25+ Thread

25+ Thread last of the robots Edition

I'm 95% sure that we are the last social outcasts. Right now, with every subculture and niche (fringe fandoms included) being absorbed into the monoculture, with youtube instructional videos on every conceivable thing, meetups (Jow Forums meetups are mostly dead but outside it's more lively), etc, to fuck up *now* would mean you would have to be actively fucking yourself over OR you are severely mentally ill.

You can argue about the exact cutoff year (it's '92) but I feel this is pretty much true.

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Where are you oldfags?


>humans exist and there are outcasts
>people spread out over the world, some societies are outcasts, but within them there are outcasts
>as technology increases, people are more connected and it is easier to find people like you, even between outcasts
>internet: You can literally be on a website filled with outcasts, on the outcast board, filled with outcasts from all around the world and still be an outcasts
Absolutely crippling

I remember being 20 and believing I could actually become a doctor, scientist, secret agent, master pickup artist Chad Thundercock stud with a harem of women to fuck and cuddle with every day...

Its too late man, I'm too autistic, shy, physically awkward, old, addicted to masturbation and porn, and spent most of my 20s as a NEET. There's literally no way on Earth I can ever be socially normal. I can't even wear normal clothes because of sensitivity to the fabric and restriction of breathing and movement.

I was emotionally broken from birth. The good news is that I developed a rich inner world where I can feel positive emotions unto myself, but incapable of having true human connection with anyone else, I just don't feel emotions towards other people, only myself. Women sense this immediately, because they use and pick up on all sorts of subtle nonverbal cues, and realize that I don't care about people as people, I'm incapable of being anything but selfish, and its like I have the underlying mentality of a sociopath, but too dumb and low attention span to actually be able to fake emotions and manipulate people into serving me. Also too dumb to do anything to improve myself financially except keep buying lottery tickets.

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I went to university before and the Chads and Staceys drove me to insanity. I'd try to go to class and then I'd hear chads bragging about doing a ganbang on stacey last week. When I lived on campus I could hear chads hooting and yelling all night. Chads would fuck staceys in the bushes. Every single girl was broken in by the first two weeks by chad. I couldn't enjoy my time there. I thought that it'd be a chance for me to become a norman after fucking up high school but it was even worse. Started going bald. Couldn't prepare food. So I went auschwitz mode. I couldn't make friends because I hated them all.

Now I'm doing a degree online. Finally I can learn without being reminded of the chad and stacey orgies.

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give me some (You)s guys i need some fucking insight. imagine being autistic, going above and beyond, and eventually thinking you figured things out, only to get let down. like a downie getting a pity date

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>Chads would fuck staceys in the bushes.

I would have stood near and jacked off

So you just called her out for being a bitch and got dumped?

90' here. I feel blessed. I grew up with minimal television and was homeschooled, we didn'tget cable till' I was about 10 and I was homeschooled until 12(If anyone wants to insult me that's fair, but I was reading on a college freshman level by this age, unfortunately my mom sucked at math an imparted a deep anxiety onto me regarding mathematics..)

Basically DBZ got me into anime. Started watching toonami. Became obsessed with drawing anime. Turned out to be a better traditional artist than anime fag. However anime tutorials led me to Polykarbon BBS. In the 8th grade I met a few guys and we made our own bbs. Needles to say, yeah, the culture of being truly an outcast for being an "internet person" is gone. Anime avatars on twitter are quite popular. I have been using Jow Forums for 16 years. I have been through the porn spiral and now prefer not to watch it, drawing the nude from life has helped me regain a healthy context for the human body. Porn is truly evil and I would be fine if it were totally banned, and I say this being hugely against censorship. It is just too toxic for children to have unfettered access to, it really is.

I put over 200 days played in vanilla wow and sold my account to a chinaman when I realized I had to make a choice or be forever damned. I also was a 420chan day at this time and smoked giant amounts of marijuana. I have also more or less halted this habit, despite it being legal in my state. I nearly became a tranny because of porn, weed and Jow Forums.

Here is where I diverge from a lot of you here. I lost my virginity at 18 and have had 7 cute girlfriends. I'm intelligent but unmotivated so I only ever accomplished an associates degree and dipped out of art uni. I have worked in about 10 different occupations and lived on my own. I have to force myself to socialize. If I wasn't attractive and moderately intelligent I may have killed myself by now.

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What does that picture mean? Seriously.

I also went through a large period struggling with trans porn ultimately gettiing fucked by one of my gf's and even talking to some faggots about doing it as a lifrstyle, have been given money for selfies and ultimately realized I would definitely off myself if I went down that road. Your past doesn't have to define your future.

That's kinda gross. When Chad was railing stacey in the apartment next door I'd bang on his wall until they stopped.

I'm 27 and I've yet to begin my life. I know it's too late anyway. On social media I see people I knew in high school with careers, houses and kids. I'm still a neet living with my parents.

yeah but shes stalling on the last part. i didnt insult her or imply any bullshit, just voicing expectations.

Dump her dude, sounds like she's using you. Women can be very manipulative and seemingly nice, but in actuality two-faced and deceitful

>remember being 20 and believing I could actually become anything

>spent the first 23 years of my life doing everything right
>got fucked over once and everything just went to shit
>4 years later still can't be bothered to try restarting my life

When I was 19 y o. I didnt know what I want at that time and I fight with my parent a lot. They want to push me in to college even I told them that I need time to figure out what I really want to study, so I end up graduated with tourism management degree. Yea its fucking suck! 1 year after that I I've figured out I want to be a programmer when I was 14. I stop coding because the environment is not appropriate..family problem, 3rd school all that stuff. So right now I am trying to learn code online (web dev) in the hope that one day I could be achieve my child' dream, but I saw some ppl say that learning online is not enough to be a good programmer that coporate will hire.

Sometime depression kicked in and I feel like I lost that path I will pray to god please dont wake me up tomorrow please give me courage to commit suicide. I feels like I've missed a lot of thing.

29 here. I remember back in like, 2002 or 2003 around the 8th and 9th grade trying to Google shit like "How to tell if she likes you" and tips about how to socialize. It was all these retardo websites with super pink flowery decor with all this ridiculous, unimportant advice.
Now there's so much stuff on YouTube, and WikiHow. It's all written pretty well, too. The world is a lot less mysterious now-a-days.
Like another example, suddenly in Grade 6 or so suddenly kids wanted to be gangsta and talk about rap music and Eminem and stuff. You'd have access to those 1 or 2 music videos on TV and Kazaa or Napster to download like 1 song at a time if you EVEN KNEW what you were looking for. Now a days you could be a Yung'n and see "Wow, that kid in my class is suddenly talking gangsta?" go home and Wikipedia it, learn all about it, watch a documentary about how hiphop began, find some cool artists or whatever and actually have a way to socialize with that Gangsta kid in their own way.
Instead, I was sitting there wondering why that same Eminem or 50-Cent song was even popular to begin with, and wondering what the fuck was going on. What music you liked was really important back in the day. People would threaten violence over that shit.

>What music you liked was really important back in the day.
That cos niches existed back in those days.

>wondering why that same Eminem or 50-Cent song was even popular to begin with
these songs are made and pushed by corporations , they are "engineered" to be popular

also I'm pretty much the same as At least I know there are others like me. It just has to be a side effect of this particular society.

If you have to learn how to socialize and basic human interaction online you are already a lost cause no matter how advanced technology becomes

>try tinder and okcupid
>always thought it can't be that hard
>2 matches on tinder, no replies on one, next one i didn't even bother with
>messaged 3 girls on okcupid, one even a mutual like, but no responses

That's it then. I tried to make the messages funny or unusual. Definitely no "hi" or other boring shit. But it didn't help. I also have apparently 6 likes on OKCupid but I can't see them and I think it's just bots anyway.

With every day that passes I realize how incredibly lucky I got that one time when I found a GF and how undesireable I am now and that I will never have a relationship again.

>If you have to learn how to socialize and basic human interaction online you are already a lost cause no matter how advanced technology becomes
Actually that was probably the best time to learn to interact with people for outcast core millennials but only if you took it further and met internet weirdos IRL.

Sad picture bump.

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You're not completely wrong. What's worse... being a social outcast in 2003 or in 2018? On one hand you're more in the dark in 2003. On the other hand in 2018 you're literally being thought of a terrorist who will kill people. That sounds unbearable.

>these retards thinking it was better to be a "social outcast" before and that having less access to knowledge was better
Your retardation knows no boundaries. You are willing to delude yourself with the most retarded things, just to feel better about yourself.

Haha that's really gay dude.

32 here. You sort off just get used to it. It stops hurting.


What the fuck was going through his brain buying lotto tickets?

I think you should learn how to market yourself better on dating sites. You should start a girl profile and see what successful males are doing. Also, I like ok.cupid because, they share their statistics with the public. You can see what are the trends and adjust.

I'm 32 too!!!! I wish we could be best friends.

But you have a job right user?
You are not living with you parents are you?

We are - we're on Jow Forums.

Yeah, I love my job, but it's only 30 hoirs a week.
Nope - I love with my wife

>has job
>has WIFE
how are you a robot again?

guess its because i'm severely mentally ill.

Got some random lumps or cysts or something on my body. It's pretty distracting.

Anyway, how has your day been ?

Because I have no friends and am still a virgin

we are twins
except, i never did the trap thing (i'm 6'2" with big frame, it'd never work out)
And I lucked out in the end.
I found a sane girl that I married.

porn, weed, anime, WoW, no IRL social interactions, it was a rough ride.

My life is already ruined and over at 27. I work a full time job that is killing my body, I do not have the money, time or even motivation to go back to school and finish a degree. I never get a full 8 hours of sleep and am in pain 24/7. I have very little time to do anything after work besides this. I have zero dating options right now and am still a virgin that cannot talk to women, at an age where money and career starts to matter and I don't make shit. Starting to see the world for what it is now and I might just say fuck it.

>I tried to make the messages funny or unusual. Definitely no "hi" or other boring shit. But it didn't help.
It's pretty hit or miss for some reason. They don't even unmatch you afterwards. Just leave you hanging.

I tried to arrange a meet-up/date with two girls on tinder last year after we had been chatting and getting along for a while, which they seemed enthusiastic about, but one of them stopped responding and the other one didn't show up or message me to say she couldn't make it. What a waste of time.

Did l write this?

You must be near model tier attractive and tall. I'm a lot like you, 1990 born, had 6 jobs so far, got deep into the same drugs even trap shit. I'm above average looking and still a virgin, had multiple girls that wanted to date me, had my first kiss at 12 years old but never went farther. I sperg out around girls I'm attracted to and lost all my friends when I dropped out of high school in 10th grade (I still graduated, went to a special high school for pregnant bitches and other spergs). Never lived on my own either

it was the dropping out that killed it for you
mebe you could have been a normie.

It gets so bad these days that I actually start pretending I believe in god again and I pray for my life to get better, knowing full well it won't do shit. That's how desperate I am. I wake up in the morning wanting to scream. Didn't get enough sleep, have to get up and go to work fighting morning traffic to a job I can't stand. The work I do isn't even bad its my boss and co workers I don't click at all with. Just not my type of people. Then its a 9 - 10 hour day of work, making casual chit chat with people I do not like at all, sweating my balls off. I finally get off at 5pm and come straight home battling traffic once again. I get home to nothing, by the time I take a shit and wash up its already getting late still have to make dinner. Weekends are spent catching up on sleep and drinking until I cannot see straight. Oh yeah and after years of being a gymfag I managed to pick up a cig habit. Used to care so much about my diet and health, worked out 6 days a week. That shit went out the window when I picked up this job.

>Kids these days: the OP
come on mate

I have had 4 serious relationships in my life.

my last and current, is a woman I'm married to. She as close to mentally stable as I was able to find, and I am glad I have her. The single women my age and the women/girls younger than me are terrible.

Finding someone worth having in your life is entirely luck.

I hope all of you are gonna achieve your childhood dream.

Almost everything in life is luck but nobody is allowed to say this, especially in the US. You'll just be called a crybaby pussy and told to "work harder you little bitch".

what do opportunists do when they get old? do they still run around like a chicken with it's head cut off pretending shit matters?

what do the wealthy do when they get old?

>has wife
>is still a virgin
Did you mean a waifu?
Or is it a different tipe of marriage? ;D

Well I'm 26. I finally left neet island and kicked a 10 year heroin habit. Went from being 120lbs to 145lbs. I can now do about 100 pushups and 15pulls up in a go plus run 2 miles in 15min. Next week I start going to the gym. I also finally got my ID. It arrives next week so I'm also going to look for a job.

Love life? Well I'm back on the "scene". I have an online girlfriend from South America. Totally cutie with a fat ass. 18 years old too. We've already had "online sex?" so that was fun. I thought I would not get it up because before I had erectile dysfunction but it seems to be almost completely gone. I'm masturbating 3 times a day and watching less porn but I plan to nofap and completely quit porn. Anyways now I'm ready to talk to girls in real life. Before I had no self confidence but now I do.

I hope I make it. I really do. I need to stop coming to Jow Forums (been coming daily for 11 years). Honestly I don't blame Jow Forums for anything but it did warp my view of life and sexuality for a while. But I can't stop coming back.

anybody here start liking trannyporn because of Jow Forums? I remember I saw my first tranny getting fucked on Jow Forums. At first I was disgusted but after 2 years started jacking off to tranny on female porn. Well after a couple years I became a full blown degenerate. I ended up meeting a tranny in real life that was a year older then me. BIGGEST mistake I ever did. We kinda cuddled but once I felt the man hands and adams apple it was a turn off. I quit coming here for a couple months and now the most extreme shit i watch is FFM and MMF 3 somes. I still plan on quitting though once I get pussy in real life. (haven't had sex in about 2-3 years)

Futa hentai made me curious about traps long before Jow Forums.
that's when it was completely separate as a jerk off fantasy.

people have made it into a real thing.

Except for people born in 90 and 91, most of the 90s crowd is obsessed with saying any difference you have is "trying to be special" and that you should never mention any interests. Even the so called outcasts take their side. Why are they like this?

Is it porn addiction you are fighting?

I have sex on a regular basis with gf.
I still watch porn, I went through a tranny phase, but now I'm back into big tits/milfs. I don't think porn is effecting my life negatively, but I really only jack off once or twice a week now.
When I was in my teens and early 20s I'd jack off 2-4 times a day.

Yeah I got really into it for awhile, I don't know if it was Jow Forums or if I've always been a half a fag anyways. I don't watch it anymore though and I quit poor all together. Never tried to meet up with one but there was a decent looking one working at the subway by my house for awhile, its name was "rainbow" . For about 2 years my only social interactions was going to subway and making small talk with this tranny, every time I went in she already knew my sub.

>Why are they like this?
they don't want to learn stuff anymore. plain and simple. they don't want to use their brain for what it was meant for.
back before the internet, what separated you from other kids was your thirst for knowledge.
if you knew things other people didn't know, that made you different.

now'a days people think everyone is a hedonist, "if you could fuck 400 women a day you would too, if you could rip people off for millions and get away with it you would too, if you could kill without consequence you would too!!!!" just asserting you're a hedonist because that's the easiest, most typical, pleasurable thing possible and it must be what everyone wants in godless 2018.

It's become a huge subculture. I wonder what percentage of oldfags went or are still going through a tranny phase.

Yes. That's why I want to get laid ASAP. I've substituted most porn to jacking off to naked pictures women sent me but god sometimes I just want to watch a bitch taking 4 dicks like a slut. I'd never do it in real life but it's the porn. Eh I've always had a high sex drive I started masturbating when I was 5 or 6.

I doubt you're half a fag user. I jacked off to it because I was a horny kid who didn't know anybody who also started failing at getting girls so I went off the deep end for a while. and lol at going to see it for 2 years. you could've gotten laid. the one i met up with tried to kiss me but man the hands and adam apple and whole non-feminine demeanor (even though she was "Fem" by tranny standards) killed the fantasy for me.

Same for me m8.
>cousin has been dating for 5 years now
>beautiful and loving gf
>decide to go on tinder, okcupid and pof
>spend days making my profiles, ask for friend's help
>take some good photos
>write an interesting bio
After a whole year of trying everything possible, all I managed were 8 dates. Out of them only 2 wanted to meet up again.
Got ghosted by one and the other just straight up said she changed her mind.
I'm honestly just done with women, currently saving money to buy myself a nice sexdoll.

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Fuck you people. I'm 25 but I'm still gonna make it. I'm getting out of this rut and still wielding my dreams like I'm 19.

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nothing? If you know you're going to go via suicide, why wouldn't you? Winning the lottery could effectively talk you out of it, and if not, nothing lost as you're going to die anyway.

How did you get fucked over? This sounds kind of like me.

>Did everything right for 23 years
>Good grades in school, did well in university, scored good internships, even had a gf at one point
>Graduate from school and take a well-paying job with a desirable blue-chip company
>Stressful as fuck, working all the time, unhappy, tired, feel burnt out, hate life
>After about a year, begin withdrawing from work and end up making a few mistakes
>Get unceremoniously fired in the middle of the week, for being a "B-player" even though my performance review was pretty good
>Can't find another job because no good work references, nobody cares about university marks after you have been working a year
>gf leaves me after 3 years of "honey I love you", now becomes "I can't see a future with us together"
>University profs who used to like me now want nothing to do with me since I've been fired
>Have to sell my apartment because I can't continue making the mortgage payments (I did end up selling for $50,000 more than I paid, though)
>World comes crumbling down as this all happens at the same time
>Depression takes over, don't feel like doing anything, just shrink into a corner

It's now been two and a half years since I last worked. Not a day goes by that my parents don't tell me I'm wasting my life. I want to get some sort of chill job, just so I have something to do; recently I saw an advertisement for a part-time job in a bakery and openly mused about it to my mom, but she just responded with "you need to get back out there and find a real job". But I feel if I go back out into the fray I'm going to be murdered. I don't even know if I could do anything with such a huge gap on my resume. I have no idea what is going to become of my life once my parents decide to kick me out.

And what pisses me off is I've been ostracized for being different all my life. I embraced loving myself to combat the world. Now people just say I'm cringey or trying to be special.

I do think knowledge separated us in a sense. Now people don't know how to do independent research. If you don't agree with the social media hivemind, they don't even debate you. They just use the same insults and expect me to come to their side.

>I lost my virginity at 18 and have had 7 cute girlfriends
damn, I had sympathy for you for a while.

Fuck anyone that tells you to get a real job. Real jobs come with real stress, the money isn't fucking worth it. You get paid a lot but don't get to enjoy any of it, while your cunt bitch wife just sits at home and probably cheats at you. The only way I'd do that shit is if I had kids to support. Just find something that you can support yourself with, that's what I'm doing. Fuck trying to impress women or your parents or other people. At the end of the day its your life.

The moral learned was don't do everything right. Things can crash at any time so live for today while it lasts. Life experiences made me very fatalistic.

What about working to spend money on your expensive hobbies or fun?

I do that as well, luckily my hobbies are reasonably priced.

>don't do everything right
This is a thing I wish I had known.
I passed up on a lot of oppotunities to do what I wanted and liked so I would measure up to my parent's expectations.
And here I am now, a 28yo wageslave that got cheated on and has nothing of value. I'm killing myself once I get bored of my hobbies.

Im decent looking but barely 5'10, which I guess is pretty good if you are actually short

I look at life like this now. The best part of my day every day is going to sleep. So why am I still alive? I work just to survive and pay bills, I get zero pussy, I get no play, I have no fun. Even my biggest hobby (motorcycles) got a bit boring. Why am I here?

It's not too late. The lifespan is 80 and beyond.

>38 fuck i'm old...
Thought i would be much farther along in life at this point when i was 20 to 25. Still in the same stop still browse Jow Forums still do the same shit for 15-20 years.

You're not really living past like 40 - 45


>The lifespan is 80 and beyond.
There's a strict time table to get things right, once you break 25 if you don't have your shit sorted out you're forever playing catchup to your peers and competing against the next generation

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>how did you guys get fucked over?

I feel like most of my life has been picking myself up from getting fucked over, with occasional bursts of accomplishment.

>in 2nd grade get accused of plotting my classmate's murder, almost expelled. only reason I wasn't is because it was a complete lie
>4th grade teacher was horribly mean and strict, spent most lunch periods and recesses in detention for bending paperclips and other nonexistent offenses
>parents got divorced from 7-10 grade
>join marching band, lose virginity, but gf goes to an all-women's school on the east coast and comes back a literal tranny (goes by Rory now)
>get into prestigious organization in college, get kicked out for having consensual sex with my gf (long story)
>get heavy into pot, get fired from my first job
>get new job in state government where I get to witness firsthand all the fucked up corrupt shit that goes on
>you are here

I've always felt like an outcast, and seeing the generational gaps shrink smaller and smaller is sad. Am 25+ currently, but kids born 4 years after me are a completely different breed, and the ones 4 years below them are complete screen/social media zombies who have lost most of their capacity to think for themselves. They've almost all been normified, as OP said. But I'm here to stay with the robots. You guys are some of the only real human people left.

I wish you nothing but the best user.

If you take enough risks and make it out fine you catch up fast. Besides, it's not like you missed the 80s or 90s economy. You picked the best time to sit it out because you'd have no mobility.

>After a whole year of trying everything possible, all I managed were 8 dates. Out of them only 2 wanted to meet up again.
glad to hear there is literally no hope left no matter what I do at this point

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It's just too late now for the things to go right.
>don't have enough money or looks to date someone younger
>dating someone my age or older is basically accepting an used slut
I could go to the gym more often and maybe get a better job but I will be chasing things for years while everyone else seems to be enjoying the time of their life.
On the other hand, I'm getting better at my hobby and I'm content enough with it for now.
Pic very much related.

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I feel the same. When do you think the big split happens where the people become less real? I thought it was horrible in my time but these young kids are zombies.

It makes sense. I'm 27, we're starting to see kids that were raised 100% on the internet/computers/phones.

>user, it's been a year now, why can't you find a job?
>"online" applications don't really count, you should go in person and introduce yourself to the manager!
>maybe you should just get a minimum wage job instead?

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Well I been drinkin' again
And I know it's a sin
But I just can't refuse an old friend
Cause life is gettin' me down
And I been two times around
And there ain't nothing but pain 'round the bend
I'm not made for the time
I'm born in the wrong century
There's too much craziness here
In twenty-five years I have used all the tears in my eyes

Now this old world is a fright
You know my future ain't bright
And I'd just crawl in a hole if I could
Or maybe live out in space
Or some other far away place
And not come back to this earth till it's good
Oh but I'm dreaming again
I know that I'm here till the end (and what a long time)
There's too much craziness here
In twenty-five years I have used all the tears in my eyes

Well you might think that I'm wrong
The things I say in this song
I really wish I could see it your way
Cause there's a storm rollin' in
And it just might be the end
So I'm praying we'll all get away
Now my cup is running dry
The weight of the world gets me down
There's way too much craziness here
In twenty-five years I have used all the tears in my eyes
There's nowhere to turn
So I'll just have to learn not to cry (no more)
It's all I can do till we find something new
But I'll get by, you know I'll try
In twenty-five years I have used all the tears in my eyes.

just give them a firm handshake

Part of my problem is that I grew up and was indoctrinated into thinking that a "real job" was something I wanted, so there is a huge part of me that wants to start moving in that direction again, but I just feel so demoralized and helpless that I cannot even hope to achieve something like a 9-5 office job in the near future. I think my parents are honestly part of the problem, because the more they lambaste me, the less I feel like doing anything.

Hopefully someday I can really, truly think like this. I used to laugh at people like you but now I really admire them.

I would be okay at this point with working at a hardware store just so I can buy some new camping equipment. My ultralight stove is on its last fucking legs.

>mfw my friends don't even go camping anymore because they are so busy with jobs and girlfriends/wives

>get new job in state government

This sounds like what my end-game is likely to be, or at least what I want it to be. I don't even give a shit about the corruption, as long as I get a salary and I'm not expected to give up my entire life to improve someone's ROI by 0.09%. I'd be interested in hearing how you got kicked out of that organization, by the way.

>When do you think the big split happens where the people become less real?
Constant smartphone access was one thing, but I think the big thing was the FUCKING ipads. I will never let a child of mine near one of those fucking things until they are 10 or older. It's a portable big beautiful screen to take all of your attention and completely fuck your worldview. And kids are raised on these since birth these days. They have ipads in fucking kindergarten classrooms now. That shit is sick minded and disgusting. Whatever happened to books and creative play?? It's sad, honestly.

dumb normie return to reddit reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

It de-motivational poster from when SA was still the head of making memes before they were called memes.

> 25 in two weeks
> had a taste of the normie life last year
> didn't enjoy it because it was basically a ripple effect of my pop dying, I stepped out of my comfort zone so I could feel alive again
> opened up to people who eventually wrecked me and my self-esteem more than if I had just stayed NEET and dealt with his death in a healthy way
> get fired from job
> struggle with unemployment
> doesn't matter if you've never begged for money or pulled the sympathy card, people instantly look at you like you're disgusting, lazy and homeless when you don't have a job
> smoke weed to deal with the feels until it stopped working and I was tired of people blaming the weed on why I was a jobless loser
> realize I need some substance to get through the day though
> finally find work
> scared because I've been unemployed for a year, and my self-esteem is very fragile and I'm so bitter it physically hurts me at times
> roasties and robots bitching about their parents, who are quite literally their lifesavers
> I just want my dad back
> I'm tired of interacting with normies to survive, when they're all looking down on me, but they have x100 more tools and resources to make it and I'm getting by the best I can
> sometimes I wish their parents would die so they can understand where I'm coming from and how hard it is to bounce back and do it on your own
> I'm a huge pussy faggot who misses the good old days when I was a NEET with potential instead of a bitter escapist cyborg who realizes he's nothing special, and that the world doesn't give a shit about him, his financial struggles or his backstory if he's not producing something of value
> still realize I have it good compared to some 3rd world country kids, which just makes me feel more like a fag
thanks for reading my blog, please no bully
I'm also an INFP pussy boy so I was dealt a shitty hand from birth

>join marching band, lose virginity, but gf goes to an all-women's school on the east coast and comes back a literal tranny (goes by Rory now)
jesus christ, man

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What about your mom? I hear you though. I was a former NEET forced into the workforce. My parents divorced, my dad quit his job and basically retired to an apartment and is drinking himself to death, my mom got nothing from the divorce and makes like 40k a year. Life got REAL very quickly, had nobody to fall back on, had no degree but needed to work to survive. Barely hanging on right now.

>but kids born 4 years after me are a completely different breed
I've always wondered if I was born 5 years too early or 5 years too late.

>If you take enough risks
Didn't take enough risks early on. Why was I so afraid of failure?

Mate dont be retarded, the likelyhood of some kid looking up the history of hip hop and downlaoding a documentary and getting into 2pacs back catalogue is the same as how we would've had to do it in the day; head down to the record store and have conversatonss with randoms and learn from them and they lend you all of Biggy's old shit

>I don't even know if I could do anything with such a huge gap on my resume.
Four words:
Europe/Australia/South East Asia/South America

Spotify and YouTube auto-suggest playlists exist, Grandpa. You're wrong.

She fucked off ages ago when I was 12 to go be a whore. She remarried and relocated and I don't see her anymore.

It's so scary when your survival 100% depends on you. I find myself wondering if people enjoy the friendships/relationships that they have, or if they all hate each other but realize it's scary to be alone. Have you fallen for the self-medicating Jew like I have?

>Just got through 3 month long bout of depression
>Made appointment at docs last week for tomorrow morning
>actually in a good mood for first time I'm 3 months
>still want to go to docs but would feel like I'm lying and they might be able to tell

What do

Going from NEET to having to bang it out by yourself in a short period of time is terrifying. If you're talking about weed I quit that shit once my life got real, because it was making me even more paranoid, scared and sad. I just drink now. Cheap beer.