Who /bpd/ here?

who /bpd/ here?
the loss of identity and not knowing who youbreally are is really fucking me over and i don't know what to do

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i know who i am buddy. i know what you are too, a racist.

My mom has BPD. It's an absolute nightmare to be around her sometimes. You people are demons walking on earth.

i don't really give a shit about race t b h

Nobody thinks your shitposting is funny. Go post this retarded shit on iFunny, I'm sure you'll get plenty of follows.

anyone with bpd isnt a person

thats exactly what a racist would say

How do I know if I have BPD original ORIGINAL original ORIGINAL?

Black and white thinking mostly. Illogical/ overly emotional reactions to everything. Constant desire to be pitied. If you do have BPD, do everyone a favor and hang yourself.

go to a psychologist/psychiatrist or just read this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder and see if you fit the bill
is suffering really such a horrible thing?

BPD people wouldn't be so bad if they didn't use people around them as an outlet for all their negative emotions. If I feel really sad, I just get drunk or high. If I get really angry, I play vidya and do pushups. When my mom gets sad or angry, her first instinct is to find something she can yell at me for. It can be something as simple as not fixing the leaking toilet correctly and she'll launch into a screaming tangent for the next two hours where she'll bring up everything wrong I've ever done in the past. Then she'll be pissed at me for the rest of the week and will send me paragraph texts about what a horrible son I am. Fuck, I just wanna be left alone.

i know who i am kiddo. i know what you are as well, a racist.

people are individuals, maybe your mom is just a cunt
i have bpd and i hate getting in contact with people, i see faults with everyone but i couldn't care less about their opinions in the matter, i do everything in my power to stay away from them, so honestly i dunno what you're talking about

i feel like i have no identity whatsoever, i just blend to whatever kind of media i consume and turn into whatever persona i deem suitable, everything i say i doubt and think is fake and not really me, i feel like my personality is being other personalities

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this exactly, first time someone on r9k actually relates to this

Shut up, retard. Just because you're difwent but also have BPD, doesn't mean that the mom in question doesn't also fall under BPD.

Sounds like my father. Never opened my eyes up to him potentially having a disorder. Nevermind never having had a good father figure, he just went south on so many things because he just couldn't see nuances and always attributed himself and his emotions to everything.

FWIW it also grinds my gears that people can pass as "disordered" when so much of it can be helped by some self development.

Shit, discouraged BDP sounds like me

>Shut up, retard. Just because you're difwent but also have BPD, doesn't mean that the mom in question doesn't also fall under BPD.
how can you have such horrible reading comprehension? i said that people with bpd aren't clones of one another, just because a certain person who has bpd acts in a certain manner doesn't mean that that manner is the pure manifestation of the disorder, at best the way it manifests in that particular individual
jesus you people with sub 90 iq should really have your own board

Here. Male.

I've given up. Too many emotions, too much pain. I feel too much at once and it rips me to pieces. I'm human garbage and I know it. I'm a black hole that corrupts everything I come into contact with, and so I stay inside.

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do you want to be my feely bf?

ain't no rest for the faggots, cocks don't grow in trees, i got dicks to suck, cum to swallow, ain't nothing in this world for free...

Oh well okay then-

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no i was a different user, i just wanted to say something retarded, don't give up the user you replied to might be interested

It's funny how ironic shitposting has advanced so far beyond its humble origins that anons are now falling for basic bitch entry level trolling again.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, originally

You triggered me user, I got scared of myself for a few seconds. It can get better though, but it takes a ton of therapy and about more than 5 years. Some take almost a lifetime, and some don't get help. If it makes you feel better, I forget where the scientific source is, but it has been studied that people with BPD (it's called over-emotional personality disorder now) have about a 50/50 chance of becoming normal members of society. Not super normie, but get by and function properly.

I'm proud to say I'm one of the 50% that got better. It only took me 6 years. Now I just better myself. My current long-term goal is good tact. I have friends now, but I wanna work on keeping them long-term and not burn bridges. It's one of the biggest steps of my life.

You can do it, too, user. I know those feels. I still feel like a fraud, but nowhere near as much as before. I have an identity now. Not completely solid, but I feel like I have a me, and not looking from the outside and seeing a meatbag going through life. I'll have a full identity, someday.

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I don't use the net much, sorry m8.

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Read more books, /bpd/ anons. It helps a lot. Makes you feel fulfilled, calms you and reveals new things about yourself.

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>contact with numerous females
>rich family that loves him
I can't believe I ever liked him.

I was thinking of reading Stoner.

That's quite alright. It was worth a shot. I hope things look up for you.

dont worry you wont care about it in a few hours


You too.

I hate this. My emotions are there and they exist, but they come and go with the wind. What good are they? BPD folk truly are some hideous specimens.