Women in tech: how do you deal with tech bros?

Women in tech: how do you deal with tech bros?
I'm someone who studied computer software development in college but I'm still pretty new to the industry. I've recently started a new job and I feel like I'm not really fitting in. This is a smaller tech company where most of the staff are guys and there is some real incel-ish behaviour going on. They talk a lot about how much they hate their spouses/exes and kids and telling what I consider to be sexist jokes (I.e. today someone brought a heavy box in and our male secretary told everyone it had dead hookers in it). I'm sharing an office with a guy who keeps telling me about his dating problems, and how much he hates "social justice warriors" and his ex-wife.

The only other woman in the office is away this week and as a new hire I'm getting weirded out. Aside from me and her there are two other women but one is an accountant who is here one day a week and the other works from home. I know enough about this industry to know I probably won't last here if I complain about the weird shit so that's not really an option.

What do other women in tech do about this kind of behavior? I know the answer is probably grin and bear it but wanted to know if other people deal with stuff like this.

Attached: techbrovenn5[1].jpg (925x1000, 122K)

Another girl in tech here to tell you that you really just found a shitty place of employment. They have horrible lives and feed off each others horrible lives. Start looking elsewhere because this is more of a company culture being toxic rather than the tech industry. Fucking incel losers.

This. They really are the worst

That sucks to hear - I work in a small software company and the people and community here are a dream. There's only three women, including myself, and all the rest are guys. A lot of them are 30+ years old and they are all mature people who mainly just focus on their work. When talking to them they are opposite of what you're describing - they're polite and kind, and when asking about their families they're almost excited to share about it.

Maybe it's just the company or community you're with? I would suggest possibly looking for a new company if you're able - or like others say, unfortunately, suck it up even though you shouldn't have to :/

>2 posts in this thread
>op obviously samefagging

All me. It was me barry MEEEE

IT can be a sexist environment. I currently do IT work for the government, and still deal with comments/remarks. The guys I work along side are wonderful (I'm the only woman). However, some of the users are ill-mannered.

Several months back, one of the doctors here called having an issue. I was trying to explain to him about restarting the workstation when he said, "put one of the men on the phone, cause I'm tired of this bullshit.". Yeah, no. I made him work with me to fix it. We can both be pissed off.

Ugh, what a bunch of turdshits.

IT can be pretty rough for women. Why can't boys just see our intelligence instead of as sex objects

>8 posts
>4 posters itt including me
Stop being pathetic op

What languages are you well trained with?

Sit down. Be humble. God damn incels, no respect.

This is some pretty transparent bait, lad.


What the fuck is going on? Is this a raid?

Go away you racists pieces of shit.

>woman posts

No wonder you can't get anyone to touch your nasty parts

>15 replies
>7 posters
>half the posts in thread are ostensibly by women
really coddles the cajoles

Yes, when a thread is specifically about women, it tends to attract them. It's not rocket science. I'm sure when a thread that talks about virginity comes up you'll be right at home.

Low quality b8
you silly cunt

To a certain extent, you just have to grin and bear it. But if they cross a line, you have to speak up.

If they start harassing you in particular, making suggestive comments about your appearance or sexuality or whatever, then they have crossed the line.

If they are just making jokes with each other then ignore them and focus on your work.

Time to go back where you belong, run along now.

Attached: 9e0.png (680x946, 93K)

ITT: OP plays with himself

Nope. Sorry it's 2018, more and more fembots are finding their home here.

Get ready, we have menses to discuss.

You're doing pretty well at simulating a women, I'll give you that. Especially with the ad hominem attacks to men's sexuality. You've done your homework on vapid cunts.

I have a gf. I won't be humble because I am great.
Why do you deserve respect just being another CS brainlet, except this time with a vagina?

A woman* whoopsie

I was in the tech industry for awhile and men were very sexiest. My advice is wear slacks, other no-sexually clothes and wear your hair in a bun. Also, study extremelly hard and know your stuff. I worked in the office very little and mostly installed Cisco router, fixed tv's, and other mantence jobs. My male superviser treated me with respect but, my colleagues were a bunch of pigs. I just had to work harder.

Women go to college to learn what a fucking style sheet is, sounds about right

I work freelance so I don't have to deal with people much, wake up when I like, get my work done whenever I feel like it (assuming it's before the deadline)

>on Jow Forums
you're a bright one

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