Tfw losing weight so I can become a girl

>tfw losing weight so I can become a girl

Point at me and laugh

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Me too user. 10km runs every 2 days for me and kind of a reduced diet too

you're both gonna kill yourselves in 5 years
this journey does not have a happy end

At least you're working towards something, aspiring.
Unlike most people on this board.

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>this guy thinks he can 'become' a girl
BAHAHAHA user ITS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN BECOME, you either are one or you're not and you're not.

I'm currently just counting calories and avoiding fast food and sugar. How do I get into running user? Sorry if that's a stupid question.

I stupidly spent my entire life telling myself I'll just man up and get over my desire to be a girl and like everyone said from the very beginning it didn't work. I already want to kill myself, so trying to transition will either make it better or change nothing and at least I'll be able to say I tried.

It was going to happen regardless for me

google Couch to 5k routine
dont launch into running and hurt yourself
take it easy at first

This is correct.

You can chop off your cock and take hormones, but that just makes you a dude without a cock. Your DNA, bone structure etc. is still male and can't be changed.

Give up this foolish plan

at least you're losing weight. i stalled for like 3 months now and i'm like 15-20 pounds from final goal.. it's so hard to keep going, I just want to be able to wear girl's clothes without feeling disgusted

yeah except that you wont be a actual girl
you'll be a mid ground freak with a gapping wound in place of a vagina
you'll have a cup breasts and hair over most of your body
just be a cute boy instead of cornering yourself in a niche fetish then end up killing yourself

also, if you haven't already, go to /lgbt/ and find the /hrtgen/ and /mtfgen/ and get some quick rundowns. learn the science and the basics before making such a strong decision, see what HRT and transitioning can really do for you and if you think it's right for you.

lol faggorigino

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People usually say go easy with your first run. But your first run will always be the easiest, so push as hard as you can.

Just regulate your breathing, deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth. Then run, start off slow, build up speed gradually. If you get tired, don't stop, just slow down. If you stop, it's hard to start again.

But warning, second run will be hard. So will the third, most after that will be kind of easy

I will try it user, thanks.

Cute boy is no different to me than manly man. Even if I can never become a real girl, it's worth it to try to be as close to one as a can.

Obviously I'm not chopping off my penis, less than 1% of trans people do that

so you're just gonna be a girl with a dick and small breasts
you do realize it's gonna be very hard for you to find a long term partner right?

Good luck, OP. I hope you're cute at the end of it.

This is correct.

user's mother takes loads of male DNA and has a masculine bone structure, yet she is still female, no matter how hard she tries to convince us otherwise with her dykely appearance.

How old are you? Why not focus on more substantial things instead on your appearance?

It would be stupid to try to find a long-term partner when I'm suicidally depressed and miserable because of my gender dysphoria. Even if the chance is much lower as a trans girl, if I do manage to find a partner we'll both be happier this way

Why do you assume I'm not? I've been trying to improve my earnings by getting better jobs and I spend my free time working on amateur game development, because that's my long-term goal. Gender dysphoria makes trying to get through a work day complete hell and it makes it extremely difficult to form friendships or focus on hobbies or careers.

Why dont you just go back to /lgbt/ then. We clearly dont want you here if you arent linking pics pf your shenis.

/lgbt/ is the worst fucking board on Jow Forums and actually made me continue to repress because of how badly I didn't want to be like the people on it.

I'm not going to break the rules and get banned by posting myself

you're setting yourself up for suicide dude
i understand that you dont care about your life but think of your parents or your friends

Lmao, it's just you, dirty redditfugee. The trannies are robots regularly humiliated by society. You cannot fathom their struggle from your 16 year-old perspective.

You are literally just making shit up because pol told you think that way. I first wanted to kill myself when I was 12 because of gender dysphoria and I've repressed and been in complete misery and agony my entire life because "it's the right thing to do" and "think of other people". Anyone who truly cares about me would want me to be happy and would completely support my transition if they knew how much suffering I feel from not doing it.

>trannys are robots
Lgbt including trannys is normie noise. At best you should just go to /b/ reiko

No one wants to take a trans woman home to meet their mother. OP no sane man would make an honest woman of you desu

Oh, you're stating you're an invader now. You have no stake in any argument now.

I don't care. I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than continue feeling like every day of my life is hell where I can't look like, act like, sound like, or be like the person I want to be

i have gender dysphoria you dumb shit
my therapist brings it up weekly
im fine with being trans if you could actually transition to the other gender
if you just end up in some middle ground what's the fucking point?
anyone who cares about you wont let you make a dumb decision and end your life quicker

you have no idea how much worse it can get
but go ahead fucking try
i hope you think of me when you live stream your suicide

Let me know in 10 years how repression works out for you then

He isn't trying to become female, he's trying to be a "girl".
Since there is no concrete criteria for being a "girl", it is very possible to do it
But thanks for explain the obvious anyways, I bet everyone thinks you're so smart

Nice try reiko

Ill be fine because im fine with dating a women and being taking care of a child or dating a man and adopting one
you seem to think there's only 1 way you can be happy and that's by transitioning

Being a girl is being young. 18 years or younger. I doubt OP is in the prime years to look even androgynous. His aim should be woman.

Good luck OP, I was in the same place a year and a half ago. I lost 40 pounds in a couple months just running like 10 minutes every other day and counting my calories. Find your bmr and just eat like 400 calories less than that a day. For hrt I really recommend estrogen injections they work much better than pills. After a year on hrt I now pass as a girl and have a qt Asian bf who takes care of me
Sometimes itll get hard but dont give up, theres probably no other choice anyways

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I think you're mentally ill and you're going to fuck your life in the long run, but if you're going to do it anyway then good luck and I hope you can find happiness. Do you think you can pull it off?

You will never be able to change your sex, though losing weight will probably do your fat ass some good so you're going towards the right direction

I think most people use girl and woman somewhat interchangably but for me a woman has her shit together. No one has their shit together here, tranny or not

Yeah woman is my aim. I just felt sillier typing >tfw losing weight so I can become a woman

Thanks user. I'm going to give this everything I have

I don't know if I can pull it off. I am blessed to have an extremely feminine face but I'm really tall. I think that realistically I can achieve "doesn't pass but looks nice / inoffensive" status and maybe that will be good enough, I don't know. I do think there is a real chance that I will be passable though.

the criteria is be female and a child

at the very least you can embrace the androgyny. also, nice triple set of dubs.

true, there is a major problem with infantalizing adults. its (((their))) plan to normalize predatory relationships with children

The digits guide my path

Androgyny is preferable to what I currently am. If I look like an androgynous / hyperfeminine male but people are nice enough to call me she anyway maybe it won't be so bad.

>i wont be able to pass
so whats the point of transitioning then?

>He believes the jewish conspiracy meme
We all need to take responsibility for our choices

For gay people to trick straight people into dating them

HRT can have good results in treating dysphoria regardless of whether or not you pass. testosterone is an awful hormone for the psyche.

I would rather wear women's clothes every day than men's clothes. I would rather speak in a feminine sounding voice than my natural masculine voice. I would rather have cute feminine hair with cute bangs than have short hair or a ponytail or a masculine long hairstyle. I would rather take hormones and get my face lasered so that I have soft, feminine skin, small breasts, and smaller genitals than continue to have hairy, masculine skin, facial hair, and a flat chest.

Maybe all of those things won't be enough to make life worth living for me, but I already want to die. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

No you are probably jerking off to people degrading you on r9k

Even women have testosterone in their bodies though. It just leads me to believe that the way a tranny sees themselves as a woman is the same as schizophrenia

For me, my main problem is my height and the fact that facial hair is beginning to grow faster. which is pretty annoying, but when I'm clean shaven, with makeup on, my face easily passes as feminine

Female testosterone levels are 1-100 ng/dl

Male testosterone levels are 100-1000 ng/dl

The difference is fucking massive

I never once said I saw myself as a woman. If I saw myself as a woman why would I need to transition? That said sometimes I *feel* like I'm a woman inside, but that's just an emotional feeling that, I'm perfectly aware of the painful reality.

>but that's just an emotional feeling that is inherently irrational and nonsensical
is what I meant to type

Well good look OP dont get breast cancer and liver damage.

you'll still look like a man desu fampai

>not losing weight for more serious matters

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>mental illness with 40% suicide rate
>not serious

but /lgbt/ is a very nice board, except for some trolls and terfs

How tall and how thin? Tall petite women can be quite feminine in their own way.

>losing weight and lifting so I can be peek chad attractiveness for when I wear graphic Ts for obscure slavshit
I will put my natural attractiveness to good use shilling for Orignial War and Necrovision

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I fucking hate the autists who won't ever leave like cureanon, skullchan etc. I hate mtfg and all the trip culture there. I hate the terfs and trolls too. The board just makes you hate being trans to the point of hindering your actual ability to make progress.

I'm not really fat but chubby right now, I'm trying to go full skeleton and then gain weight after that if needed. I'm 6'1 which is way too tall, and my shoulders are broad (as far as skeleton goes, I have no muscle or anything) so I don't know if my face can carry that.

6'1 is tall even for a man. You will be taller than virtually every single woman in the world. Broad shoulders aren't good either. Are you truly compromised to transition? Face is the most important thing though. No doubt. If your face can truly pass it probably will work well enough.

I despise my normal masculine male self to the point that even being a tall uncanny valley trans freak seems preferable. And somewhere in my heart there's a hope that maybe I will actually pass as a freakishly tall girl. And even if I don't, maybe I can build a life with friends and people who care about me, the actual person I want to be, and not the fake miserable person I force myself to be.

You better post pics when you're done you beautiful femboy

Well, I still think you're mentally ill and I would recommend you to reconsider this, but I'm rooting for you. I hope you can make a cutie.

>tfw no gf (male)

shitcord: err0r404_#1869

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Come on, bro. I'm here trying to groom OP slowly to be my trans gf and you come from nowhere to undermine all my work.

I think I like girls though. I don't know what will happen on hrt though

You'll never pass, and even if you could, you'll never be loved. It's difficult for traps to find serious partners because they aren't attractive to people who are gay or straight. Gay and straight people like the binary sexes, and aren't attracted to some in-between freak.

Quit now before it's too late.

But a girl will never make you feel like a girl the way a man will.

i shall deliver opie

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Ok, but only because you asked nicely
No need to say thanks, i enjoyed it

Kinda similar m8

are you funny looking?

>tfw losing weight so I can become a girl
good lad

>tfw doing same but too old already
I don't want to laugh

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>points at you
seriously... ?

i'm losing weight to be more attractive for my gf(male). how's your progress so far? sorry if you mentioned it already

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unless you're over 35, you aren't too old unless you're chris-chan tier fat

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True but I need to lose like 40-50 lbs and hope I'm can still be cute plus other modification

50 is a lot (but you'll be cute when it's done), lose it slowly, if you crash diet you'll gain it all back after 18months or so.

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i thought you degenerate niggers got purged from this board already, please fuck off

Yeah you tell me but that'll make 120-130lbs

ideal weight depends on your height, a 5'9'' boi should be 135 at most