>pick a country and trip yourself
>try to be somewhat realistic
>pick a country and trip yourself
>try to be somewhat realistic
the time is late summer 1944
bumping one last time
Continue research of the worlds first nuclear bomb
Ireland declares herself neutral. Massive amounts of firearm are distributed to good citizens in order to protect the country if needed, and soldiers are ready to defend the country. Bordiers are most protected, and territorial waters too.
Nationalist militias are trained in order to protect the country if need be.
Ireland offers tax deductions and bank secrecy to anyone wishing to put funds in Ireland, provided at least 3% be invested in the economy of the country.
If you join the Axis powers we will spare you from nuclear bombardment.
Germany takes all Europe dont attack russia perfect world
Irish diplomats make public in the press the threats of the Axis.
Answer of Irish diplomats to Axis:
"No, thank you. One more threat like this and we join the Allies. Still, we won't hold it against you and won't act on it."
Ireland deploys massive air protection.
Nordic scientists continue work on fission bomb.
Expected to be complete by mid-late 1945.
Ireland cites British violation of Ulster treaty (previous thread) and nullifies her alliance, exiting the war.
Soldiers recalled from N. Africa to the home island.
Encourages international investment.
Britain and USA ramp up bombing of industrial targets in Western and Central Europe
Kiev falls to Russian offensive
Germans dig in on the Dnepr.
Focus almost entirely on nuclear research in the hopes of speeding up the process.
Send military aid to the Germans at the Dnepr
Ireland secretly proposes to the United Kingdom to help actively in the effort of war, only if Northen Ireland is given to the Republic.
Also, only one military action is allowed per update.
Ireland offers to restore the conditions of the Ulster treaty.
Britain modifies treaty to hold a referendum in Northern Ireland instead of a direct handover.
Scandinavia doubles down on wunderwaffe program
Russian offensive focuses on the north, retaking Novgorod and Ingermanland, cutting off connection between Finland and Germany.
Allies advance in Normandy
It is now early fall 1944
Expend all resources and manpower on wunderwaffe progam.
Nords direct all efforts toward wunderwaffe project
Expected finish time now early 1945.
Russians launch another offensive in the north, targeting Scandinavian lines.
Moscow offers Scandinavia a peace deal:
>Surrender Karelia
>Declare war on Germany.
British and American effort in Spain breaks through enemy lines as Germans retreat to reinforce Normandy.
Germans occupy Pyrenees.
It is now mid Fall 1944
Referendum is agreed. Massive propaganda is conducted in Northern Ireland.
Trip yourself
Rally up my men and inspire them to fight to the last man, die for spain. Once they are mentally prepared attempt a final hurrah on the British line
Send Stalin the heads of every Russian prisoner currently in Finland.
Double down on the fortifications on the Russian-Finnish borders.
Build V-2 rockplatforms in Helenski.
Every province except Belfast votes to join Ireland
Britain demands Ireland uphold it's side of the bargain and send troops to Normandy
British and American offensive breaks Spain.
Franco flees to Germany
Nords stand defiant
Russia plows through the Dnepr defenses into Southern Europe.
It is now late Fall 1944
Reclaim my lost provinces
While further securing our borders.
Expend as much effort as possible on the earliest completion on our nuclear program.
Greek rebels rise up in the countryside.
Russians continue offensive in Ukraine and retake Kiev (for real this time)
Americans take Barcelona
British and Irish troops break out of Normandy to the southwest.
Romanian government becomes unstable
Finns build fortifications north of Leningrad
tripcode yourself
(Name #password)
Start construction of a massive airforce, enlisting the women of our great country to work in our factories.
I'm not done with East Asia but how's the 1096 map look?
Also I take control of a German Special operations unit and attempt to send them into Sicily to sabotage allied munitions, artillery, and planes. At the same time I prepare units for a landing to take Sicily and flank the brits.
Looks fucking awesome dude! When do you plan on posting it?
Probably sometime tomorrow. I will post in thos thread when the map is done.
I like
Special forces of the Italian Social Republic sabotage allied supply dumps in Sicily
Scandinavia jump starts air industry using female workers.
reserves running low.
Greek rebels grow in strength due to absence of occupying force.
Russians steamroll trough Romania.
Romania Surrenders
USSR declares war on Bulgaria
British and American forces exploit breakthrough in Normandy, liberating Breton peninsula.
It is now early winter 1944
Italian forces use this successful sabotage to attempt a naval invasion of Sicily
Expend more resources to finish our nuclear program.
Italians attempt a naval invasion of Sicily but lose what few ships they had remaining.
British forces in Iraq occupy Persian oil fields
Bulgaria surrenders to USSR
Germany evacuates Greece
Scandinavian nuclear program nearly complete
American troops expand out of Normandy.
It is now mid winter 1945
With more and more breakthroughs in the wunderwaffe progam the scientists have increased morale making their final checks before production of the bombs complete.
All hope seems lost. Surrender to the Allies on the terms that all POWs are released and I am granted safety. If they refuse, the fighting continues.
I always knew the Italians were disgusting cowards. Hitler has made a grave mistake ever trusting you inferior rodents.
By the power of trips Scandinavian scientists produce the world's first atomic bomb.
Italian troops lay down their arms to the allies and Germans take their positions
Russian troops attack Belarus
American and British armies make progress in France
It is now early spring 1945
Revolt against the UK and support axis
After completion call up our entire airforce and drop the bomb on London,England.
Welcome to the fold brother
Scottish Nationalists rise up in Edinburgh.
Americans land in southern France and drive north.
Soviet troops trudge through the muddy swamps of White Russia towards Poland.
Reichskommisariat Ukraine ceases to exist
Albania surrenders to the USSR
Atomic bomb dropped on London destroys the city.
Scottish rebels lose Edinburgh but move up into the highlands.
it is now mid spring 1945
Fuck you for betraying us Italy even though I was Italy Start investing heavily on scientific research to devolp more powerful infantry weapons and ships. In the meantime, fortify Allied boarders in France with anti-air and anti-tank units. Begin to bombard the enemy lines with mortars and artillery. Send a bombing unit to suppress the English countryside and send arms to Scotland.
Start production of three more atomic bombs.
We need you to aid us while we produce more wunderwaffe
Germany bombs English countryside with V2 rockets.
Russia drives toward Poland, taking Vilnus.
American Armies link up in France and turn eastward toward Paris.
Britain puts down Scottish rebellion
Nords begin producing more A bombs.
Launch another bomb on Moscow.
Start playing on radio that if the allies do not surrender more cities will be destroyed.
Fuck I'm too late.
Scandinavia I'm proud of you. Nordic Wunderwaffe is a success. London is a goner
Moscow is bombed by Scandinavian air force.
Russians respond by firebombing Helsinki and Stockholm.
USSR invades Hungary and Serbia
American and British armies in France liberate Paris
It is now mid summer 1945
No you're not, you can take control of Germany again friendo.
Ey my boi is Bulgarian still a possible choice?just saw it fall, crap
Launch two nuclear bombs on allied controlled France. Continue pressing for their surrender.
Bulgarian people's republic perhaps
How nice of you
name and trip
Forgot trip! AHHH
So, is it possible that I can take control of them even if they are under USSR? Or is color ust indicator of alliances?
Just say you're starting a rebellion!
You better be axis
Did Churchil and Stalin survive the nuclear attacks btw?
I may do either that, or join great soviet union and attack Greece
If you join the soviets your dreams will be haunted by the screams and the sounds of melting flesh of your precious Union.
Third Reich fortifies the Rhine and begins conscription of Volksstrum units.
Scandinavians drop atomic bomb on Allied front lines in France, slowing their advance.
Britain and USA enter Belgium
People's Republic of Bulgaria declares war on Germany
Churchill is injured, Stalin was in Crimea and Roosevelt dies of natural causes.
Russians launch all out attack in the Baltic and Poland. Warsaw is captured
Begin production of three more atomic bombs. Handing one over to the Germans.
Um yeah, you see here pal I uhh...
Asked if Bulgaria was controllable, not that I'm controlling them. Whatever
It is now late summer 1945
you don't have to play as them you can switch whenever you want.
We need an American and UK player if you're up to it.
I send troops to subdue Greece in order to turn them to the People's Republic
Align the forces in the east in a way that would create a narrow (few kilometers) passage for a soviet spearhead force. If they fall for the trap, nuke them out.
Our WW2 is turning out to be way more deadly than the historic WW2 isn't it?
Yes, I fear that nukes in 1945 is quite unrealistic. Then again, who said this is accurate?
nukes in 45 are unrealistic? The 'mericans had nukes after a few months of their manhattan project, our finnland worked more than a full year on it
carry out multiple terrorist attacks in London, Bristol and York targeting civilians. the eternal anglo has to pay.
Bulgaria and Greece enter into proxy war, supported by USSR and USA respectively.
Germans evacuate small region of samogitia for Russian advance. Russians fall for the bait and are nuked. Russians cease offensive operations in the Baltic but restart offensive in the south. Budapest is surrounded and Krakow falls.
Western allies take Strasbourg, Brussels, and begin urban combat in Aachen.
Scottish separatists carry out terrorist attack in London, successfully blowing up three large piles of rubble.
>Scottish separatists carry out terrorist attack in London, successfully blowing up three large piles of rubble
Lmao was about to say London is gone already.
Well, we now need to get ready in case the other allies are developing nuclear arms. Stack up on weapons that outclass heavy bombers (jet fighter planes probably)
If we ever see an american carrier on our radar, notifiy the Nordics. We're now at a point where they have more firepower than us.
Goebbles does his propaganda about the first german nuclear strike and how it vaporized a lot of clueless russians.
Nuke New York City and Dublin.
Use propaganda and gurelia tactics (that's the word right?) to have the Greeks surrender peacefully. Possibly try and produce more ships and food
I don't think we can reach new york yet. probably need to develop a submarine missile first or get naval superiority and deploy a carrier
Sorry I don't quite know the range of our bombs.
Well, if our bomberplanes are either a B29 style or a Horten HO 229 style planes, they can't cross the pacific. Maybe if they start from Iceland... idk
Could someone play Turkey?
Pro-western government is set up in spain, with portions of the country still being occupied by allies.
French government returns to Paris
United states drops it's first atomic bomb, "little boy" on Essen and pushes up to the Rhine river.
Great Britain strikes Italy through the Po valley.
USSR drives west toward Berlin, capturing Danzig, the city that the war began over.
Budapest falls after a siege.
neither New York or Dublin are within Axis rocket range
It is now late fall 1945
Dude turkey would be great... Part of them appears to be under soviet control, maybe have them capture it back, now that the red army is way west? That'd make sense
Boi don't ye baccstab
The republic tries to improve its aircraft
Ireland to Scottish rebels:
Let's unite against the UK. They are bullies who enslaved us and hindered our sovereignty. We will provide you with firearms and a lot of money.
Rebel, take Scotland for yourself, and we (Ireland) will attack Belfast and Wales. They will have to fight us on both fronts, plus the Axis, so they won't be able to do anything.
Meanwhile, Ireland does hard lobbying in the USA thanks to the people who migrated there, so that the USA won't stop them from invading Wales and Belfast.
Do you think we should negotiate a peace treaty with the allies? Who wins in a war where everyone has nuclear weapons?
Anyways, evacuate Wernher von Braun and his homies from western poland to Scandinavia. Order the remaining U-Boots to search for American carriers, yet they shouldn't attack, just report their position to the scandinavians.
oh hey i'm back on the game
Egyptian rebels rise against the UK in their weakened state
>destroy cable telephone
>set fire rail transports on fire
and other means of communions and telecommunication
(That was me, Ireland, sorry for Anonymous)
Tripcode yourselves.
Are you all the same person?
I'll join the Axis in exchange for nuclear secrets.
*set rail transports on fire
fuk i can't delete it lol
Hah, so you can trade 'em to the Soviets in exchange for your lost territory? I don't think so.
no i'm the original Egyptian from that day
No I'm only Ireland.
Here I go I tripped myself.
gawd gorino damn lol
What's a tripcode?
In the Name box, enter your name, then a "#" and then a password. E.g.:
People's Republic of Bulgaria#somepassword
It's the authentification code (for example !!uKck.PmdiFK after your name, which guarantees others that it is the same person posting.
To trip, when you reply, in "Name" :
Great Britain restores Egyptian sovereignty to focus elsewhere.
Italian resistance crumbles
USSR pushes Germans back to Oder-Nessie line and takes Vienna
It is now early winter 1945
forgot to update map oregano