>start losing argument
>realise opponent made a typo
Start losing argument
go fuck yourself scumbag, fuck you
watch your mouth, kid
>arguing with some idiot on the 4chans
>as I click to submit my winning response, notice I made a typo
>close tab
>remove from thread watcher
>pace around the room in a panic
>watch anime and avoid Jow Forums for the rest of the day
>start losing argument
>opponent posted an emberassing photo in 2013
>start losing argument
>close the page and pretend it never happened
>Witness internet argument
>Starting to get good
>Suddenly both parties begin to act like complete retards
>start losing argument
>realise i'm arguing on the internet with people i don't know
>ignore argument
>start losing argument
>notice my opponent will clearly win if these keeps up
>have no choice but to use the last trick up my sleeve
>"max par'ing @ you're life faggot go kys bye"
>block opponent
>start losing argument
>admit my biases and faults of my views and thank for the information
>start losing argument
>reply to myself and person I'm arguing with as if I'm a new person, combining the best points from both our arguments
>win argument
>losing argument
>start acting really gay and come onto them
>they stop talking
>dont care
>I keep going until they mute me or leave
>losing argument
>someone agrees with you
>mute me
fuck off discord faggot
I was talking more about in video games, I don't have discord, dumb dumb dummy head.
>start losing argument
>fake phone call and walk away
Man I do the same thing. I don't know why I get so flustered about it.
>start losing argument
>pretend to reveal self as woman
>watch as beta posters swarm to whiteknight
n-D Backgammon
>start losing argument
>winning argument
>opponent gets trips
>about to btfo opponent
>someone reply's to his post with "this"
kicks opponent down by not getting anything
>start losing argument
>track down opponent's IP address and arrest them
>Start losing argument
>Pretend to be a new person (with a distinct writing style) supporting my opponent's views in the worst way possible
>Shift the argument to debating my own disguised strawman
>opponent makes a side note that is slightly incorrect
>start losing an argument
>pretend to be opponent, making retarded easily refuted points.
Impressive, but have you tried
>in argument
>reply multiple times to the same post
>restate my argument in slightly different terms each time, switch up posting style slightly
>at least one reply is just ad hominem attacks and reaction images
>over time continually go back and add more insulting replies to a couple of his early posts until there's about 10 or so that are nothing but smug anime girls
>"everybody here thinks you're an idiot, dude, just go kill yourself"
It's all fun and games till a mod calls you out for this shit