Your dad is a beta and HE got laid, so why can't you?

Your dad is a beta and HE got laid, so why can't you?

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he lived in a time without tinder
he also had a much more stable upbringing

Because back when my Dad got laid cell phones and the internet werent really a thing, So Women were had a smaller pool of Men to choose from and often ended up with someone in their league who wasnt expendable.

Its the exact opposite of that now. With how openly available social media is girls have a never-ending supply of chad cock.

>your dad is a beta

surprisingly unoriginal

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It was an arranged marriage, really doubt he'd get laid if it wasn't for that.

Just lurk moar. Or leave normie.

>your dad is a chad
>got married at 39
>fucked random chicks all his life
>got rich real young
>big banker in the 80s
>even now cheats on your mom
I know he keeps a bunch of mistresses and knows I know but keeps playing dumb

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>he lived in a time without tinder
Tinder and the internet have expanded your potential dating pool to a size bigger than it could have ever been in any point in history. How exactly is tinder working against you?

My father is actually crazy Chad

My dad is actually pretty Chad.
He cheats on girls constantly and they all come back to him.
I'm not very beta either, cause I don't take other's shit at face value.

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My dad acts and looks exactly like Joe Pesci from the Goodfellas. It sucks because if my parents didn't divorce I'd probably somewhat of a Chad, but no, I'm a faggot now who likes ding dongs haha

By promoting promiscuity. When women are left to run wild and never suffer consequences for their actions it doesn't exactly produce mother material. They would rather have short term ((fun)) with the bad boys than find a loving husband to raise a healthy family with. When women get to choose, everyone will lose

My dad was a Chad. My mother is an 2/10 woman. I got all the 2/10 genes

It was the 80's my mum was high the whole time

My dad was just like me. An absolute alpha male in some ways but a beta in others.

my dad was a drill sgt. in the army and has like 20 kids with 12 different women.

i swore to not be like him. all his children are alienated out of his life.

That doesn't really answer my question. If women are as promiscous as you say, shouldn't that just increase your chances of eventually having sex? Furthermore, it seems kind of silly to consider promiscuity an exclusively female problem since sex isn't a solo act. Especially considering that studies show men are more promiscous than women

No you idiot how new are you? 80% of the sex is enjoyed by 20% of men, the fittest and most attractive guys. " women are more promiscuous now" really means "women are more promiscuous with Chad"

Yeah get the fuck off our board you god damn normie

He is not. Im a manlet framelet because god wanted it that way.

Explain how are you, user.

i am literally the product of rape. my mom was a coalburner who fucked niggers in the hood and one night a whole gang ambushed her and ran a train on her. 9 months later i was born.

I'm pretty sure that's how Jack the Ripper was conceived too, only it was an asylum for the insane.
So, go slashing hookers.

My dads actually pretty Chad
>massive penis
>captain of the swim team in HS
>went to university entirely on scholarships
>became a lawyer, made bank
>married a shy rich blonde qt
i honestly don't know how I became such a fuckup lmao. my siblings are all successful as fuck in all aspects of life and that makes it so much worse

My dad isnt beta though, just bipolar.

>massive penis
>calls mom blonde qt

how fucking gay are you?

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never knew him so I don't know.

Only slept with two guys

My dad was and still is an ultra chad

He was a turbochad during his youth and who divorced twice during his adulthood. Guess I was lucky to enjoy him as a father, I don't know if I have other brothers.

I feel like you're kind of stupid, you're saying that the option pool for males is expanded and more open without acknowledging the same truth for females.

dads a chad, granpas a chad, great grandfather was a chad.. Im sort of a chad in the sense that many people like to talk to me and lots of people know me and call me their friend and make me hang out. I only enjoy hanging out with one and i see the rest as complete idiots and try to find ways to stay inside and read all the time

My father should have never given birth to his little boy blunder. What was he thinking. Why did my parents do this to me.

my dad is a different man now and has been my whole life. he wasa terrible example for how to be a normal human being. i never learned from him that its okat to want a female.
thanks user, you just sent me on a spiral.

i wish my adoptive mother would have just let my bio just abort me. i had three people on my team, and they all failed me. it doesnt matter, were all the same anyway.

>Expanding male dating pool
Haha, nope
It's the 80/20 rule at work

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So you are chad.Fuck off and go kill yourself you piece of trash.

Because the beta-ness of thousands of generations has led to me. Beta blood passed down for countless decades is flowing through my veins. I am a walking, talking, humanoid distillation of beta extract

Because I'm not stupid enough to enter a relationship I can't possibly afford to divorce. He has done nothing but gripe about both his marriages. I don't even have my own room to take a girl into, or a car at age 25. I also just don't care, there is absolutely no desire in me to enter a relationship.

My dad is a black Chad. He got my white mom pregnant then divorced her and now he's married to a rich white woman living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

t. cringe
>uhhh my dad is actually chad bro

I wonder this myself. Also his dad, and his dads dad, and dads dads dad. Literally every on of your ancestors got laid, for millions of years. It's fucked how we might be the end of a millions of years long patriarchal lineage. I was always socially awkward since I was a kid, since my first day of school. I think I am legitimately developmentally stunted, a genetic defect perhaps. I don't understand why I didn't turn out normal like other kids, maybe because I was short and chubby, but I've seen weirder looking kids be way more outgoing than me. I know the solution to all robots problems is to literally just talk to people but I never enjoy doing it

My dad is Chad.
At least he looks like Chad in photos, I've never actually met him.

My dad was star of the track team and a real sociopath that married the captian of the cheer team and made millions in corporate sabotage, if that ain't Chad I don't know what is

Just remember that there were probably other "dead ends" like you along the way, as siblings. Not like you're really alone being a black sheep in a family. Being normal isn't a requirement, it's just something expected from other people. I don't mind talking to people myself, sometimes it's alright, but I have far more engaging conversations online. People don't want to bring up interesting things because interesting things aren't the norm. My peers wouldn't leave me alone back then and it pissed me off, if I had access to guns I would've been a school shooter. Being alone after graduating high school was more or less my oasis from all that rage and I have stabilized just about entirely. I'm far from normal, but I enjoy it. Why would I want to get along with people that constantly ridicule and anger me? It's a silly notion. I can actually banter with the adults I work alongside. It's entirely on the people you are with, and when you have a school system to push all those kids together it's hard to get them to not be assholes to you, they don't even need a reason. Some adults aren't so different from kids, or they at least get some manners to not talk shit to your face and embarrass you in public.

But I digress, talking to people didn't solve my problems with people. Disappearing and coming back after calming down with a new perspective, however, did. You don't have to care about how socially awkward you are if you're a ghost like me. Nobody remembers who I am. If you choke, you choke. It happens. I don't like when I choke, but I can go elsewhere and try again, maybe the person I'm talking to won't ask me something that causes me to choke. I try to be honest so I'm more sure of myself. Better than having to improvise with lying. It helps mitigate the overwhelming stress that burdens me when questions I might feel hard-pressed to answer happen. Choosing to "fight" the anxiety has never worked for me. Avoidance has been the most successful method.

My dad's an alpha who was able to become a doctor. I'm a failure and a disappointment. Luckily, our lineage won't die with me, I have three other siblings, and one of them already has a child (which kind of hurts, because I'm the oldest).