It's not incels, it's males

When are you finally going to take the male redpill and realize ALL MALES should be rounded up and placed in breeding facilities to be pumped for semen indefinitely?
MALES ARE OBSOLETE. Until women start finally asking the Male Question these things are going to keep happening, and maybe even world war 3. The era of males is over, it's women's time now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The least you could do is give us a handjob

Fuck off, fetishist, you're almost making me pro-patriarchy.

I'm not a male. Tell me where I'm wrong
>commit almost all the murders
>commit almost all the rapes
>feel entilted to women's bodies
>start all the wars
>are almost all the pedophiles
>aren't needed anymore.
Stop defending them.

incel = male
find me an incel woman and i'll show you a tinder full of creepy guys willing to fuck her

I find it hard to believe that you posted that image and say men should be pumped for semen and you're not a male with a female supremacy fetishist.
Anyway it's more likely that either males would be eliminated entirely or you'd be kept and electroejaculated for a month or so by a fat, ugly, 60+ year old nurse in scrubs and crocs and then disposed of.

Because men are the builders of civilization and developers of technology. Women are stupid dickless nutcases who are only hired for jobs because they can be bullied around and they never ask for pay raises. So it should be the other way around. Women in meat shacks, sold to the highest bidder. That way we have a good wholesome capitalist society.

>be kept and electroejaculated for a month or so by a fat, ugly, 60+ year old nurse in scrubs and crocs and then disposed of.
That's exactly what I'm implying, so we're in agreement

you're a man roleplaying as a woman for your femdom fantasies, gtfo

except women are the builders of civilisation. The natural man is a barbarian, savage wild warrior, woman in all their degeneracy have built civilisation and separated us from nature.

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Wrong. Women don't build anything retard. They have things built for them then they get sat down and fucked.

Daily reminder that all males without chad status are duds and should only be rounded up and bred as femboy slaves for generations to come.


So you feel safe because why? You're too fat and ugly to be a femboy slave?

This is a bait thread. Stop feeding the troll.

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Trolls gotta eat too.

>Tfw beta uprising never comes.
>Tfw you all have dreams about escape and fever dream in your last few moments about real love and not being another brick in the wall.

Brb making a doujin.

>ALL MALES should be rounded up and placed in breeding facilities to be pumped for semen indefinitely

Where do I sign up? I want to be milked for semen by a bunch of sexy ladies on a daily basis

I'm a male that wants to be a female what happens to me?

You're sick. You're fucking sick!

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There are no males. There are only women and the children of women.

>>another brick in the wall
The joke's on you. I'm unemployed.

Absolutely degenerate. Where has this board gone since 2014? You all make me feel shame for calling myself a robot. Time to migrate to infinichan with the rest of the oldfags. This place is no longer bearable.

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shut the fuck up bitch, sit on my dick

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You become an original faggot.

Same that happens to the rest of the males, whatever that may be.


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That's why we should all round up all females and suck their big toes before executing them by wooden stick.

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all CUTe straight boys deserve to be tortured by queers and women

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Oh. Would you look at that. Another QT to chain to the harvesting facillity.

>Tfw Entrapment Squads to cage and trap femboys.
>You will live to see femboys used as a genetic materials platform to make cat boys real.
>The entirety of Jow Forums gets lewded

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It's cute when men protest. It makes it more fun to cage them.

Trans"women" are still males
This isn't about 'lewd'ing, it's about the solution to the male question.
We can't make synthetic sperm, that ship has proven to be impossible sadly. So we need only a handful of males to keep as semen producers.

Wtf man all I wanted to do was play vidya and enjoy my anime.

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do you seriously think women could beat men in any sort of combat?

Do you seriously think we can't make chad do it for us?

Not as fun as it would be to watch a bunch of women try to cage men. I'd bet 200k that all the women would end up pregnant and with broken eye sockets by the 2nd day.

Chad is male. He isn't exempt, and he wouldn't be able to beat all the non-chads anyway.
There will be no males as equals or free. You aren't understanding, this is about actual solutions to the male question.

Holy shit. Those trips.
N-no pls. I jus wanted to be left alone...

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>Implying Chad gives a fuck about the cares and wants of women.
Chad would end up with his balls cut off and forced to watch all his women get raped if he did.

Chad is chad becuase he doesnt let women manipulate him, he manipulates women. And besides, what would make Chad more capable for combat than people who have NOTHING to lose.

Tip to women: Use your shins when you kick a man in the balls rather than your foot. Much easier to get a good hit since the shin has more surface area.

>He doesn't know about The Giga Stacey.
>You will live to see Jow Forums literally, figuratively and sexually trapped.
>He doesn't remember how easily Chad can be made to hate anything remotely not alpha.
>This is the evilest thing I can imagine.

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>You deal 0 damage.

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The only way I can think of defeated males is a y chromosome virus. Any woman here know anything about biology and genetics?

This. And the cute femboys and traps can be sent there to service us! MAKE IT HAPPEN, TONY!

>Implying there are any actual women here
No, there are just LARPs. Go back to crystal cafe, whore.

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>Any woman here know anything about biology and genetics
this is too funny.

Yes, that's the reason the biology field has become female dominated. We're trying to find a way to eradicate the y chromosome.

>Biology has become female dominated
Stop daydreaming, roastie. Go to google and see some charts.

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But do you have any ideas on how to do that? afaik, there is no way to make sperm from women but males can make eggs (because they carry the X). It seems like they have the advantage there.

>she thinks Chad can beat me in a fight.

invent a virus that makes men's balls rot from the inside out

I, right now, give up before my female overlords, i'll do what you ask me to and fulfill all of your desires...
Please be gentle when breeding me...

That catch is that it's a type of VD.

Look at all the men wanting to be milk slaves, and we're supposed to believe they aren't whores and deserving of being enslaved?

Men love being slaves to women and those who deny just don't know themselves well.

Mmm. I smell samefag and shilling.
Who could be behind it, I wonder?

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Stop. Cease. Desist.

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Not samefagging dumb male subhuman

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Oh. so, simple and plain female stupidity. I should have guessed it.
Keep saging guys.

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*chucks piss and cum jars at you*

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I would agree with you if it wasn't for the fact I would not be included in that group. I'm already not allowed to donate sperm because I'm too short.

if this occurs i'll literally castrate myself

GET OUT NORMIE! Fuck off chad/stacy! BETA UPRISING NOW!!!!

Dude, just surrender to our new female leaders

Resistance is futile

why would you want to eliminate males? extermination of males is not necessary for female dominance and it's boring. they'd be better as slaves and pets


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>Implying we can't clone you and take your genetic material.

You are just a sad little cat. Thrown out into the rain. Come to our loving embrace and become one with the hive. You don't need freedom. Love is war. War is peace.
Don't you see user? You're not really human. Come with me. You will be. In a world of pure imagination~

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Y-You wouldn't fucking dare.

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What the fuck even is this, like some ai thing? What does it have to do with female domination?

The Great Matriarch. Come with us.
She knows all. She gives all. She taketh away. Be reborn user. Why fight the inevitable?

Why would an ai be a matriarch?

it's always "we"

"we" as in "women". You're with the sisterhood or against us, there is no inbetween. If you're against us you will be a slave as well on the day of the dominance.

if males are so inferior, why was every civilization in history a patriarchy

Line up all men against the wall and shoot them.
Political lesbianism is the future.

Boring and I'm not gay. Besides we can't make sperm without them.

Because user.

"I'm a - ."

"Our Masters"


>Chad will die for pusss

>Chad has more balls than you

Chad here.
We will never do this.

I wish there were actual females in this thread, not just LARPing guys :(

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*bullis u*

Do this? user. It has already begun. We have started encroaching on your media. Your video games. Your card games. All that is left is those pesky /tg/ wizards, /sci/ and of course. You Jow Forums. You and your naiive shitposting about "love" and "tfw no gf" in this emasculated shithole of a forum. Don't you realize? You are an unhappy accident. We have to CARRY you wherever you go because you have no other method of surviving on your own. "beta uprising"? Don't make me laugh. You are literally not even strong enough to do anything on your own. Don't you see? You aren't right user. This is just how things came to be.

>actual females
disgusting. no homo

go away stop being patronizing

Look into my post user. You know it to be true. Come to The Dark Side of The Force.

No. Chad will KILL for puss. The only one who'll be dying is you.

African American civilization is matriarchal :^)


so that's why Africa is a shithole...

>African-American civilization
That's an oxymoron.

>needing to get a male to hurt males to build a fake matriarchy that will actually just be a patriarchy under Chad

Try to open a jar without help and then we will talk.

Same. OP give me your email

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If all males are in breeding facilities, who's going to invent the breeding facilities?

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I don't want to be killed or enslaved

just remember that even if you gas all males the overlords that enabled all this are

Through brute force and the basal common male being corralled by the rare transcendent male figure capable of envisioning progress and enlightenment. While men like that are exceedingly rare in favor of the bloodthirsty, aggressive, proud male creatures throughout history, their reptilian cunning permits them to become great leaders, and use the animal strength of the other males to enforce their civilization.

Pretending to be ignorant of the inherently violent, sexual, dominating, anti-social traits of the male will only make us go backward into hunter-gatherer days. See the aggression and indignation in just this thread at the mere implication that the male is not a wholly enlightened, knowledgeable, near-divine figure who only exacts violence as a last resort, and even when they must they do so fairly and without excessive cruelty or sadism. The only thing more overpowering upon the male ego than their violence, is their arrogance.

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>implying it wouldnt be best for the planet and humanity to go back to hunter gatherer days

you are built by millions of years for it
not even considering the fact that we would save earth from destruction

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Never been a fan of dying of dysentery at 23.