>roasties on talk show talking about toronto and about "incels"
>says parents didn't teach incels enough empathy so they end up hating women
>says her child is gender fluid and plays with barbies so he's not an incel
>says incels are scared of women having power
>literally says incels are terrorists against women
>young men are a threat to society, compares incels to ISIS
a-all I wanted was a gf, why did it have to come to this?
Roasties on talk show talking about toronto and about "incels"
Women, bro. Women.
Yeah dude you're weird and shy, so you must be a fucking psycho
All women are cunts who hate men, what did you expect? All that she is saying is simple projection from her feminist viewpoint.
>raising her child memger fluid
>not creating an incel
in the future being a virgin is going to be a crime. the penalty is forced sex
I never thought I'd be hearing this on daytime television, it kind of hurts. Before it was just something I highly suspected, but now it's real. A panel of women on a daytime television talkshow have openly admitted they hate "young men" and consider them terrorists. Now I know how Canadian women and probably their cucked husbands view me. I think even my mom realizes I'm the guy these women are talking about. Everything is so fucked up now
>the penalty is forced sex
This might seem like a benefit, but the forced sex will be with bottom-of-the-barrel trannies like Chris
It's always funny watching people talk about stuff from here. They NEVER EVER get it.
>"young men"
Not men desu
its funny because she will raise her kid to be one of you losers
>our records show you are over 18 and still a virgin, the law requires us to assign you a mandatory sex partner
>take your pick user
real fucking tired of people hearing about something and ignorantly jumping to their own conclusions about it. it always fucking happens, too, even worse when they get entrenched in their made up opinion and won't even consider changing it despite anything
humanity is fucking gay, I don't know how it's meant to progress when even the factual truth can just be straight up ignored
What's the show and station where this is happening?
Ironically her son will most likely be an incel. For acting feminine, her son will get less pussy and be even more beta.
The unabomber manifesto explains it extremely well. Pic related, but is a small portion of it though.
They're not wrong. labelling yourself as involuntarily celibate seems to suggest that your life decisions are being made by someone else - who exactly is keeping you from having sex, given it is not any one's duty to like you or appreciate you, let alone have sex with you.
Absolving yourself of blame for not being competent at romantic relationships, and instead passing the buck onto someone else (i.e. all women everywhere) is hilariously enough, incredibly unattractive and pretty much indicative of why you haven't got laid yet.
The simplest solution is to stop identifying yourself as an incel, because it's a stupid term any way - and recognise that through your actions you are instead, however unwittingly - entirely voluntarily celibate, and work towards making positive changes to your mentality that makes you an attractive human being.
Well if that's genuinely all you're doing then they're not talking about you.
They're talking about the ones who post images of beheaded women and laugh at them b/c it's funny when women die and make 200+ reply threads about buying sex slave girlfriends and how to unironically mentally colonize women.
Are you going to listen to somebody that abuses her child?
No, because theyre stupid.
The Channel was E! and the show was called "The Social", here's the ultra diverse cast. Look how smug they are, disgusting
>Well if that's genuinely all you're doing then they're not talking about you
They were talking about me, about us. They were talking about the "thousands of young men who engage in online hate groups (Jow Forums)", and that mothers need to make their sons play with dolls and wear dresses so they don't end up like Elliot Rodger. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but that was 100% literally what these women were saying was the solution to incels.
People will say dumb, mean shit. I like loli, so I'm used to everyone with a voice calling me this and that. It won't actually hurt you in reality, just gotta learn to deal with the fact that normalfags absolutely love beating people down, who can't fight back, to have someone to feel superior to and to unleash the sadism they pretend not to have.
Unironically this! I chose to be ugly. Thank you for making me realize it! Based women!
>tfw you realise the ugliness was on the inside as well as the outside.
Well if he hasnt tried hes voluntarily celibate, vocel
If he has hes involuntarily celibate, incel
See how that works
>weird and shy
That's how it starts.. just constant negative reinforcement, people get told long enough that they're psychos and they're worthless and they end up believing it over time.
>basically just be yourself with a few added words.
Please go to a website more suited to your kind,
>urrr Jow Forums doesnt lik challenging belief !!1!1.
No you obviously don't have got any nuance/ read enough about all of this. Jow Forums is full of faggots who are tired of your cunt ass white knighting excepting something back. I ask you one more time, for your sake, please stop typping 0 and 1's like you're ever going to make a difference. All of this is virtual, and full of Larpers, the 0,01% commiting crime on Jow Forums is just like the 0,01% of people comming crime on the real life or on any other website. Now and go "pick some chick". right che-guevara ?
>le i only come here to laugh at you guys huehue
>i-its your personality
>my brother has the exact same personality yet is over 6 foot and is fucking buff and good looking
>has had six girlfriends
>they end up believing them over time.
I don't know men, i'm pretty much on God mod from hs bullying rn, studying 13h a day/no emotion/no need for luxury-attention whoring.
Honestly i thank my bullies everyday for making me a Beast and everyone who never believed in me for i have something to show them, the tence " WRONG, YOU'RE THE LOOSER"
Your brother definitely does not have the same personality, you sad bitter loser
There are men who get gfs w no effort
Keep denying it all you want
you guys can't leave, can you ?
you know why you cannot leave, you know it damn too well but you refuse to face it, you refuse to light up the room and SEE for yourself, you refuse to study THE FACTS and get a conclusion, you refuse to be able to debunk your made up from day one belief. I know, i know, we have all been there. Chose for yourself anoneo...
No, it's the opposite of being yourself, because being yourself is repulsive to anyone who isn't also a bitter, hateful, juvenile autist who can't accept at least partial responsibility for his own situation. The only thing you share with some people here is the desire to blame others for your own failings. That's a pretty pathetic community.
I've been here for much longer than you, Jow Forums should be purged of the >tfwnogf incel losers. You add nothing to this board. Same goes for stormfaggots. Go back to Jow Forums you insufferable maggots.
addequate tence would be
"there are men worst than me who can get gf" and i can better myself all i want, i will never be able to change this factorry setting.
You wouldn't be lashing out like this, if you really believed that, deep down. You're just making up rationalizations to beat your opponent down, and should be ashamed of yourself.
>EXACT same interests
>EXACT same opinions
>EXACT same demeanour
>b-but totally different haha
Look look, the usual 90 iq armchair psychologist who think what he achieved is on his own merit and not merely thanks to the lucky circumstances he was born in.
see guys ? here we see 2 main larpers technique.
1)I'm one of you guys, but...
i already told you, i won't speak with such hypocrisy and such little "NUANCE". Now stop projecting faggot and back to blacked/sissy hypno. FAGGOT
Why would I need blacked/sissy hypno when I'm in a heterosexual relationship with a woman? Isn't that the kind of stuff 'incels' like to use to cope with being so weak?
Is that AIDS Skrillex? But balder?
The really funny thing is that these cunts - particularly CANADIAN cunts - would bitch to high heaven if you said that Muslims committing acts of terrorism means that we should get rid of Muslims and shut down mosques.
Muslims commit terrorism, slaughter and enslave thousands on multiple continents =
>Oh no we haven't been understanding enough! Diversity is our strength!
TWO fucking incels kill as many people as die in your average half-ass drug turf war drive-by shooting =
Fuck you. I'll get right to work on reforming incels the day after we stomp out Islam world-wide.
Being a non-Chad is criminal to women, it's your fault for not being a Chad.
>he-he i'm not gay, i-i have a gf g-guys. i-i s-swear, actually i'm so busy fucking my gf,i have time to shitpost 10h a day on a vietkong ladyboy website stored on romanian servs.
Coping set to 490mp/h hun fag ?
>that whole post
And you're suggesting I'm the one coping?
>labelling yourself as involuntarily celibate seems to suggest that your life decisions are being made by someone else
Your whole life is a product of some else's decision, you don't get to choose being born or how you look like, what kind of shitty genes you inherit etc.
I listened to 25 minutes of CBC radio going ham on this topic during my commute to wageslavery this morning. Talking points naturally revolved around women, muh patriarchy, muh misogyny, muh rape culture etc etc. Then straight to terrorism. Apparently we're the same as islamic jihadis now.
uhm yeah i saw this, white kinght fags and faggots are really hating Islam for how they manly put women where they belong (on the ground) and for hatting faggots/jew from fathers to son for generation. Honestly thats just getting embarrasing rn...
i'm the one coping, sorry for being such a virgin. can you timestamp you gf for me? or timestamp one of her cumfull panties ? hell, even condoms ?
no? kys. faggot.
You definitely get to choose what you do with your time though, what experiences you value, how you live and how you think about yourself in relation to others.
Is blaming the roasties for not having sex with you going to change their minds?
Are they going to suddenly realise how wrong they were in light of your scorn?
Are they going to come to respect your dreams of being a professional video game streamer, or respect your stunted solipsistic bullshit world views, because you hate them for not having sex with you?
As a fembot, I'm going to tell you to fuck off. I won't be surprised if there's another mad incel uprising because of toxic people like you who come on this board just to insult people.
>i'm the one coping, sorry for being such a virgin.
Apology accepted, don't let me catch you being a virgin again.
The thing is, they assume all incels are incels because they hate women, and they are alt-right nazis, and that if two incels decide to communicate online that they're conspiring to "destroy femininity". Well yeah my idea of femininity is a little different from a modern roastie but I don't want to enslave women or whatever they think we we're trying to do. All I want to do is share stupid frog pictures and distract myself from the mundaneness of life
>you hate them for not having sex with you.
This lack Thruth.
>because you hate them for not having sex with you
No I hate them for being two faced, lying, manipulative sociopaths.
>wanting to be degraded/humiliated/pissed on
God i can't help but throw up once one get too close/ open her mouth, just to virtue signal as always on expose her 2d lalaland worldview.
Dude takes womanhate and inceldom as an ideology and commits mass murder. Sound like terrorism to me.
Not hard to understand really, just like everyone that ever read the koran doesn't automatically commits acts of terror but there are some people that take it beyond. Your movement has a lot of unhealthy worldviews.
>>wanting to be degraded/humiliated/pissed on
Fucking checked and truth. Women are fucking hypocrites and want to have their cake and eat it too.
>99% of them are incredibly submissive.
The personal is political.
Goatee guy with at the back please
>tfw no bearchub bf
>dude kills a bunch of women because he hates them
oh my god don't you dare to talk about misogyny
Yeah I feel sex is not the problem. Its wanting to be loved and appreciated.
Ooh, I'll pick the couch, gimme a knife I'll make a pussy outta that leather.
An incel is someone who can't get laid/a gf no matter how much they try, usually because of circumstances he has no control over. Feeling like you are owed something is not part of that at all. >All I want to do is share stupid frog pictures and distract myself from the mundaneness of life
But if you do that you won't be raising tyrone's son and providing a used up roastie of money and comfy living. See the real problem now?
So far as i am aware, it has not been proven that Minassian was the author of the facebook post that started all this.
>that female NW6
>hate on people just for being male
>blame males for breaking
Women are whores what did you expect>
>Fucking checked and truth. Women are fucking hypocrites and want to have their cake and eat it too.
Exactly. They don't realize that their super clever arguments are actually the exact arguments that make them alienate the exact people they're trying to convince. They quip non-substance metaphors like how these guys need to start "being real humans" like as if that is some kind of advice they can follow. It's like the normies think they need to fight fire with fire but they don't understand if they do that someone is going to get burned. We need to stop the vilification and ridiculous accusations of Nazi-ism of trendy speakers like Jordan Peterson and stop demonizing "Pick Up Artistry" as a whole and have the proper material reformed into actual relationship advice/coaching.
Even if his account was hacked FB did at least confirm the post came from his account. Former classmates of his said he was super weird and fits the bill of an autistic incel. Ironic meowing noises, saying he's afraid of women like it's a badge of honour, etc.
Stop it. You're actually a normie and probably a liar
I'm sure every single victim in the van attack was a woman. In fact, the driver was very careful to drive around the men in the crowd, and only hit the women.
most of them were women, I don't know if by chance or by choice
Has it even been conclusively established that the Toronto guy was heavily into incel "culture"? As I recall during highschool he would wrap his arms around himself and meow at people, so I'm not sure how ideological it would be possible for him to be. With regards to incels, they're definitely only looking at the most extreme incels - stuff so extreme I've never seen it here or r/incels when it used to be around. That sucks because the valid points that incels make (current general shape of the sexual market) will get buried, as they always are, by the accusations of misogyny and whatnot.
only that one facebook post that may or may not have been made by him
Even if it was made by him, it was so weirdly schizo I don't think it really means anything.
You can't even imagine what kind of ugly motherfuckers still get laid.
A 5- /10 in your bed or a 6+/10 on your computer screen, 100% your own choice.
When did Jow Forums adopt the term "incel" without second thought?
Your brother is blessed genetically and you are not. He doesn't have to have a good personality and you have to. Because the world is unfair.
You can accept this fact or keep bitching for the rest of your life.
My parents were fine, mother is a lovely person, it's just that from my interactions with women most of them are fucking shit, entitled little shits who think men owe them everything.
The issue with incels isn't that women owe them sex, incels are just sick of dealing with womens shitty narcissistic bullshit, which as a consequence tends to leave a lot of men virgins when every woman thinks shes gods gift to the world.
This narcissistic behavior extends beyond not giving sex and tends to color just about every interaction with women
Less about being told and more about how getting openly ostracized removes your loyalty to the group. You wouldn't expect an animal who is shunned by the pack to exhibit altruistic behaviour towards that pack, why would humans be any different?
Normies feel like they're part of a peer group, they perceive other people as their tribe. Robots don't have a tribe.
incel is essentially robot, I never liked the term but that's what it means, a guy with poor social skills, leading to an ability to enter relationships like a normally developed man. That's the term the media decided to focus on with this guy, who in his post talked about Chad, Stacy, incel uprising (more commonly known as beta uprising) and Elliot Rodger. All those things come from here. The term robot wouldn't make as much sense to the media and he didn't mention robots in his post
Kek, another "just be yourself, just be positive lol". Fuck off mate, you are retarded.
I never heard it used once before that stupid leddit page was taken down
It's been used fairly commonly here for a long time. The main distinction is that an incel has completely and thoroughly given up and is neurotic about it, while an ordinary robot tends to have hope or, if he's given up, has come to terms with it more or less.
with an nice attitude like that you must be reeling in the ladies!
I feel pity for all the idiots that're convinced by tweets like this. The issue isn't masculinity - it is the lived experiences of (aspergers) men in society.
I'm a virgin sadly. But at least I'm not the retarded one that goes on fucking r9k telling people to be positive.
Women shooters don't fit the narrative, so they get swept under the rug. Nasim saw the degeneracy of modern society too, and she acted on it, but I don't these fucking ultra-leftist shits talking about her
>read local normie newspaper
>article about "incels", "chads" and "stacies"
I hate all of you.
war of the pink flesh now
No. Media have taken the rumor combined with accounts that Minassian was weird/awkward/creepy and run with it.
well you should be
positive, that is.
It would go a long way to solve a lot of your problems.
Give it a shot sometime.
the male equivalents of these women would all be incels and rotting on Jow Forums lmao
I'm pretty sure he just drove into a crowd.
I feel you, but your argument actually will just keep things the way they are. Your version presents this idea that things are equal. They aren't. We need to confront the facts of life about men that are too uncomfortable to discuss. You're playing into their hands with an argument like this. They'll just wave it away and say you're cherry picking. Besides, other than Nasim what other female killers are being swept under the rug? Nasim didn't even kill anyone.
Well, that means you're a part of the online terrorist-hackers called I.N.C.E.L.
WTF is that reddit spacing ?
They're literally being ableist against autistics, I thought these people were all for diversity?