Tfw psychosis so hard I can't tell apart what's hallucinations and what's reality anymore

>tfw psychosis so hard I can't tell apart what's hallucinations and what's reality anymore.

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This thread isnt even real faggot, but im gonna give you a tip: use a reality anchor

can you give me sauce on that image you posted?

Make a tulpa desu

Do you get outside in nature much? Don't let the hippie strawman mislead you. You could probably use to ground yourself in what is the most real thing on the planet: nature.

Other than that, everything humans do is more or less applying order to chaos. Although ironically our attempts are themselves growing chaotic and out of hand. Our lives are far from "real" depending on your definition which is both good or bad. Still, you'd be surprised just getting away from the creations of man can help you grasp reality a lot better.

>use a reality anchor

Attached: ? (360x360, 890K)

take photos
im dead serious, take photos of things and look at them on your phone, hallucinations should not appear on the photos

But what if the phone/camera he's using is just a hallucination?

Attached: 1524439349495.png (850x1002, 129K)

>use a reality anchor
Like what?
Please don't do this. ;_;

it would be easy to identify

It's all real, it's just the border between the real world and the Wired disappearing.

I unironically want this to be my experience of life can you give me any advice?

user, wake the fuck up you're in a dream!!

This is real user don't listen to these fucks trying to get under your skin.
I suffer too you need a person you can confide in who will let you know what's real and what's not.
You will gradually return believe in this

Why don't you take Ntipsychotics though?

So did I user.
Trust me you don't want it no matter how much your brain tells you it does its a demon when it sees it's chance it grabs you and drags you down before you know what's happening.
But if you really want to crawl down this rabbit hole know there's no coming back and you WILL want to come back.
Drugs are your best bet

>Like what?

my cock

A person.
A gf is the best option, if that's not a possibility a family member is the next best choicd

Do u have advice for legal drugs to achieve this i havent spoken to a human being that wasnt my mom in 6 years so i cant buy illegal drugs

Start off with lucid dreaming

just tell me the legal drugs u tard id ont wanna do the gay shit

You don't want this.
I don't tolerate them.
I'm a girl desu and my mother is literally driving me insane.

Psilocybin + lack of sleep and food and people telling you you're crazy.


also be my girlfriend

Jesus fucking Christ kid don't do this shit.
DXM lots of it

Actually benadryl overdoses are the SUREFIRE way to trigger psychosis
But that is not a fun experience

I just told you faggot

ok but will you be my girlfriend or no

Maybe when the hallucinations stop.

Fuck this loser, get out of here

Hey fagbitch, wanna be my e-fuckbuddy?

hey ill be yourt ass you fuckin nigger if you talked to me like that id beat your freakin ass bitch d beat the fuckin fuck outta you fuckin bitch

lol. I would really prefer it if you were quiet.

I never did any of these drugs though.

don't even talk about my boy chibi like that you son of a bitch I mean here's a picture of his penis you son of a bitch fuck outta here so dont ever make reference to chibi ever again

Attached: ChibiDick.jpg (640x480, 24K)

Ok a bf then
Not an abusive one please too many of my psychotic friends end up with one, he's not worth it, etc etc.

Find someone who is willing to treat you right and help with your issues, it's your only way back.
>Inb4 some faggot thinks this is white knighting

Attached: othhn869bqc01.jpg (500x605, 23K)

After I stopped smoking weed after some hardcore weeks and an aweful breakup I had some amazing and realistic dreams for about two months, whereafter I couldn't separate dream from reality. They got away when I got better and reclaimed reality as a place to feel good in for myself. Sometimes I drift away back into the dreams, but it's gotten much better.
Protip: Start making your life better. Start doing shit you like and start sports and getting back to reality for real and reality will come back to you.