Gold Digger Hate

Pic is a Grady-White Marlin 300. Not my boat, but I own one identical to it. I have been fortunate to have made some excellent financial decisions in my life. I'm in my 40s and basically retired.

Yesterday, I added a third "bunny" to my collection. I met it at a waterfront bar on the ICW in Florida. No doubt her interest in me was only spurred by my manner of dress, etc. Typically, once she figured out I was a man of means her interest magnified ten fold. So, so I took her a nice sunset

N27.760, E-87.750
Bearing: 180 degrees
Distance: 120 Nm from John's Pass
Depth: 253f ~ 1500ft

This is a UXO dumpsite. It says closed, but it is not. The gov't dump 1000s of tons of old munitions. Don't go mucking about or the possible KABOOM!

There are 3 metal barrels. Two deposited in the early 2000s. One deposited yesterday. The 1st two contain a mother and daughter, they were tourists from Canada. The 3rd contains a 30 something of her at least.

Dating sux. I take what I want!

Join me fellow ROBOTS.

Attached: d52_8596-300.jpg (2000x1333, 397K)

thanks for the max par!

kill yourself you repulsive role-player

Am I? A role player, that is... Don't be so sure of yourself

Fucking gold digging hoes

So you post on this shithole for what reason? For the degenerates to admire you?

when you say join me, does that mean youd kill me and drop me underwater in a UXO dumpsite, because id be into that

I actually respect gold diggers more than somebody that goes out with a deadbeat.

What I meant was help me rid the world of immoral gold digging whores, but whatever...

You're doing a good job raising popularity of max par.

I'm here to inspire, not be worshipped.

Serial killers and murderers have posted on Jow Forums before. With coordinates added for the location of the bodies. I wouldn't put it past OP to not be LARPing.
Too bad Jow Forums isn't old /b/ or even Jow Forums, who both beat us out in raiding and investigation. No one here will bother to coordinate a search or to call anyone. One of the few actual good things Jow Forums does.

OP here. Nobody, even the lettered ones with specialized gear, are going to go poking around in a bomb

Do you really think I'd post this if thought I would caught?

The r9k board is completely different to the rest of 4 Chan. On /b/ it might get Investigation. People here just wallow in self Pitt.

Well, you posted it on this board. That's enough to make sure no one double checks your possible murders through investigation.
No one here will do anything. Myself included.

not him, but desu seeing max par around makes me feel like it more and more.

Nice digits

That's what I'm counting on. Besides, nobody, not even with specialized gear is going to poke around in 1500ft of water in a bomb dumpsite.

I'd do it if they paid me.

fuck off phoneposter idiot

In 1500ft? You don't know much about deep water, do you?

It's mostly that nobody cares, people die every day and humanity is guaranteed extinction someday

I'll be fine. Give me the sub, manual, and money and I'll do it. I got nothing else to do and living sucks.

Not that I'm trying to moralfag against you. Larp or not, you do you, man. I'm just strapped for cash and willing.

1/10 larping, the americas are given in W not E dumbass.

You got me, super sleuth! Was it intentional or just an honest mistake....hmmm???

>killing three whores over the course of 15 years
Wow so hardcore

Yeah bro, I killed 100 whores in the last ten minutes.
Honestly OP, step up your game.

Attached: costanza.jpg (200x200, 5K)

Patience is a virtue, my friend.

Do you have any photos of the victims? This has piqued my interest.

I'm not one for keeping momentous and evidence.

The LARP is real

E-87.750 = W87.750
I believe it was a mistake. Or maybe you did it intentionally....hmmm???