10 mins ago

>10 mins ago
>Girl in my class looks like a loli in every single way so I want her
>Devise plan in head during class
>Class ends
>Walk towards her and initiate convo
>"Hey does the teacher always do an attendance check"
>"What's your name btw"
>She's right next to me and I start thinking of all the loli threads I fapped to and how it can become reality for me
>For some reason I think saying this is a great fucking idea: "You really remind me of a loli"
>She gives me a disgusted look, calls me a gross pedo and tells me to stay away from her or she'll call the police

The one time when I gather enough courage to talk to a girl this shit happens. Why am I so fucking retarded?

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>Why am I so fucking retarded
do you really need to ask that question?

you deserve it for bbbbbbbbbbbbb;./ 0x0CAE0013 Out of Range Error please restart posting server

>girl knows what a Loli is


People like you shouldn't be allowed to live desu

If you looked like a chad she wouldnt have done that

What's so wrong with being compared to a loli? I pretty much called her cute and good looking

wow, they got the server back up that quick?

>For some reason I think saying this is a great fucking idea: "You really remind me of a loli"

Even if you let your power level show you never under any circumstances imply that you are a pedo or an animal fucker.

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I could tell she wasn't a normie. She always sits alone in class, away from people. I was gonna show her this pic just in case she didn't know what I meant

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>For some reason I think saying this is a great fucking idea: "You really remind me of a loli"
And obviously she knew what you meant by that. Ignoring how retarded of a response was that in the first place


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You basically told her "I wanna fuck anime little girls." combined with the fact that she's probably insecure about her size, you fucked up bad.

Should I sit next to her in class next time and apologize? I just don't want her to make a big scene in class. She is perfect. This might be my only chance to fuck a loli irl.

I think you should probably stay away from her

>i made a dumb comment in a spure of the moment because of my low impulse control
>but i still wanted to show her a pic to show her what i meant
>also i went straight on r9k to share this questionable situation i got in with other anons
Fake and sage, fuck off.

does she have big tata mamas?

this is bait but in case you're serious please stay away from everyone, not just her

No you failed for good, any further attempt could get you in trouble. Just learn from this mistake, and if you're lucky next time when you run into another adult loli keep your fucking mouth shut about their size, and treat them normally.

I used to know this girl that looked like a loli but then she started smoking and she stopped dying her hair brown so now she looks like shit. She would think herself that she was a loli and we used to joke about her boyfriend being a pedo.

So even if she didn't know what you were talking about, you were going to show her a pic of a Loli?
Sage for not even trying to keep the bait alive.

As if you're better. At least I had the courage to approach her.

The fact that you need to even ask that question... Just end it user.

How about you stop being an autistic sperg and leave the poor girl alone fuck your autism is showing

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you fuckin blew it mate

better luck next time I guess

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Anyone else here using clover?
Images aren't showing up for me at all

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oh god user
please dont rent a van anytime soon

Same here user. It's pissing me off. I had to come to the mobile site.

>a female knowing what a loli is
1/10 got me to reply

Ok please kill yourself. please. what will it take to convince you.

Follow your dreams, user!
In the worst scenario, you just make a fucking pedo/moron in front of everyone!
But that's actually well known by everyone in your classroom!

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Don't get what's so wrong about it. Am I not supposed to compliment girls? If a girl said I looked like someone from a tv show, I'd be pretty happy.

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I have female friends that know what lolis are, user.

Lmao you blew your chance OP. Why would you say something so retarded?

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You spelled "males" wrong, user.

yep, been having problems last few days but I think it's Jow Forums's CDN that's the problme.

If you're this stupid you don't deserve an adult loli gf.

>It's unthinkable that there are actual female human beings that are decent

>or god forbid, know the pedophilia culture of anime. or have read the book Lolita and done research and come across it.

You already fucked your chance so post pics of her. Don't pretend you don't have some.

My plan was to ask for her name and then look her up online but I can't find her anywhere

>Or even watch anime themselves