't you will regret it for the rest of you life.

Its too late man, I'm too autistic, shy, physically awkward, old, addicted to masturbation and porn, and spent most of my 20s as a NEET. There's literally no way on Earth I can ever be socially normal. I can't even wear normal clothes because of sensitivity to the fabric and restriction of breathing and movement.

I was emotionally broken from birth. The good news is that I developed a rich inner world where I can feel positive emotions unto myself, but incapable of having true human connection with anyone else, I just don't feel emotions towards other people, only myself. Women sense this immediately, because they use and pick up on all sorts of subtle nonverbal cues, and realize that I don't care about people as people, I'm incapable of being anything but selfish, and its like I have the underlying mentality of a sociopath, but too dumb and low attention span to actually be able to fake emotions and manipulate people into serving me. Also too dumb to do anything to improve myself financially except keep buying lottery tickets.

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who old are you user?

>I developed a rich inner world where I can feel positive emotions unto myself
i do the same thing, even worse i talk with my self at this point and live constantly in my imagination. I'm probably slowly going psychotic.

>Women sense this immediately
women sense nothing, but looks/money/status.

and the Iack thereof

holy fuck what a fucking waste of digits

>So how many women did you approach today?
Zero I haven't left my house
>Are you trying to improve your looks?
>Are you too ugly and inexperianced?
>Consider using a prostitute
That's nasty

>Zero I haven't left my house
Why don't you take a walk?
Look around at some grills, maybe approach one.
Do you have a doggo?
Go for a walk with the doggo, and grills will try to pet it, in the meantime you will have the opportunity to approach them.

this is how the average incel looks like

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>just get plastic surgery guys.
Normalfags are so bad at advice yet so determined to give it now that they think it can make them a crusader.
What's next, get drunk when you have to talk to people? Seen that one before too, Self-righteous morons.

ITT: Incels claim Elliott as their own when really he was a manlet and that's why he went on his rampage.
Face it: manlets are the only true sufferers here. We are the only true robots and we alone will start the uprising.