Need help

A girl just invited me to her house at Saturday and when asked her what she wantd to do, she said anything I want to. I know she isn't sexually attracted to me. Please help me on how to survive this without social suicide

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What does she have? Like is she into vidya and has a console or pc?

remember to get fucking wasted, at least thats what chads and stacys do for fun

>she said anything I want to

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play vidya and watch a movie or some shit
also yes get wasted, should make it a lot easier to get to the fuggin

Make sure to come with an update on Saturday; bring alcohol and get her fucking WASTED then fuck her.

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>all of these autists trying to live vicariously through little OP
He said he wants to avoid social suicide. Getting wasted is a bad idea. What happens if she whips out her phone while he's to fucked to realize/care? One video to Snapchat could ruin him.

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you're a fucking retard
they would obviously both be wasted

Alright since wanted a more serious post I'll give you what I think won't be social suicide. Suggest taking a walk around your town, visiting the popular areas and possibly playing games if she likes that. Onyl you know what she likes most. Bea's confident as possible and always be helpful. It looks more attractive and most girls fucking hate shy guys. Don't worry robot.

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>most girls fucking hate shy guys
pls don't remind me
my entire life i have been better looking than most of the other guys around me, but always get overshadowed by their social success because i'm quiet and don't know what to say

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Anything you want means she wants you, trust me. TRUST ME OP. MAKE YOUR MOVE NOW OR YOU'LL LOSE HER. But I know you won't listen to me... It's life, you have to get hurt to learn a lesson

Hey don't worry, I was the same way like you in middle school and high school. Just pretend that you aren't scared. Practice by calling on discord. You'll feel better about it all and you won't be a shy beta.

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Yeah man. That's a fantastic idea you had. What was I thinking? Obviously OP can just force alcohol down her throat until she's wrecked and then he can fuck her too. Because it's always a great idea for any guy to be fucking today's women while they're intoxicated. That wouldn't be social suicide at all having to deal with her regrets as well as being outcasted as well as being punished for what he did.

Fucking idiot.
Safest suggestion so far.
Good job

not OP but i think the reason people end up being incels is because rather than learning from getting hurt we find it more comfortable to just wallow in our misery

she said whatever you want
why do you assume he would have to force her to drink?
do you not think she would find it a fun idea?
again, fucking retard

>you said we can do anything I want.. so let's just get wasted XD
Have you thought about all the ways that can play out? It's not worth the trouble.

You're not thinking about anything further than getting drunk and fucking her. I'm not assuming that she doesn't want to drink. I'm just not assuming that she does and I'm taking the fact that OP doesn't believe he can smash into consideration. Try harder next time caveman.

i'm not assuming she wants to drink, just that a lot of girls like drinking and that he should obviously ask if that's something she'd be interested in, you completely misunderstood all of my posts

Hey OP same poster as before but hard to add on. I'm assuming now you don't want to hug her based on how you react and write.
>No social suicide
You don't say "how do I fuck he rhelp?m" which is respectable. Just take my advice as before and just be really nice. Offer help but don't be pushy about it, don't act like you're super clingy and what not. I have high hopes for you. You can do it, post updates on Saturday!

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It's not complicated, my man.
Make a lovely meal together.
Don't show up with a bag full of groceries, that would be fucking dumb, you text her first and ask if she'd like that. Spoilers: she will love it.
Chose something that will take at least 45 min - 1 hour to make. Drink wine during the cooking, tell funny stories, make dumb jokes etc.

Have done it myself multiple times, shit is flawless. So long as you can hold a conversation.

Pro tip: Spicy meals leads to "tingly" BJ's

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>Backpedaling, the post
>Y-you misunderstood all of my posts
I'll still humor you though. Women like drinking in safe and social environments. They drink because their friends do and they drink when they're having fun strictly to have more fun. So again, telling OP.. the guy posting on this Taiwanese amphibian forum to suggest getting fucked up while he's one on one with this normal girl is suicide. It takes at least a few casual hangouts before they trust you and you trust them.
OP sounds like a high school fag. This is a good idea if he isn't, but who knows.

OP back to explain the situation further

She was a classmate of mine from middle-school and I met her again at a club last week. We talked and I got her Snapchat. She isn't into vidja but movies are a good idea.

I'm a highschool fag but my country has a low drinking age so we are both legally allowed to drink. Also I'm going to her house and her parents won't be there.

What country m8?
Making a meal together will work, I promise you

Glorious Austria