You're a 80's Japanese youth delinquent leader what is your

You're a 80's Japanese youth delinquent leader what is your
>gang name
>speech pattern
>fly girl/arm candy
>favorite attack
>finish move for rival delinquent leaders
Screaming Frogs
Normal Pompadour
Screeches Everything
The Nervous Quiet Girl Stereotype
Double Arm Punch
Screeching him into submission

Attached: baksoku.jpg (799x599, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:


those look like some bad dudes

is this how you "make up" your racism? what a shit thread

whats racist about a popular japanese tv trope?

not the trope, just assuming you are the same race posters for the other threads. this is your "fun" racism but im in no mood to humor anybody.

post your gangs R9K

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Can you think out what you're trying to say before you say it?

defensive much, looks like i was right. you just confirmed it.

you really think you can be racist in one thread and make some crap like this and i wouldnt know? youre a shallow brainlet.

Here comes reddit

maybe reddit will humor you. go there

>try and make fun and original thread
>some guy who thinks im someone else shits it up
oh ok....

Attached: can't deal.png (865x923, 140K)

Go be racist somewhere else, nigger.

original text to go with this image

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The A-bombs
Minnesotan accent
Betty boop waifu pillow
Only haymakers
German suplex

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I liked your thread user. It was very fun.
Don't let reddit get through to you.

dont try to make a fun thread. this isnt the place for it.

if it really wasnt you then i apologize.

I'm still not seeing the racism connection here.

lol, what an absolute fail. thanks for ruining fun threads basedboy

theres 3 threads up on asians including this one

...they filtered basedboy

yung chink
classic pompadour
my second in command, even more brutal than me
kick the nuts into a knee to the face
oops, how did those razor blades get into my shoe?

yeah im not sorry your fun little racist thread was derailed

>this isnt a racist thread

then whats this

>the nerds
>doc brown
>research journal/patent (overly formal and way too precize)
>awkward computer (yes 80's computers) nerd girl
>"guns may be illegal, but legally speaking these arn't guns"
>throwing home-made acid in somebody elses face

stop posting unironic replies in a racist thread, racists.

>gang name
doraemon fan club
died blonde
>speech pattern
kyoto dialect
>fly girl/arm candy
the smartest girl in class, complete opposite of a deliquent
>favorite attack
oraoraorawith feet
>finish move for rival delinquent leaders
oraoraora as stated above while dressed in a doraemon costume

Attached: 1524121970653.jpg (188x244, 27K)

Banzai Cocks
Shaved head
We don't talk we just glare
The athletic girls
Throat punch spam
Tearing all hair from their body

wow nice racist "humor".


The Daijobus.
The Daijobu
The Deluxe Daijobu

>call everyone a racist
>its super effective
>crashing this board with no racist survivors

>G-guys.. I-I'm triggered.
Off to leddit with you.

*glares further*

Tunnel Snakes.
The Coif.
"Tunnel Snakes Rule!"
The Wanderers GF.
Knife swing.
Slapping them with my "Tunnel Snake."

racist be gone.

>Slapping Them With My "Tunnel Snake".

Attached: mai-scared.jpg (500x365, 33K)

>>gang name
Zainichi Oppai-jin
>>speech pattern
Speak like Italian Americans
>>fly girl/arm candy
A fly ass bitch with a nice rack and two side hoes - one thinn, one thicc
>>favorite attack
Slap with the back of the hand
>>finish move for rival delinquent leaders
Scream at him a lot

>Slaping them with my "Tunnel Snake".
Legit. This has to be made into a mod for fallout 3 as a finishing move.

Attached: l04he.jpg (399x385, 27K)

"They were called Dajobus but they weren't. Everything was NOT gonna be daijobu."

Attached: everything-will-be-daijoubu-6104818.png (500x303, 93K)

>gang name
Enola Gayng (The gang for white people who suddenly got sent to japan in the 80s)
fascist haircut
>speech pattern
obnoxiously stereotypical regional accent
>fly girl/arm candy
Classy girl who isn't a slut
>favorite attack
blowing cigarette smoke in their face
>finish move for rival delinquent leaders
putting out cigarette on enemy and tell him "Get the fuck outta here"

are your gang members chainsmoking?
either way aesthetic as fuck

Jow Forums is directly derived from asian imageboards, it's perfectly normal. As is talking about many other races and ethnicities, because the userbase itself is global. Yelling bloody murder over the desires of others is pathetic to say the least.

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The Gaijins.

Any non-standard Japanese haircut.

English but with some Japanese words thrown in.

Race Traitors.

Using baseball bat.

Breaking his legs.

If I was living life on the edge like a gangster I'd chainsmoke

SJW detected! Man all the battlestations! I repeat, MAN ALL THE BATTLE STATIONS!

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Check em. Trips of the truth!

Attached: 1522973033757.gif (1000x700, 278K)

>Double Dubs
It's happening.

Attached: 1517793292682.png (556x556, 143K)

>don't ever discuss Japan on Jow Forums ever again

Attached: 1455504389455.jpg (403x392, 47K)

>street fighters
>any hair
>yells out name of attacks
>chun ree
>metsu hadoken

The Desus.

The Dying Anime Mother/Psychic Anime Girl Hair.

"O-Onii Chan Desu"

>Fly "Girl".

Giant Axes.

Giant Hammer.

Attached: Insane-Anime-Characters-insane-anime-characters-28824451-1000-797.jpg (1000x797, 146K)

>chun ree
Clever shit
if you did that to someone irl itd prob hurt aha brb gonna smoke a fat bong

The Rasta Warriors
Sacred dreadlocks (kept secret - only ever shown to your peers)
Black queen
Sideways glock shooting
Shit down his throat

>gang name
Nihon Chicanos
Pompadur and Cholo gang red Bandana
>speech pattern
Japanese slang with a lot of chicano gang Spanglish
>fly girl/arm candy
Tomboy petite Karate girl
>favorite attack
We are gang of boxers so the old one-two finishing with an uppercut
>finish move for rival delinquent leaders
La Raza: A flurry of punches so fast that many end un lossing their air due to the stress and damage
>Ore-wa Bato Loco Cabrones!!!

Attached: 417.jpg (680x780, 132K)

>gang name
new york niggers
kangol hats
>speech pattern
engrish ebonics
>fly girl/arm candy
see next post
>favorite attack
>finish move for rival delinquent leaders

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>fly girl/arm candy

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Sounds like a great idea doraegonal

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The Kappas.
Bowl Cut.
Formal Business Japanese.
Bowl Cut Girl.
Dragging people into rivers and drowning them.

Hey i like your gang m8

>gang name
Rough Riders
Spiky Mullet
>speech pattern
Kansai Accent
>fly girl/arm candy
Tough Girl
>favorite attack
Riding a Motorbike into Battle like this
>finish move for rival delinquent leaders
Jumping off my bike and delivering a Rider Kick

Shad Men

black baseball caps

kansai, definitely

short girls

punching people with rings with emoji on them, but they fit together so they're the same as brass knuckles

making them dress as girls, then gluing dicks to them

>Shad Men

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The Barkleys
Charles Barkley
A basketball
Out dribbling my foes
The Slam Jam

Attached: BDFC4FD1-146E-48BC-8367-EB1031B799B6-7325-000008C4E88B6243.png (170x170, 43K)

>gang name
Furies (not to be mistaken with furries)
Ball caps
>speech pattern
Baseball phrases
>fly girl/arm candy
Some softball player
>favorite attack
Home Run
>finish move for rival delinquent leaders
Grand Slam

Attached: images[1].jpg (221x228, 5K)

>>gang name
The Razorbacks
Pic related.
>>speech pattern
Ever sentence starts calm and escalates in an over dramtic loud way.
>>fly girl/arm candy
300 lbs loud mouth that causes more trouble then she is worth
>>favorite attack
shoulder charge
>>finish move for rival delinquent leaders
running headbutt that knocks us both out

Attached: Mad_Sin.jpg (1200x1614, 311K)

shadow frogs
like shadow the hedgehog
see shadow the hedgehog video game
no girls just weapon
eating ass