Two roasties discussing robots on the CBC live in TV RIGHT NOW

Two roasties discussing robots on the CBC live in TV RIGHT NOW


They have literally no idea what they're talking about.

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>person asks how do i easily identify an incel

holy shit are we like fucking ebola carriers

Can we ACTUALLY have our beta uprising now?

I could only handle about 1 minute 30 seconds of that

It will be a Beta genocide

Who here /goypilled/?

Take the /goy/ pill Jow Forums

>I have seen men turn bitter after constantly being rejected by 10/10s why dont men go after normal women

women go for the top 20% of men so why do only women go for the 10/10 chads?

>muh pickup bars
Holy shit people arent just being ironic when they say that?

The incel meme has been completely manufactured. Same as the alt-right. Total controlled opposition. Its a nice convenient name to generalize groups of people.

I have never identified myself as an -incel- , it was mostly used as a pejorative against me on fucking Jow Forums. Now suddenly there are spurs of self-identified incels?
Its definitely a falseflag and a controlled opposition.

it's just the reddit splinter of robots, making it unfunny as reddit tends to do

god fuck me this was all so bad to watch, they had no fucking idea what they were doing and talking about

Winner, originally

Is this the best or the worst timeline? I can't tell anymore.

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I feel like this is is the cruel joke timeline.

>tfw anime will be banned because of all this
I fucking swear...

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Maybe robotdom will become mainstream and trendy like pepe or Jow Forums and then we'll all get girlfriends that way...

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That hasn't worked for us the millions of times it has happened. What ends up happening is normies invade and then those LARPing normies get laid. Just like the "OMG IM SO NERDY" shit since 2008.

We should have just given incels pink pills a long time ago
Reiko did nothing wrong

>They have literally no idea what they're talking about.
Naturally, it's news.

Isn't that the faggot that got caught masturbating to anime?

Skip to 26:20 I can't even

bruh muh SPLC bruh

senpai these white fucks in the south are experts on negros

i honestly want to die, this is all just going downhill