What stereotypes do you have about black women?
What stereotypes do you have about black women?
they have like white palms and soles of their feet and their asses are abnormally massive for their body. they spend too much on their hair and nails.
That they're obnoxious bitches.
That they're a lot more sexual than white women, in my experience black women are a lot more open and willing to fuck a guy compared to white and asian girls. I'm a white guy BTW
>they spend too much on their hair and nails.
Black womens hair are pretty difficult to maintain. It's necessary.
Their pubes feel like actual sandpaper and they almost always either have hair or stubble (which is worse)
>yfw it's true
I find the name Sha'quanda perfectly encompasses everything I think about black women.
My mother once taught a girl named Ka-a pronounced "Kuh DASH uh"
Even spelled out phonetically it still sounds dumb.
that they call everyone 'sugar'
>be mexiconian
>bulling usually starts at elementary school or kindergarden
>white rich kids (slightly lighter skin tone than the usual mexican) and EL INDIO MUSCULOSO are the principal source of bulling
>black kids (more dark skinned than the usual mexican) also get more bulling because they are black
>as result they are very chill in highschool
>they are friendly and cool
mexico is a nice place besides the narcos and the criminality
have you seen Sicario yet?
I would like a black gf who tries but fails to suppress her black tendencies
Generally I've always seen them to be the most blatantly racist group. They'll usually initiate arguments or cause some sort of drama simply because they're bored. Most black men don't do this.
They talk really loud on the phone desu.
>always on a phone
>worst drivers
>almost always obese
God forbid you work customer service in an area with 50% or more black population. The white 30-40s soccer moms are nothing compared to a bitchy black woman who thinks she can get something for free.
>t. south usa user
They seem like a lot of fun as a gf but with too many negative qualities to marry
I've never experienced it first-hand though
loud and incapable of talking about things other than themselves or things that have happened to them and their ensuing reactions
>gross horse pussy
>ashy skin
What did i miss?
>can't speak the language
>probably on benefits with her 7 brothers
>probably involved in that murder
>oh fuck did I just walk into the ghetto
>probably smells better than the other foreigners
Immigration was a mistake
Gibs me dat
Think fat ass = thicc ass
Difficult to maintain and the end result still looks like literal shit attached to their heads
They stink of cocoa butter
>cocoa butter
Ugly fucking animals that belong in some backwards tribe in Africa.
The queens of ass and taking no shit from anyone besides their Asian hubbies
>ashy skin
>unwashed hair
>never bathe
>use cocoa butter to combat ashy skin
>the smell marks their stink from not bathing
they're barely ever shy and able to hold a conversation naturally
>Doesn't give head
imagine having a black gf who always acts white but when you get into an argument with her she turns into a sassy black woman with the finger and the head thing
would be so funny
>good dancers but waste it on twerking/slutty grinding bullshit
>dress really badly or really well, never in-between
>into crap music
>high sex drive
>hate white men
>into incessant drama
>obsessed with their hair, which i understand is difficult to manage. wish more would go natural, but apparently black guys are less into it?
the hottest black women are fucking goddess-tier though
They're all fat. That's not a stereotype though its just the statistical reality
Poorly educated
No impulse control
i had a black gf and she said she can't let her hair go natural because it's very impractical, it becomes a mess and hurts apparently. so she liked to straighten it because it's much easier to manage.
i would say straightening your hair is still natural. i more meant not shaving it off and wearing weaves
aw hell naw that's just dumb
>Poorly educated
Graduated from high school with grades decent enough to be accepted to some good unis (not in murrica) but it went all downhill from there because i liked alcohol too much. Now i feel like im pretty much braindead :)
Nope, but it isnt a good thing in social situations
>No impulse control
Lost from excessive alcohol abuse, would not recommend. I feel very sociopathic compared to my mental state as a teenager
My upbringing taught me to be a compulsive liar 'just in case' to save my skin
I stay a lot at home but i do watch a lot of porn and hentai and always thought there was somethinf wrong with my libido
Wow i feel bad now! ;/ thanks for reading my blogpost though
I know a lot more than just "stereotypes". I could probably write a huge ass book explaining why I despise most blacks and most Muslims. The worst thing about them is their low IQ and sense of entitlement (quite the opposite with whites).
Source: I live in a neighborhood full of Africans (much worse than your average African American).
pls be my nubian goddess
>My upbringing taught me to be a compulsive liar 'just in case' to save my skin
why exactly? if you acted decently you wouldn't need to lie regardless?
I wish life worked like that but paranoid people exist. There were times i was being sincere or hoping that using reason does the trick and it didnt end well for me. In the end it was about saying what they wanted me to say. I lie even though it doesnt give me any benefit and just because someone looks at me weirdly and i get stressed. I dont really get it either
Sorry im just here to vent and attentionwhore
ok fuck you i bet you're not even 100% african bish
>they're sluts
that's kind of it, there was this qt black girl that sat in front of me in a class, she was around my age, i was thinking of asking her out, she would wear tight jeans and leggings and sometimes bend over in front of me, but then she stopped coming to classes for like 2 months, when she came back she was pregnant
another time this black girl sitting next to me wore a crop top so small whenever she stretched you could see her boobs, and she wasnt wearing a bra
I've had one for a few months now and she's so gentrified she's basically not even black. She doesn't have a single black friend.
I never saw one in person and in my country they are very rare, but the stereotype is that they have big breasts and ass and they are good in bed
>In the end it was about saying what they wanted me to say.
user, this is completely normal. Everybody does it.
We don't shave the actual hair off, you just braid it and weave the fake hair into our real hair.
Would that actually be? I have very few black tendancies left but I sometimes get sassy when telling kids what to do. I never know how you guys actually want me to act.
In my mind black women are really sweet and kind to me. All the black girls who i've met have treated me with more respect and care than any other race.
Black women are 100% not on my shit list
They suck dick better than any other woman.
Never tip
This is true
My sister's roommate's family never tips above 10% if they tip at all
American tipping culture is cancer
It completely is
Not gonna disagree
Wish it went away but it doesn't
Seen 5 black fembots' picture
All 5 were pretty cute
>loud, confrontational, looking to stir up trouble constantly
>full of attitude for no reason
>usually morbidly obese
>smell like shit
>look like shit
>no impulse control
>blare music out of their phones in public spaces where other people clearly do not want to hear it (same goes with phone/video calls)
truly awful
ooga booga wurr da wyte bois at
I've seen blackbots complain that all the non-hoodrats go for white guys but I have yet to see a white guy with a black girl
Meanwhile I knew a white girl in college who showered with different black men IN A COMMUNAL SHOWER