Why do girls like sucking dick? It doesn't look fun at all

Why do girls like sucking dick? It doesn't look fun at all

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They probably like controlling a mans orgasm and sucking a dick like a lollipop

Sucking dick is fun as long as he doesn't choke you and you're comfortable together.
I personally like licking/sucking and making him squirm.

it's a submissive act and women want to be submissive

Because of the rewards they get for it. The actual act they couldn't care less about., just whateve they get in return.

The lusty for our chawks. they want the meat in their mouth. ;)

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This also. They lusty for our cocks. They can't help themselves. They're addicted to us

gay boy here: it's really fun

take the dick pill, user.

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What exactly is fun about it?

I think this video will answer some questions on why roasties/ gays crave the cock


i don't actually think that many of them do.
but some women def do: look at that old screengrab from Reddit about the guy's wife who sucked over 100 dicks before getting married or the one that was posted to Jow Forums a couple months ago about they guy who's wife admitting sucking so much dick she lost count but hadn't sucked his since the honeymoon.
(sorry i didn't save the images)

I dunno, what's fun about eating a nice piece of pizza or watching your favorite tv show? It feels good.

>enjoy doing specific sexual act
>stop doing said sexual act once you are in a longtime relationship

Can someone explain why women do this

>It doesn't look fun at all
yet again op proves himself to be a faggot

Maybe the get bored of the same penis.

I think its best for people with oral fixation.
Usually people who are disorganized according to freud i think.

I think it might be cause a lot of women don't really enjoy sucking dick, but think it's something they have to do (and have to love). But once they feel fairly certain he won't leave them for Dicksucker Stacy, they don't feel the need to put on the act anymore.

kys retard idiot bitch

Well im a straight guy and i know i have an oral fixation.
Im always either drinking, smoking or chewing on something.

this is the correct answer, women like knowing their actions are what's making you nut/squirm, whatever.

i rather wonder why gays like to do it much more than women

Probably the same reason lesbians like eating pussy a lot more than straight men.

Some because of the submissive role, most because it makes the man fully erect and lubricates the dick for better sex.

maybe in your fantasy

Not really, no. It kind of sucks, honestly.

t. "straight" male

Not that user, but knowing that a man is using your mouth to get off is really hot to me, it makes me feel all tingly inside, no homo...

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>literally designed to suck cock

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heh, gud 1 virgy.

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meant for I'm retardo

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I think roasties withold sex in general as a power move
They want to suck dis nuts but they practice self control