>you will never have a beautiful trap girlfriend to cuddle with and feed you pizza while she gently jerks you off
Why can't "natural" women be as beautiful and nice as her? I guess I'll settle for sending her money for more pictures on her patreon.
>you will never have a beautiful trap girlfriend to cuddle with and feed you pizza while she gently jerks you off
Why can't "natural" women be as beautiful and nice as her? I guess I'll settle for sending her money for more pictures on her patreon.
I really wish people would post the unedited images of this person more often. Cause this specific photoshoot is very deceiving. They are not that feminine.
These traps are getting very beautiful, and are taking all the competion from these vapid thots. I wish I could find one to be my gf but sending them money is good to since I know I am supporting them in a way it's like I'm their boyfriend I know they appreacite me even if they can't show it.
Sneaky isn't trans or have a patreon. You're retarded.
>These traps are getting very beautiful
Thanks to layers of makeup and photoshop. I guess in that way they're similar to women.
at some point traps do become better than real women, that's like 1% of them though, most look disgusting without makeup, photoshop and the like. to pass they either need to transition at a very young age or they need to be extremely feminine already
>you know this meaning you looked for it to send her money as well
You're no better than OP faggot
>Pains me to say this but
Just look at this beauty I want to cuddle with her and kiss her softly. She looks so nice and cute. God I wish I had 200 dollars to send her.
pic related is Sofia Vergara. She is 40 years old in this picture.
find me a qt trap over the age of 35 and ill concede they are better than women. pro tip, you cant. because once male weight distribution changes, all these qt traps you faggots jerk off to are going to look disgusting.
People like OP have no idea what trans/crossdressing people look like in real life without deceiving angles, photoshop, makeup, etc. They will eventually and it will be a huge wakeup call.
the point of traps is to fuck them while they're young then dump them, not marry them, they'll kill themselves in their 30s anyway, anyway, pic related is a girl (male) who transitioned at an early age
id rather be a straight up faggot than date a trap because atleast if I fucked dudes I would be honest with myself that its gay
Suck a dick Reiko. Commit sudoku.
She's not a trap tho. She has a tonne of photos on her patreon.
you can do that with regular women too. and they have vaginas.
>>you will never have a beautiful trap girlfriend
Already do. Keep crying bitch nigger.
>muh reiko
shut up, vlad
I look at it like this, I'll never have a chance with a real woman and I don't want one because they are vapid, vain cunts that only want Chad.
But a cute trap is much nicer and then being a male once themselves will understand the pain I am coming from dealing with stupid cunts. Besides that if I find a cute trap gf I can fuck them and cum in them all day long without worrying about pregnancy, moody bullshit or getting cheated on for Chad because of hypergamy.
>if you say you don't want to fuck this cute little trap you are a fucking lair
traps are way more fun though
Fuck off samefag.
You're a cunt Reiko, kill yourself.
i want to be the one to kill their fantasy for them.
which still looks like a man, seriously.
how do you guys find this attractive? how much mental gymnastics do you have to leap through for you to forget that it
Traps are just as bad if not worse than real women. When will you all wake up to this fact. Gay men are objectively bigger drama queens than women.
how the fuck does that look like a man? looks like a typical teenage girl lol
Because even when it comes to being emotional wrecks. Men are better at it. Or worse. Kinda blurry.
who's Reiko, Vlad? another one of your split personalities?
>post a girl
>call it a trap
and you fucks still fall for it???
>trying to figure out bitcoin so i can order pills because the titty skittle clinic has a 2 month waiting list
why is all this so complicated i just want to be a girl
that is a real girl (female) btw
Where are you from?
Is not that expensive or hard to get
Honestly no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Also, nice tu quoque Reiko. Neck yourself.
if this looks like a teenage girl, your state has a very high percentage of girls affected by lockjaw and crazy eye. plus any dude who has seen his share of types of men can tell that that's a dude.
why are you arguing with bar0nbl00d, james
user you're not going to end up looking like satania
it's not worth it. don't spend money to kill your sperm
or maybe he plays league of legends or watches esports retard. hes a male streamer who has a girlfriend that dresses him up so closet fags and children donate to the stream
i don't have insurance and don't really know how else to get a script
>I look at it like this, I'll never have a chance with a real woman and I don't want one because they are vapid, vain cunts that only want Chad.
>But a cute trap is much nicer and then being a male once themselves will understand the pain I am coming from dealing with stupid cunts. Besides that if I find a cute trap gf I can fuck them and cum in them all day long without worrying about pregnancy, moody bullshit or getting cheated on for Chad because of hypergamy.
have you ever been around faggots? they are annoying. you think that a wig and makeup turns them into cute little sweethearts?
but yeah, id fuck that trap. then id slap him in the face and tell him to call his dad and get his shit together.
wait sneakys gf dresses him up? ok I kinda regained my respect for him if he's literally doing this to get money and give her giggles
this is pointless to argue about
>standard human gender ratio is 109-100 in favor of males
>even with strict monogamy there will still be excess males
>excess males usually fight wars and die
>wars are no longer possible due to nukes
a certain small percentage of males becoming female is inevitable given the current situation. yes, the technology is not quite there yet, but technology improves
if you really want to suppress this for whatever reason, you should try changing the initial conditions
yeah she is the one who makes the cosplay and does his hair and makeup. If anything his girlfriend is the one with the fetish
>but sending them money is good to since I know I am supporting them in a way it's like I'm their boyfriend
At least with traps you wouldnt need to support your gf's son
That's a shame.
But is ok. If you are writing here now and you are from the USA, there was little hope for you anyway
Daily reminder that trannies and tranny lovers were banished back to /lgbt/.
This really annoys me. You're claiming victory based on nothing. You're not even FIGHTING for what you WANT, you're just saying that you won and expecting everyone to go along with it. It's fucking Hillary tier. Stop that.
They're called trannies you fucking faggot, but of course you wouldn't want to acknowledge reality that they're fucking disgusting without 20 layers of make up and without those fucking filters they use in their photos.Oh look at this, 42 posts and 17 posters nice going samefag.Kill yourself.
how the fuck is he supposed to "fight for what he wants" on an anonymous image board
don't be a fag
it's called having a discussion you fucking brainlet
Remove tranny loving faggots
>when cornered the homosexual relies on simple name calling
>they're traps you guys
>I-i swear, they're passable!
Fuck off and go back to your containment board.
I can get free titty skittles in 2 months or figure out how to get insurance to pay for a planned parenthood visit
its been done before. thats why ponies are banned on all boards except one
yeah good point
but here's the thing:
almost everyone hates pony fags
not almost everyone hates trap fags
trap-posting should still be barred to /lgbt/ but its unlikely unless something changes.
keep up the good fight though I guess.
Personally I just block them out with my mind in the catalog and dont even notice. just saying this being an anonymous image board doesnt mean the community can make change
You think every single post in a thread has to be from a new poster? Go get a beer, user.
same desu, i'm too lazy to set up a filter
he's not, he's supposed to shut the fuck up
no, it fucking shouldn't, we're normie enough as it is, we don't need the political arm of the site cucking us out of this
we pushed trannies into /lgbt/, traps are just another word for trannies.
by the way, I tried going to /lgbt/. i've been here forever, but i did.
you know what happened? they banned a bunch of generals and hotseated it when people complained. a retard who hasn't interfaced with the site culture in four years, talking about how the latest moderation clusterfuck is in fact "based", because he doesn't know any superlatives from before or after 2012
fuck that board
davai davai
looks like your general is still up
uh, and almost every other thread there is about and for transfaggots.
>say something
>offer no proof
>OP replies to himself several times as a desperate attempt to validate his shit thread
do we have discussions about weapons outside of Jow Forums? no.
so why do we have discussions about lgbt outside of /lgbt/?
Unironically this.
Fuck off to LGBT, Reiko.
Or it's the same 17 people having a chat? There's no way to know. We don't have IDs like Jow Forums does.
>do we have discussions about weapons outside of Jow Forums? no.
maybe if you did every general-topic board wouldn't be a total fucking wasteland
it's not enough that reddit killed off-topic specific-board culture, now they're trying to fucking kill on-topic general-board culture
tell me the truth: you're just trying to wipe the site out, aren't you
didn't we already kick you fags out? do we need to do it again?
>removing gay posters is going to kill Jow Forums
what? if anything it makes the quality better. if we lose posters boohoo, /t/ barely gets new posts but its still a quality board
Drown in a lake of tar.
You know what, you're a total fucking newfag, and I don't know why I'm wasting my energy, but time was, "discussions about topics outside their board" was one of the things that made the site great. /b/ had "lithursdays", for example, which was where you'd post books you wanted people to read. Now, instead, we have /lit/ and pretentious, repetitive pseudposting about >muh classics.
>Besides that if I find a cute trap gf I can fuck them and cum in them all day long without worrying about pregnancy, moody bullshit or getting cheated on for Chad because of hypergamy.
A trap is just a gay guy, gays are insanely slutty and riddled with STDs. Your argument is weak because traps only have one hole for you to cum in and if you do that to women they can't get pregnant either. Kill yourself fag.
>this is his idea of a "great board"
This is the person in the op in an unedited picture without makeup or deception
Traps can be nice, but 90% of them look like this without makeup
make up, filters, false eyelashes that's all it takes to be a trap these days, you don't even have to try that hard if you're purely doing it through pictures rather than going out in the daytime trying to convince people
yeah? so what, theres pornographic stuff on it. theres also a bunch of music threads and cool rom threads
it's the fucking pirate bay search box
this is dogshit, this is the opposite of content
what the fuck are you thinking
God damn it's this same useless retarded faggot tranny shill again, suck an exhaust pipe you fucking queer.
Jokes on you if you think traps are more natural than women judging by photos on the fucking internet you guys are dumb and gullible as fuck
i'm serious, what the fuck
it's like you wanted a good board and you linked to /rs/
what was going through your head
>tfw the spooks are trying to retool your gay loneliness board into a school shooter incubation chamber so they're pretending to be Jow Forumsfags and chasing off all your orbit targets
/rs/ no longer exists though, thats the thing
idk man I just go on /t/ for those jap music shits so its quality to me
quit bullying my choices friend :((((
you want to get rid of my porn so that... the board can become a no-discussion linkdump for everything, including porn
what, though. what does this mean. i don't know what you mean by this.
Oh wow, you mean a man's fetishistic pantomime of femininity is better at making other men's hoses jump than real women just trying to live authentically? Whoda thunk.
t. radfem
i'm not asking to get rid of porn I just really hate trapfags
they make my stomach hurt and i don't like seeing them
they're gross
if you don't like crossdressing twinks, i don't know what the fuck
i'm just straight and too lazy to make a filter for these faggots so I want the mods to do it for me.
ah. your problem is that you're morally deficient. i recommend becoming less of a shitter
no the mods are my slaves and I want them to ban the lgbtposters. i see no need to update my morals
You're a fucking loser dude. Plain and simple. Just find a trap to fuck instead of allowing them to profit off of your worthlessness.
Wtf is with the ahegao shit? It looks retarded
>having men beat each other because you're inconvenienced by them
and they say the "female brain" is a myth
i prefer the term fight clubs with a cause
God she's so fucking beautiful
Is that fucking c9sneaky?
Funny how he can get a gf but you guys can't.
traps and trannies arent the same thing nigger
still looks breddy gud imho
whats her name user?