Is their anyway i can destroy my sex drive. I am sick of being attracted to females but cant have them.
Is their anyway i can destroy my sex drive. I am sick of being attracted to females but cant have them
Perception is everything. You have to take enough black pills to the point where you despise and distrust woman. Also NEVER look at pretty girls in public, that shit kills.
That room creeps me out. She's probably older than she seems.
>NEVER look at pretty girls
Yes and no. Basically try to avoid it if you cant even manage to say hello.
castration and/or HRT
yes i did this and trust me its great the end of desire is the death of suffering, and this is how i did it. first i ground up MDMA in to a powder (half gram) and dissolved it in water and did it in a shot glass. then half an hour later wen the MDMA was kicking in i smoked a big joint i literally faped form days and now im totally sick of any form of sexual stimulation iv literally had enough for one life time
I too have wondered about this but in our current biological bodies i dont think it is possible to be rid of the sex impulse as it is deeply embedded in our nature. Maybe when you reincarnate into a different reality system, maybe the apex organisms will be of an asexual androgynous nature. Perhaps.
It'll be hard to get but their are drugs that will murder your libido, actually many of them are used in transitioning so they can't be super hard to get in a SJW world like now.
>literally fried his brain
>entirely jaded the rest of life
a few years ago, when I saw a beautiful girl I used to feel sad, because I knew I would never be able to be close to a girl like her.
But now whenever I see a girl I get really angry, what's happening here?
I want to know this too.
Ever since I started working out my sex drive has increased even more (probably because of testosterone).
I used to be able to have enough willpower to limit my fapping to 1 time per week, but now even that seems impossible.
You need to set up some Pavlovian conditioning where the sight of women brings on associated feelings of disgust
Fall in deep love with someone.
I was masturbating 3-5 times everyday but after falling in love other women started to disgust me and I have stopped fapping completely.
does that work with waifus?
>But now whenever I see a girl I get really angry, what's happening here?
This is sort of happening to me. I only hate women who are attracted to me and whom I am attracted to.
Most women are okay in my book.
>women who are attracted to me
Nobody cares about your le deep existential suffering, stoner. Fuck off.
That sounds like a sad result. Why not just condition your sexuality to be only towards your waifu or sex doll? Then you can be happy with your dick. I mean, if you can cut out lust entirely, then you can do that.
I buy anti-depressants online and I no longer have sex drive and I'm fucking happy with life, I no longer have anxiety problems, it's just great.
I have developed some nihilism though but fuck it, I'm a lot better since my agoraphobia days.
Absolutely. It's the best, because the more you nurture it, the better it gets, since it's all reliant on your own mindset and feelings.
Try NoFap and read so many scientific papers about negative effects of sex and masturbation that you will loose your libido.
To add to this, self-imposed chastity is very effective as well.
Buy a chastity cage online and wear it. Not being physically able to touch your penis makes nofap easier
It takes practice but eventually you can go weeks or months at a time without even thinking about sex.
You just need to turn gay
I recommend onions and lots of avocado.
How old do you think she is, and how old does she look?
It slowly goes away with age.
When i was 19 i would fuck anything that had a hole, now that im 28 i barely even think about it. I just masturbate like once a week and whenever i see a hot girl i really dont feel that "drive" anymore, it just isnt there.
Opiates and opioids are the only women I'll ever need in my life. Canna-chan is chill as fuck to hang out with as well.
My libido is destroyed, I've quit abusing heroin and such but I do take daily methadone. Been clean for about 4,5 years from all street shit. Just doing my best on methadone maintenance therapy. But I don't desire women unless I miss a dose for some reason which barely happens since I enjoy feeling so numb.
kill yourself
yo op what's the sauce? Need it now
You should switch to opi's my friend, you will feel even number but also way more euphoric than any anti-depressant will ever make you feel. If you're gonna take medication, why not enjoy it at least?
Of course.
This user gets it.
>sex drive was completely gone by 22
>Age 28
>Hornier than ever
>Most women are okay in my book.
retarded red dit faggot
some benzos and antidepressants can do that
.. as a side effect tho
Wouldn't they just have the same problem but with men?
Is bottom left the name of the girl?
Her name is moose knuckles
No, that's Anna Song. Best tits in the universe.
Doesn't just being around women accomplish that?
adam lanza got his own balls cut off by himself
Looks like one those sets used in Russian pornos. She's probably in her mid-late 20's but trying to pass as a "teen" for the scene she's being forced to do.
>acts like am edgy cunt and can't figure out why he can't get laid.
Oh boy, milinials are weird.
Yeah getting paid thousands to pose nude after signing a consent form sure is forced.
She's really popular porn star by the way.
Grow up and get a hobby, guys. Jesus fuck ing Christ you want a women so bad learn to talk to them.
Flip your viewpoint. You can have them if you do something about yourself
Castration is not a reliable way to destroy sex drive. It lowers it for the majority of cases but there are exceptions, or it might lower it some but not as much as you'd want.
HRT (if you mean MtF HRT) usually lowers sex drive but sometimes has no effect, and sometimes even increases sex drive, rarely this increase is dramatic.
The testosterone in your system is only one of many factors that determines sex drive.
These are the trips of truth and the truth should not be ignored
I can have them without changing a god damn thing. But I don't want them.
Ana Song
Tonya Song
Both names point to the same beauty