Can someone help me understand guys with pornstar girlfriends? Are they cucks...

Can someone help me understand guys with pornstar girlfriends? Are they cucks? Most of boyfriends of female pornstars looks like a Chad too

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Have you ever met them? Go have a chat and drinks with strippers one night. They are free spirits. They don't give a shit about shit.

My ex-bf was a porn star. Best relationship I ever had. To be honest he was a ballet/jazz dancer that always was center stage. He loved attention so do porn was very good for him. I supported him and never shared my jealous feelings. The relationship ended because, I wanted kids. Some people don't want traditional jobs they just want to be free and have fun. Also he was the chillest nicest man I ever met.

What is that nigga in OP pic wearing? Suit with Joggers and fucking pink sneakers? Nibba what?

marica aged. she used to be so cute

>he doesn't have the formal bathrobe style
The absolute state of /fa/lets

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i have a feeling the girl in OP's pic has some connections to the Bogs

are pic related really together?

They are typically beta cucks. Woman like that are the ultimate manipulators, they wrote the book on taking advantage of men, without exception. You mean to tell me you put a ring on a girls finger, and she's STILL sucking dick for money? Come on. Only weak men and scum bags wife chicks like this.

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Marica used to be a babe. now shes skipped straight into granny tier.

let this be a lesson - dont choose the party life find a nice loyal beta provider.

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I think this is her boyfriend.

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>not having a granny fetish

>marica hase's boyfriend is black
what the FUCK

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i can't imagine living a normal life after a porn career. How can you even find a job? What kind of boss accepts ex-porn stars? How do your family/friends look at you? Does regular sex even satisfy you anymore?

Holy fuck is that a bad pic or has she actually aged 50 years recently?

>be me
>be asian man
>tfw make comment to play on asian womens insecurity over their looks
>say that the party life will age them faster
>tfw it works and it keeps asian women from race mixing

tfw asian men are the ultimate /devilish/

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You guys really missed this Theroux kino? Come on now.

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I'd rather be in a relationship with a pornstar than some regular slut t b h

Well he did porn but, he also did web design, camera work and editing. When we dated I was 20 and he was 26. He is retired from "acting". He sold his web design website and still runs the porn company he founded. He is a millionaire now that travels around the world. You guys shouldn't really judge porn stars. Plus there will always be a need for sex and food in the market place.

To be fair he does porn as well

>that's something to be proud of, desu it's the same reason I set my sister up with a malaysian guy. Proper sweet, kind, gentleman. If anyone is gonna be with my sister, it may as well be someone like him

>Well he did porn but, he also did web design, camera work and editing
Being only a performer is kinda dumb, your only product is your body. If you get involved in production and durecting and you arent dubmb you can make a comfortable living out of it.
Too bad the market is saturated with vallina and even kink stuff.

Some are cucks others are suitcase pimps

Sorry for being brainlet but what is suitcase pimp?