Found out just last night that my boyfriend is strongly against abortion. I feel like running away from him? Wat Do?

Found out just last night that my boyfriend is strongly against abortion. I feel like running away from him? Wat Do?

Now, we never really get political in our conversations, but when we do it is extremely raw. Each time I end up feeling like a sack of potatoes because he is very wise and manages to hold his arguments up by a solid foundation, even though I stand for the beliefs I do have knowledge and experience about. But this is the first time I think I have ever considered breaking up with him over something that doesnt really matter to us right now.

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bait. sage. die roastie die

Why does it matter? Boys cant get pregnant.

Last night, I brought up how my sister changed her mind about having an abortion. It has been very much bothering me because I will be leaving for the USAF soon. She already has a daughter, who is fatherless, and she basically is only part time mom to her. I was the one who had to raise her daughter for her when I was middle school and all throughout high school. My sister also stole a kitten we were keeping at my mom's house, which was fine up until she started neglecting the cat (not feeding correctly, not doing the poop filled litter, etc). I will NOT be around to clean up after her because I want to get my life started, so WHO is going to watch her second child who is ALSO FATHERLESS? She cant even take care of a kitten!

My boyfriend let this all sink in, but the only thing he could say was that he was glad that she changed her mind because it is wrong to kill a child. To which I responded with, then what will happen to my sister's kid if no one is there to care for it? He then brought up that she could put it up for adoption. So I said I would rather not force a baby into an adoption center because we need to focus on the ones who aren't being adopted rather than adding to it. He said I didn't know how the infant adoption process works, and I suppose I don't. But I think it's very silly to put priority on newborns over kids who feel, see, and are subjected to being stuck at an adoption center every day. I know this because I have a cousin who has been at an adoption center at a young age. I highly doubt every single newborn is adopted in its first stages. We are both all for contraception, we use it every time we do our business. Which I agree with, use protection especially if you're not ready for commitment. But if you happen to get pregnant and you're not ready, then don't have make the child suffer. I would've thought he of all people would understand since we grew up in lower class. I guess not...he told me that it was still wrong to kill a child just because of the mistakes you make. But isn't it wrong to let a child feel unloved for the rest of its life moreso than aborting it when it doesn't have the ability to have memories?

So then we dropped it, but now I feel uncomfortable being in my own skin around him. It was a harmless debate. But I feel like if he ever got me pregnant, then it's just a way to control my body and use it against me. There is something about a man who is against abortion that rubs me the wrong way. I would happily have kids at a later point, but he talked about having children in our first two months of dating. I thought it was sweet at first but now it just seems like he wants a baby to make sure I don't leave his side or something. We have only been dating for 6 months now. He is pushing 26 (I'm 20), and I understand the pressure to have a family at that age for guys, but this is not the way to go about it. I'm not really sure if I'm just overthinking it, but I don't know if I even want to be around him anymore. I have always kind of felt in the pit of my stomach that something was up with him so I think I figured it out now.

Is it that I'm just overreacting? I don't know what to tell him...

This sucks. I hope you two can find common ground

Dump him girl. He's trouble

He's right. Abortion for reasons of convenience is wrong. You don't have the right to take another life because it is convenient for you to do so.

Her body. Her rules. It's not really even killing anyway.

Being this incel. Come on.

my semen, my rules
if you didn't want the child you shouldn't have had unprotected sex (or even sex at all)
not even rape victims get a slip desu, its not an equivalent exchange to kill that child.


That's where you're wrong, virgin.

FPOGP (first post only good post)

>using virgin as an insult
where do you think you are?
yes its a child. its a living being, it breathes and blood pumps through it.

"haha welp I don't really want this child so i'll just pour chemicals into my vagina and dissolve it haha"

>I don't know basic introductory biology

also this, only bitches think virgin is an insult lol like this isnt facebook slut fuck off

the curse of the college intellectual strikes again
i would support Jow Forums being able to go into peoples history if it meant that redditfags were labeled for what they are

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It's just an embryo. A lump of cells. It has no intelligence, no soul.

are you not a lump of cells? I would also like to debate your intelligence, and considering you're on this site you probably have no soul either

Yes. But I am a functioning person who can survive outside the womb. an embryo is not.

ok, and? does not make killing it justified

why the fuck would this shit matter to you, fags can't get pergers

>boyfriend is against me murdering his child while it is defenseless inside of me
Retarded whore, KYS.

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Nice Reddit thread copy+paste

wait is this actually a pasta? i feel retarded if it is

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Why don't you go back and check

And a newborn can't survive a day without its mother either, a handicapped person can't survive without a caretaker, is it okay to murder them you retarded fuck? Just because the child is behind a wall of flesh you think it's somehow inhuman and you can murder an innocent person with impunity. It has an entire life's worth of potential unlike you who are useless.

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i really don't feel the need to do that

You're also a lump of cells with no intelligence and no soul, come here so I can rip you apart piece by piece with forceps.

You seem anger. Are you mad your mother didn't make the right choice.

This is an underrated post, right here

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You sound a lot like (((shapiro)))
a fan perhaps?

You're overreacting. If you feel that your boyfriend is acting in bad faith and attempting to inpregnate you as a coercion tactic then let him know that that's what you're afraid of. Saying nothing and flash breaking up with him because you had a political disagreement is childish and unwise. In an adult relationship actual harm (cheating, beating, theft) or the reasonable expectation of future harm is required. It's possibld that your boyfriend is engaged in a Machiavellian plot to saddle you with a fetus in order to keep you at his side, but is it probable? If he is using contraception it seems unlikely that he's doing so as a way to lower your guard, and if push comes to shove you can always just get an abortion anyways. As I'm sure you're aware male opinions hold no (legally enforcable) weight in this matter, for better or worse. What other political positions do you absolutely need your partner to agree on? This is coming from someone who is actually pro-abortion by the way.

>You seem anger
Like I said, no intelligence.
Yes, roasties murdering children tends to make me angry.

shapiro is a loosebrained hooknose that uses shock factor in actual debates

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This is bait, and here's how I know
Because somebody who lingered on Jow Forums for more than 10 minutes would know not to ask them questions like this, because you'd already know the answers they'd give you

Intelligence aside, a fetus doesn't even have consciousness until its later stages of development

No idea what you're talking about, I don't follow anti-abortionists or politics or anything. What I'm saying is simply the truth, you cannot argue against it. You can only accept that you are murdering children and live with it. No amount of bullshitting and mental gymnastics will change reality for you.

2/10 got me to reply I hate you I hate myself I wish the world would get swallowed by the sun and all of us would go to hell forever

me too user
me too
minus that part about hell demons r scary

Your point being what? When you're asleep can I kill you because you're unconscious? What the fuck are you trying to say? It's a living breathing human child.

Not a child. A fetus

I don't think something without consciousness is a child. That doesn't take mental gymnastics.

There is still an asleep intelligence there. Not the same in a fetus.

Your arguments for abortion suck. Your boyfriend is smarter than you and you should look up to him, not run away,

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Baby has different DNA, possibly different sex, and blood type


Unconscious is vastly different from something that has never even had a consciousness. If there's harm to the parents and they see they couldn't have the child for whatever reason, they should have a right for abortion

The fetus doesn't have an inherent right to her mother's body. Nobody has an inherent right to someone else's body

I know people hate Shapiro because of his Jewishness, but he's fucking smart.

Stay. If I like someone I'd never abort the offspring because it would be betraying them. I'd only abort if I were raped.

You're not a person. You're a human.
Semantics. You call it a fetus to dehumanize it. But it is a human. This is your mental gymnastics. Trying to lessen your guilt by pretending it isn't a human being, which it is. A very small helpless person, which you were at one point as well. Everyone was. Were you inhuman at any stage of your life? No, so why do you pretend someone else is? Mental gymnastics in an attempt to feel less guilty about your murder.

A very smart ploy that the abortion clinics used. They choose their words carefully. If they put "Come murder your children" no one would go. But euphemisms such as "aborting a fetus," "family planning," it suddenly doesn't seem so bad eh? You're a fucking fool.

>I feel like running away from him
That is a funny way to say it, as if he was holding you hostage or something.

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So how is luke now? I bet with a life of suffering. You christfags are the worst.

What? Female human bodies are DESIGNED to create and host a child after conditions are met, just like other mammals. Just where the fuck else is the developing child supposed to exist?

It has no experiences or consciousness, and has never had a consciousness, that doesn't qualify as human in my books. And shut the fuck up with your guilt trips, it doesn't work. Provide actual arguments.

The mother created him simply for momentary pleasure getting dicked by Chad, completely ignored all contraceptive choices she has, then she thinks she has the right to murder him because she doesn't want to give up alcohol and partying. Wonderful civilization we've got here eh? Fucking disgusting society.

I'm an atheist, you degenerate. I love how you commies use "CHRISTIANITY XDDD" as your main argument for just about anything. Kill yourself.

I don't care where the fetus is supposed to exist, in these cases in fact it should NOT exist.

Nice moralfagging. Doesn't work. Present actual thoughts, not "buh buh buh I think it's wrong"

nah, I think we're ok.

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>Kill yourself.
Nah, instead I'll just have an abortion. Thank you for the adivce sweetie. :-)

>Boyfriend's argument is sound and makes more sense than me

You should do both of you a favor and break up. He'd be much better off without you.

LMFAO so what animal is it, numbnuts? It has human DNA you worthless brainlet piece of human filth. It isn't anything but human. God damn you are a useless person.
>Provide actual arguments.
You first you absolutely worthless garbage. Your only argument is "that human isn't human."

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It has human DNA but it doesn't have sentience yet. It's not a human being.

I don't think personal instults provide anything valuable to the discussion

You can do what you want, it's a free country and you're allowed to be stupid. But it doesn't rid of the fact that you're a filthy degenerate.

>Unconscious is vastly different from something that has never even had a consciousness.
Not really, while asleep you're currently unconscious and will become conscious again. The human being in the womb will also develop his consciousness in time. There is a difference sure but they are fundamentally similar. You are both, at the moment, incapable of thinking or reacting. So if I could murder a fetus for this reason, then by your logic, I should be able to murder you while sleeping. They would both be morally acceptable by your reasoning. Which is of course nonsense.

Why am I a degenerate. Sometimes people just arne't ready to have a family. Nothing wrong with that.

Because science says you're stupid and in denial.

A fetus doesn't have it's own body to survive in. It's either wanted, pays rent, or gtfo.

>It has human DNA but it doesn't have sentience yet. It's not a human being
Reread what you just wrote.
Neither do you so why should I try when you're not trying? Since my insults triggered you, I will ask once more without them: which animal is a fetus then if not a human?

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I wouldn't date anyone who wasn't pro-life

Burn in hell babykilling whore


What science is saying that a fetus is a person. And no sources from the Christian science monitor or similar souces.

Just the same as a chicken and an egg are different. You can understand something as simple as that right?

Oh, no need to think that highly of yourself, I wasn't triggered.
A fetus is not an animal or a human. It is like a tumor that might or might not become a human in the future. So is every sperm cell. It just doesn't have the means to become a human yet. A mother has to provide those means, but she is in no means obligated to do so.

Gtfo is different from murder. You created a person, it is now your responsibility to rear him. You aren't allowed to murder someone dependent on you. It's still dependent on you at birth and through childhood and can't pay you rent either. Are you allowed to murder your newborn or 5 year old? No, that is actually considered legal murder. Why? It's just as useless to you as a fetus in the womb. And by this logic, parents should be able to murder their adult NEET children too. This does not make any logical sense. Pic related can't pay rent any more than a fetus can.

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a five year old has a consciousness, has past experiences, and as such has value. A person is created when they have a consciousness, a some sort of PERSONality in them. A fetus doesn't have that.


Nope, sorry SCOTUS disagrees. try again sweetie.

The stages of fetal development, brainlet. After 3 weeks, that thing is a person.

Show me a citation where it says "this is the step where the fetus has achieved personhood'. You won't find it because it doesn't exist.

It's looking more and more like you lack even rudimentary knowledge on the topic, I don't even know why you keep trying.
An egg is a gamete buds. So is a sperm. Here, let me help you learn a bit so you don't look so much like an undeveloped fetus in terms of your reasoning skills in the future.

A gamete is not a person, no. No one said that and no one will ever say that.

>You don't have the right to take another life because it is convenient for you to do so.


in fact, killing out of convenience is the basis for all evil. once you decide that you can kill when it suits you, there's nothing you won't permit.

I think you are replying to the wrong people

>her body her rules
>but there's nothing wrong with infants having parts of their dicks cut off on an industrial scale
What a wonderful society.

>appeal to authority
Ah, the last refuge of a defeated brainlet.
Laws change, universal truths do not. You're murdering a human being regardless of the legality of that action. It used to be legal to own human beings and murder them with impunity. The fact that you were owning humans, and murdering them, is absolutely an undeniable universal truth. The fact that you now would be punished for doing so, whereas 200 years ago you would not, is irrelevant.

I can't because fetus is a word used in place of child in order to gain political control of childbirth. When that heart is beating, it's a person. You can be stupid all you want. As I said before, it's a choice and you're free to be as dumb or as ignorant as you please. Just don't expect smart people to respect your uninformed and degenerate opinions.

same is true of most women tbqh

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>SCOTUS makes the laws

Jesus christ you can't be this dumb

Giving women rights was a mistake.

Look what they've done with them.

I was circumsized and I feel fine.

>the heart is the essence of a person

Are you an ancient Egyptian?

Abortion is wrong, and everybody in the world knows it deep down, just like everyone knows backstabbing others is wrong, and being cruel is wrong. People come up with all the justifications in the world to do all these things though, for one single reason: they want to.

Dude. It's like clipping your nails. Do you weep for all the sperm you killed jacking off?

>tfw wasn't aborted

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>Dude. It's like clipping your nails
A literal nonsequiter, your post is not off to a good start.
>Do you weep for all the sperm you killed jacking off?
No, my sperm was not literally, scientifically and objectively a new human life.

>I can't believe he doesn't want me to murder his unborn child. What a shitlord. It's 2018, I should be able to do anything I want with no consequences and also not be judged for it.

I think we've already covered ITT why that's a bumfuck stupid argument.

You talk like a vegan.

Use birth control and take responsibility for your actions.

>it should not exist
Son, did your parents ever have "the talk" with you?