reddit is fucking trash.
Reddit is fucking trash
yes but so is basically everything and everyone else on this planet
No wonder Elliot ragequit. Life is not worth living
Reddit helps people, Jow Forums hurts people.
>Reddit helps people
Name a single person reddit ever killed or a single murderer ever connected to reddit. I can name at least 5 and dozens of people dead at least partially linked to this subhuman hellhole.
>Name a single person reddit ever killed or a single murderer ever connected to reddit.
Anders brevik
proof? I googled it and see nothing about brevik having any connection to reddit. if he did I guarantee it's some incredibly niche sub founded by Jow Forums/stormfront shills.
Reddit helps people by feeding them comforting lies, Jow Forums hurts us by showing us the unfortunate truth.
>reddit gets linked
>actually create an account
>dont know what the fuck to do
>first post get downboated
>second posts puts me on max downboat
>get banned for trolling
>threaten mods for being idiots
i'll never understand how people can use that site. no fun is allowed. all the hobby subs are filled with egotistical smug asswipes. the fuck is their problem?
too much censorship for any genuine discussion on ribbit
all the "truth" Jow Forums feeds you is made to make you feel good tho
Yeah bud. Totaly
>feeding you incredibly easy/simple answers
>giving a specific group of people to blame(jews/minorities)
>giving you a group that's easy to identify with(wh*teoids)
>don't worry about any of the rest, don't bother researching anything
>wtf Jow Forums is making me feel miserable by telling me I'm amazing and I'm oppressed by these evil groups
>make account
>write a post using typical offensive Jow Forums tone
>get downboated and banned by some nigger mod
also all the best comments for some reason are always downvoted to hell. it's way too serious and makes me want to fucking kill them everytime i read that stupid fucking site.
>giving a specific group of people to blame(jews/minorities)
You're talking about Jow Forumsfags. I and many other people on this board iterally do not care about politics.
Reddit is trash cause it's a better representation of how society works: a pseudo-democracy ruled by a fascist ideology, while Jow Forums's anonymity and softer rules allows a broader array of ideologies, especially the controversial and rebellious ones.
I think most of what comes out of Jow Forums sucks, but the fact that it exists makes a case for privacy and free speech.
ur moms hairy asshole lol
so you just don't what that word means?
most pseudo democracys are facist in reality, stay bluepilled fag
means a forcible suppression of opposition, what most redditors clearly do by downvoting or banning any and all opposing views
you mean authoritarian? even then it still doesn't apply to reddit.
>you mean authoritarian?
that's literally the definition of democracy you faggot
The witchhunt for the Boston bomber
you're just miserably baiting at this point, please get out
>most redditors don't want me to talk
>they vote to restrict me
>this is fascism
you are too stupid to insult
>I meme arrow'd your correct argument so now it's wrong
You are one persistent mongoloid aren't you?
I'm just pointing out how wrong you are. You're the one who's either baiting or just too stupid to understand basic functions of the internet. When a redditor downvotes you he's literally casting a vote for you to be ignored/silenced. Other redditors can cast a vote for the opposite. It's the definition of democracy. It's the majority overwhelming the minority for the good of the people. Literally nothing fascistic/dictatorial about it.
>tyranny of the majority
>a good thing
what a crock of shit