Are you eternally fucked once you become obese? You can either stay obese or lose it all only to eventually look like the foreskin on a flacid penis
Are you eternally fucked once you become obese...
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stop trying to make people feel bad you fuckin loser kys
I lost 130lbs close to two years ago and the only loose skin i have is a little flap at the bottom of my belly that is shrinking by the month. This time next year it will be totally gone. Everyone's body is different and some people have more elastic skin than others. A lot of it is genetic IIRC.
this dude must have not lose weight by a natural way.
he went through an operation
I came down from 260ish. At 188 or there about. I have some loose belly skin, self concious about it. Nothing as bad as OP though.
Thankfully I didn't get any saggy skin, but I lost it slow though like it took a year and change cause I half assed it.
I still have stretch marks, and two of those dark lines from stomach creases though
What people refer to as "loose skin" is actually just fat. The skin is plastic and it will tighten eventually, but only when *all* the fat is gone. The way it works is, when you gain weight, the number of adipose cells increases. When you lose weight, the cells shrink, but are still there for a long time. You have to lose ALL the fat and keep it off for a long time for the body to start disassembling all that extra adipose tissue under the skin. And when it does, the skin tightens up.
It just takes time.
depends how fast you lose it, if you lose it too quickly this happens.
That guy was like 600lbs and quickly went down to what looks like 200, where do you think the skin will go?
It doesn't look like you were that big to begin with. I'm
And admittedly i do have a shit ton of stretch marks that are fading with time, probably because i was 280lbs at my heaviest. In the sunlight and at certain angles you can really see all of them though.
lol this guy could have been a scumbag white trash chad if he didn't get fat and had gotten some tattoos and piercings instead
>When you lose weight, the cells shrink, but are still there for a long time. You have to lose ALL the fat and keep it off for a long time for the body to start disassembling all that extra adipose tissue under the skin. And when it does, the skin tightens up
Yeah this makes a lot of sense. Its exactly what i'm going through atm.
No. Obese is what most people consider 'chubby'.
>morbidly obese
Yes. You can get surgery but it'll leave highly visible scars. That said, you get increased wakefullness, mobility, relative strength (i.e. you can do pullups), and significantly reduced nutrition costs from trimming down the fat anyway, so it's worth it.
>imagining boogie's body when or if he loses all the weight
[citation needed]
especially with regard to how long it would take.
That's not me, I just used as an example of the stomach marks from the creases.
I was 220ish lbs when I started, think I'm at aroudn 160ish now.
>Are you eternally fucked once you become obese?
Not when you are real about the situation. Most fatties go from one extreme to another which fucks them over. Find the middle ground go from obese to fat-chubby and hit the weights turning yourself into a tank
That way you get to improve your health / keep eating things you like just in moderation and end up with a body not to be ashamed about
My whole family was obese, so I've had to research a lot of bariatric science. Hard as it may be to believe the Jow Forums-tier lolbroscience around here is absolute nonsense. For example, more than 20 genes have thus far been connected to the predilection for obesity, and bariatric researches peg genetics as being about 70% responsible.
The biggest problem fat people face is yoyo dieting. Every time a person gains weight, the body adds new adipose cells to store fat. When they lose weight, those cells shrink but don't go away. The body is made this way to protect against starvation; it makes it harder and harder to lose weight and easier and easier to gain it back in response to what the body thinks is periods of famine. If a person loses and gains weight back enough times, the number of calories necessary to lose weight becomes so low that it's no longer physically possible without the risk of permanent heart damage. That's why morbidly obese people need medical intervention.
keep making excuses
Here come the fasting niggers.
Keep posting broscience.
>skin surgery doesnt exist
Of course someone like you would just whine about the sad situation he is in instead of looking for solutions so you didnt think even of it
That's not a citation and in fact it's downright non-sequitur. None of this connects to loose skin, or the fact that "loose skin" is actually adipose tissue, nor the length of time it takes for adipose cells to be recycled.
I lost 60lbs over the course of a few months due to getting a very physical job. Skin was a tad loose at first but tightened up over time. Guy in ops pic though, I dunno that guy probably like 150+lbs so..
>waa i have no self control
keep being a fat lazy cunt
That only happens if you get like america-tier fat
I lost 130lbs naturally. I probably have more self control in my pinky finger than you do in your entire body. You can eat my dick.
I lost 90lbs, which brings me to skelly-mode from having been borderline obese. The only fat lazy cunt around is you given that you are still posting broscience instead of real science.
I don't get why people shit on Click. Its not a bad movie and it teaches the viewer the importance of spending time with your family.
I assumed I didn't need to spell it out. I did actual research, not just looking something up on Wikipedia, which means dead tree books and science journals. I can't provide a link to that.
Nobody shits on click. Its has always been well received and known as one of Sandler's best films.
>dude even though the most fit people in the world who win championships and gold medals its totally unnatural and broscience
keep being a skinyfat cunt, bet you're manlets as well as skinyfat skellies hahaha
>150lbs, 5'10"
Sure thing bro. Keep projecting.
if you had self control you wouldnt have had to lose all that weight
AHAHHAH 150 pounds hahahaahha at 5'10, jesus I feel bad for manlets some times
It was more not eating enough for me. I eat more regularly and more food now than i ever had my entire life. I would skip multiple meals then eat nothing but junk late which fucked up my body.
bet you're fat
Thanks for admitting you have done no research and have no citations.
That guy was a hair more than obese to have that much loose skin m8. The majority of fatasses may have some stretch marks (which can be dermarolled until unnoticeable fairly easy), and fear of loose skin is no reason not to lose weight.
And even for fatasses like this, Loose skin removal will cost you like $5K. And if that amount of money seems like some insurmountable sum to you, then your life was probably fucked anyway. You can make that picking up a second part-time wagecuck gig for a year. Or just get a Care Credit card or a personal loan and pay it off in installments or something.
Oh, fuck off. I don't know why I even bother trying to educate pack of mouth-breathing subnormals. Enjoy your ignorance, I'm out.
A perfectly healthy weight for my height is hilarious for some unknown reason i guess.
Unless you have no body fat and ripped with an 8 pack, you are fat. to be a manlet and only 150 means you have more fat than needed. For instance take a even more manlet person than you conor mcgregor and he is your same weight but ripped beyond belief
>can't even bench at least 200 pounds
>can't even do at least 500 push ups in a row
>can't even run at least 10 miles without literally dying
The utter state of manlets
bro bro im soo healthy! Bet you love your sugar and corn syrup
We're reaching dangerous levels of projection here. I hit my goal weight and am happy with my body. I'm sorry you're still not user. I hope you find happiness.
Stop replying to bait, my guy.
Most every reply on this board is bait. If nobody replied to it, this would be one of the slowest boards on Jow Forums.
>implying fasting is unnatural
There HAS to be a way to remedy what's going on the picture. Guys, let's put our heads together and brainstorm. Any suggestions?
>why won't you believe that I am jesus christ and my word is law!
>proof? what's that?
>I've done the research! Just listen and believe! I don't need to show you what documents I used to support my conclusions!
1. Moisturize and massage skin + hydrate
2. Get good genetics
3. Get surgery as last resort
4. Dont get fat in the first place
Awesome suggestions! Anybody else? Let's keep this ball rolling!
>eating protein source is fasting
>4. Dont get fat in the first place
Holy shit
come on man. That one was uncalled for.
I have heard a guy claim that extended fasting will shrink and recycle loose skin from some increase in atophagal bodies but I don't actually know if that's proven to be true or that anybody has ever experienced it.
Now we're getting somewhere! Keep it up! Let's do this!
If you're fat, you probably have diabetes. Go to a doctor. I was close to 500 lbs before I was hospitalized for an abscess, and during my stay I was diagonsed with diabetes. I got it completely under control now and I'm 270 lbs. Still a ridiculous fatass, but my quality of life is so much better now. Don't do what I did and wait until you are literally hours from death; go get your shit fixed today.
You only get like that when you were super obese to begin with. As long as you are under 300 lbs you won't look like that when you lose weight.
>I was close to 500 lbs
What was life like
most obese people aren't fat enough to look like that if they lose the weight (most won't)
a "normal" obese person (ie not morbidly obese) could look fine, would just have some stretch marks, loose skin can be remedied by fasting
Pretty sure you can get surgery to remove the excess skin.
how much did you way? In kilos preferably.
>become obese
Nigga in the US the only thing you are guaranteed is food.
I've been fat my entire life.