What would drive a multimillionaire into suicide?
Avicii died by suicide, his family confirm
Mental Illness, otherwise they are weak. They have everything, why kys?
Surfing r9k for too long desu. Gotta say, if any richfag wants to kill himself, you should try getting a robot bro first, maybe that way you can save eachother
A lot of the times the "suicides" are just covered up drug overdoses.
closet pedo?
making terrible music for retards?
contributing to death of white culture?
Who wrote such a retarded title
Did he suicide by three shots to the back of the head?
>I took a pill
you can't say committed suicide anymore because it implies someone willfully committed a immoral act like murder or adultery
So you think there's something wrong with being committed to things in general?
Dark, dark secrets.
I thought it was the other way round.
Sounds dumb but fair enough i guess. 'family confirm' doesnt help the author of the title either
Well his day to day was probably kind of sucky since had already lost his spleen, gallbladder and pancreas I think. Which was why he retired from performing a few years back. His body couldnt handle all the drinking and drugs. His weak cuck genes could only dream of handling the substance abuse of someone like Ozzy Osbourne
Chadeon vs Avirgiin
You cant trust anyone isnt just with you because of your money. That includes friends, relatives and lovers. People change when around money. Your treated differently and with less compassion. Either they rip you off as they know you can afford it or they think your being ungrateful if ur ever unhappy.
People expect you to pay for everything. Buying shit only gets you so far and then people treat you as a show off and get jealous.
Being rich definitely makes life easier but beyond a certain point its largely irrelevant and can actually add unnecessary complications to your life. A guy with a stable job and loving family can be way happier than the loner in a Ferrari with 20 mill in the bank.
Money doesnt give you confidence. Its not going to fix your mental problems. its like how we still get depressed in rich countries despite Those in Syria starving. Im sure they look at America and Europe and there problems and think wut?
He died of a vagina overdose
Nope. Not in the US, anyway. Even if an overdose is intentional, just calling it an overdose instead of a suicide implies it was an accident, which is less shameful and makes friends and family feel less guilty. Look at it like this (assuming a normal family):
>Your kid offs them self.
Spend years wondering how you missed the signs, blaming yourself, wondering if you could have done more.
>Your kid accidentally dies, say by drug overdose.
Maybe feel guilty and wonder if you could have helped them get clean, but mostly blame it on the drugs. Spend more time angry at a phantom pusherman who got your poor kid hooked on the stuff than angry at yourself.
The same things that drive normal people to commit suicide, maybe? Why would being rich protect you from suffering? Have you no understanding of how happiness works?
its that hairline...im white with blonde hair and have the same one but less worse.
when will god realize he was a fucking mistake and everything he did was wrong. giving every single white person with blonde hair a severe receding hairline was fucking rediculous. this shit wont stop until we get rid of god forever. as soon as i found out what receding hairlines were god was dead to me. and i realized he obviously has no business taking over mankind of doing anything. god should just lay to rest and move the fuck on and get the fuck away from us. that receding hairline shit was TOO far
fuck you god. you cant do a fucking thing right why don't you just fuck off and leave us all alone. not even mega millions can save someone from the pain of losing your hair/identity. god is a fucking MONSTER and i will fucking bring about the deconstruction of christianity with my bare fucking hands. and dont say lol just get surgery it's not the same thing we want hair not a thousand needles jammed in our head
Excessive drinking and feeling no more motivation
>celebrity drug overdoses are "suicide" now
the only purpose of this is that the person's FAMILY can save face, it's incredibly selfish
>What would drive a multimillionaire into suicide?
Balding (obviously)
l agree orginally
Exactly, so how is it not the other way around?
He was balding on the sides
He was probably just unhappy and saw no way to fix it. Maybe he wasn't happy with what he had accomplished and realised that he'd forever be known as the guy that made popular but trash music and could never come back from it.
hey Sgt Jow Forums, that dude with the car wanted to talk to you
OT: anyone who struggles mentally knows why he did it. depression and shit fucking sucks
He was naturally shy and reserved, and he often tried talking about how constantly being in the spotlight stressed the fuck out of him and caused him a great deal of anxiety, but no one cared or bothered to listen since everyone just saw him as a machine who pumped out music.
He looks like r9ks depression and dissatisfaction in human form
being swedish
OP, keep in mind Avicii actually looked like pic related, much worse than the professional photos he took (granted that applies to everyone, but especially in his case due to balding.) He also had his appendix and gallbladder removed due to excessive alcohol use.
fuck him, hated being forced to listen to his shit in every other public establishment
Literally who is this faggot?
I think if someone gave me a million dollars I'd stop being suicidal for about a month and then go right back to where I was. If lack of money is the only thing making you unhappy go fucking change something. I talk to so many faggots who whine about their hopeless situation and blame it on family, school, money, whatever and then won't do fuck all. No Misakis irl. Save yourself. Pull out a shit ton of loans and major in something that actually earns you good income. Read online extensively how to start your own business and then execute. Real estate licence, air traffic controller, just try until something works. But if you're mentally fucked, then it is gg. A relationship, a friend, money, nothing would make me not want to die. Some of us were just destined to off ourselves. broken pieces of shit
I would kill myself too if I look like that.
Need for attention. He most certainly nust wanted to attempt suicide and survive, but fucked up
A multitude of reasons, just because you're successful doesn't mean you can't suffer from depression.
He was ugly and he hated himself for it. He turned to his "music" to try and escape the feelings of self loathing but it was impossible. These feelings are relentless and all-encompassing and they eventually claim you in some form or another
Origanally textless reply
>guy who had an alcohol problem and serious organ removals because of it
>"lol he just silently killed himself for attention"
literally vegeta hairline
how is that even possible? im the same age and me and my friend used to CHUG bottles of liquor every day and i recently quit but for like the past 3-4 years i drank every single day until i passed out just liquor mixed drinks and beer and my friend does nothing but drink beer and smoke cigs
maybe he was chugging everclear all day
fuck god
how the fuck is suicide less shameful than an accidental overdose?? literally youre wrong
>tfw my hair is like that
It's crazy that Ozzy is still around doing tv shows and shit, how did he make it?
He was being blackmailed by the trap mafia into giving them compromising pictures and taking HRT. Wake up people, traps need to go!
>tfw black hair
>hairline receding since I was 17
>using minox for over 4 years now
God is dead.
It's the cruelest joke. He should have killed himself before contributing with absolute shit music fueling the normie trend of sex, douchbaggery, lack of taste and straight caps that never come off.
He should have killed himself long ago, unless he really hated the world so much that gave it his shitty work.
He could have dated 9/10s. What is the point in killing yourself when you have that and fame and money
because they're a weak, pussy bitch
>He could have dated 9/10s. What is the point in killing yourself when you have that and fame and money
Appearantly he was too "busy". He gave about 300 concerts/year, which made him burnout. (i don't get this, he could litterally fuck any girl at any concert. Also concerts only take a few hours and it's litterally only pressing the play button).
Then he quit , became basicly NEET with tons of cash and traveled the world. For some reason he decided to neck himself, even with all his fame an cash. What an ungrateful fuck.
r9k depression and dissatisfaction in human form is a man with no limbs,blind,deaf and mute.
How is it a concert if you produce no music but instead play someone else's??
If I could live his life I would go to LA and NYC and date only models. I can't even get a girl to notice me and I'm depressed because I have no one. All of that depression would instantly disappear if I woke up with a literal 10 by my side, could become a NEET and just travel and vacation all over the world.
I saw some instagram post by a woman that is his ex. She looks to be trying to gather attention to herself through his death and she isn't even attractive.
I wonder why he didn't live this life up. Like I said, my depression would be instantly cured if I were a millionaire NEET with a 10/10 gf.
Post her face. Maybe he was self conscious or was into personalities.
I'll try to find it hold on
>Ozzy Osbourne
>Keith Richards
>Mick Jagger
Where men of previous generation more resistant to drugs?
>its that hairline
How fcking shallow can you be? That would be petty as fuck
I again restate my original comment " ". How petty would one be? That's the dumbest thing I've heard
Everything gets old. Girls are like that new video game you're excited for, its great at first, but eventually its collecting dust on the shelf and life continues.
Someone once said something that most guys need to understand. Those instagram whores, models, and porn stars guys obsess over, no matter how hot, some guy out there is sick of her bullshit.
>Those instagram whores, models, and porn stars guys obsess over
I dont understand how can you obsess over bimbos.
This post reminds me of something. I see this guy with a borderline zeeka virus head. ALWAYS wearing a watchmans cap to hide it. Shits depressing.
this slightly.
For what is limited and material pleasure, but the gain of sand slipping through the hand
I can see that. Hot girls age out or their attractiveness becomes normalized to you and they go from hot to average over time (in your eyes)
I can't find it. The one I find now is some model that was his ex girlfriend. The other one was either fake, an old ex gf that google isn't now showing me, but either way no longer interested in looking as I see that he did date attractive women (or at least 1)
normiesOUT OF Jow Forums
It feels bad, in my heart in my soul when he's not here beside me.
Didn't ever want those days to end.
And we could watch the waves, grab a Coke, and maybe we will jump in.
Take another sip and let's begin.
but I used the term normie therefore I must be one of you
Nigger, I will fuck you up. I've never even kissed a girl, let alone had sex. Not a single girlfriend. I'm also insane. Get the fuck outta here. If you're rich and you kill yourself, you can go get fucked, honestly. You could just go retire in a small place somewhere and live the rest of your life.
Aside from the fact that you're glorifying some normalfaggot scum like they're worthy of robot attention. Got get fucked, kid. You're the goddamned normalfaggot.
The average drug is way more engineered and potent these days. Even marijuana is way stronger today.
You idiots he tried to stop a pedo Saudi prince or whatev and was killed for it. He's been against human trafficking for years and (((they))) finally got him.
6/10 gamer girls, that cute cashier, qt in your uni class. Its all the same shit. We just see her pretty face and figure, while her bf has smelt her awful morning breath, saw her bloody tampons, has to hear her nag and complain, knows she has an ugly skin tag on her anus, etc.
My friend told me a funny story once. His girl forced him to spend time with her while she was sick with the flu, and he was stuck in a room with while she was just farting and bitching all day. It was just kind of eye opening cause I just saw her as being this cute chick he was lucky to have, without realizing you're only fucking this person for like 5% of the time you're together, the rest is just dealing with another human being with flaws and smelly farts.
No matter how rich you are if you are a robot inside and ugly outside
>he really fought a battle with thoughts about the meaning of life and happiness. Now he could not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace
What kind of thoughts was he having?
Damn these are some insightful thoughs. Solid redpill. Every incel should read this to become a volcel.
No idea. But he could have retired a NEET forever and dated a new 10/10 7 days a week
He visited /mu/ and was told that he made plebshit for dudebros and whores
It's because they actually made good music unlike this spineless fag.
>not wanting to smell farts
Are you gay?
>ow the edge.png
Also you really don't understand the phrase got is dead. Nietzsche was lamenting the spiritual void and lack of apparent meaning left in gods wake in an increasingly secular and rational society when he said that. It was not a statement of anger, dismissal, or triumph but rather one of mourning.
Better to have that 5% than 0% your entire existence.
Iktf bro
Just fucking let me post this
You fucking retard don't take anything on this board so serious. And stop trying to show off with your useless knowledge on philosophy.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little incel? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in gender studies, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on reddit, and I have over 300 confirmed lays. I am trained in pleasing women and I'm the top fluffer in the entire US media. You are nothing to me but just another incel. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of moderators across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can reverse rape you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in social interaction, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Reddit and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Fuck off. I'm a 24yo friendless khhv, I basically own this place
>They have everything, why kys?
I know right, everyone knows money and fame mean happiness.
>muh mental illness
This is the most convenient but least helpful answer to every problem. Whether school shootings or suicides, calling it mental illness is useless. Figuring out what led to mental illness is where the focus should be but never is.
Everybody just sees your millions and the fame and acts superficially. You won't find love and friendship anymore and become an avatar of the public image your manager wants you to have.
We all love braphogs here though
I think one of the problems is that guys have this fantasy of relationships in their head, they just see the sex, cuddles and dates, but there's a lot more to it. Woman are actually extremely demanding, because they know the value of their holes, plus the initial shock of their beauty can mask physical flaws you don't notice until later. This guy was talking about how he would fuck a 10 and then the next day all he could see was her slight mustache.
Have a gf, can confirm. Looks were solid 8/10 when I first saw her with a 10/10 ass.
When we were together I discovered her flaws: ugly tits, pectus excavatum, acne on chest, clingy, didn't look as nice without makeup, etc. Women can cover up all their flaws, it's not fair. Once you get the chance to notice the flaws, it's already to late.
>They have everything
Except real friends or anyone who cared about him.
Watch his documentary "True Stories".
His "friends" are just leeches who push him into doing concerts even though he gets panic attacks inside the hotel room 15 minutes before going on stage.
Because he's Tom Brady DJ alter ego. I guess Tom Brady didn't want to play a DJ anymore.
fucked up health. the retard drink himself to a horrible life