>Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated. The evidence is based on 1254 community college students and 1600 foreign students seeking entry to United States' universities. At the individual level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with SAT, Vocabulary, and Analogy test scores. At the national level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with measures of education (e.g., gross enrollment at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels) and performance on mathematics and reading assessments from the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) project. They also correlate with components of the Failed States Index and several other measures of economic and political development of nations.
Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated...
Other urls found in this thread:
Great. Now let's do one for black people vs asian people.
That's curious, because I read the same study and recall that the discovered correlation was between being OP and being a faggot
Why not whites vs jews?
Because blacks vs asians has the biggest separation.
I'm economically left, socially apolitical, not a nigger or a spic but I'm still low iq.
First of all this graph is misleading, it starts a 90 instead of 0 this is purposely misleading and causes people who don't understand graphs to think that conservatives are 1/5 as smart as liberals (this is a nitpick but it shows the dishonesty of the shills that spam this).
These studies take advantage of the confusion behind the conservative label. No one can agree on what conservative actually means, some say it's traditionalism, some say it's nationalism and some say it's freedom. It's a vague term, people think that it means republican voters and right wingers but republican voters are more informed on politics (businessinsider.com
So how did these "researchers" get this "data" well they did a survey on laws regarding social conservatism (should gays be allowed get married). This means that a lot of right wing people such as the Libertarians (who have higher iq than almost any other political ideology) and Blacks and Hispanics who are overwhelming left wing and vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats get put in the same group as conservatives. But no one thinks of a Conservative as being someone who hates fags but is left wing in every other way or someone who doesn't want the state to get involved in homos business but is right wing in every other way.
This statics is made to gaslight midwits and it surprises me how well it worked.
>socially apolitical, not a nigger or a spic
you are using racist slurs but claiming to be socially apolitical? yeah you're definitely low iq
>implying that slurs have anything to do with politics
Why are brainlets allowed in these threads?
>what are identity politics
you are literally a closeted trumptard
10/10 post. Origgg
>The evidence is based on 1254 community college students
Lmao, what a large and diverse and totally not cherry picked sample group. You know, community college, where most attendees haven't worked a day of their life or have a family.
reminder that cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish
Israel has an average IQ of sub 100. I suspect you mean "members of the utmost nepotistic cabal of malicious and powerhungry people in western societies vs. whites"
Correlation doesn't imply causation. Just a century ago many if not most intellectuals leaned heavily to the right and some of them were even openly fascist like Ezra Pound. "Education" is not free of ideological bias. If, let's say, Heidegger was taught as overwhelmingly as liberal or progressive values in universities then conservatism would skyrocket among college students. Or if they started teaching theology suddenly arguments like the sky daddy would disappear overnight.
I'm just saying education is always biased. Don't take it value for granted.
I can agree with that. But do you also agree that the more knowledgeable we get the less ridiculous shit the smartest among us are likely to believe? What if right wing ideas are just something humanity is slowly growing out of because it makes no fucking sense to hold them in any way shape or form?
>Lol look at this data drumpftard consercatards are low iq hahahhah
>What! Shut up racists em.... em... blacks just score lower b-because of lead poisoning
Wtf now I'm a libertarian
>Identity politics refers to political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify. Identity politics includes the ways in which people's politics are shaped by aspects of their identity through loosely correlated social organizations.
Example: a group dedicated to issues specific to blacks, such as the NAACP, is an example of identity politics. A guy who occasionally refers to these blacks as "niggers" has absolutely nothing to do with identity politics.
>1254 people in community college
Not even a Jow Forumstard but that's a pretty low number to use as an example of a much more numerous group of people. And what was their basis of conservatism, being in favor of capitalism or not liking gays?
Please no, Libertarians may be high iq but their extreme autism doesn't allow them to understand how people interact with one another.
You are so delusional it's hilarious.
>I don't imply any negative connotations or hold inherent beliefs about blacks I just call them racist slurs for no reason
you are either lying to yourself or trolling
Kekkity based
How does hygiene correlate with atheism?
>they did a survey on laws regarding social conservatism
Oh so they literally asked them about the republicunt party platform? I guess all those informed libretardians forgot they were voting for Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and other mouthbreathers.
West is very liberal right now and losing population and space to arguably more conservative cultures. Also most people are so full of shit and self-interested that they are not even fully in to the things they ""believe"", whatever goes if it serves their chances in this game of life. Enter ww3 and our dear leaders would quickly change their minds about all the faggotry as they would need to repopulate their countries.
Israel is also half Mizrahi and has a 10% arab population. If you compared American Ashkenazi to American whites the IQ difference is definitely noticeable.
>West is very liberal right now and losing population and space to arguably more conservative cultures.
cut the conspiracy bullshit for a second. you realize most muslims in the united states hold liberal views and vote democratic right? you realize after a couple of generations almost all the conservatism in them is gone?
Everybody should be forced to learn about confounding before they use a graph as a source.
Now tell me how IQ is meaningless and that all races are equal.
>liberals are so smart!
>would never win an election without their hordes of anchor babies and inner city nig nogs
I used to think like that, man, but, in a way opposed to the path most people go about these thing, the more continental philosophy I read the more conservative I became. While our values may be socially constructed and can be theoretically deconstructed, they are so deeply ingrained in us it can't be properly done without throwing away hundred of years of civilization.
Knowledge itself is a vaguer concept than we like to think. It doesn't exist by itself but inside of a particular framework which we may take for granted, as rationality, but if you dig deep down eventually you reach a point where you have to accept an arbitrary axiom.
We are lost and the only point of reference we have is what we have created, maybe informed by nature, maybe not. To think something that is part of the very base of civilization may not serve a purpose anymore is often naive. Western morality for example is secularized Christianism. If you tried to get rid of the religious aspect of morality and replace it with any kind of pragmatism it will inevitable lead to something dehumanizing because the kind of utilitarian thinking required for pragmatism tend to eclipse any other kind of meta narrative. That's just one example of many.
I'm not the guy who said he used slurs but he or I could have dozens of negative connotations or inherent beliefs about blacks and it would still have absolutely nothing to do with politics. While racism in a general sense is often made into a political issue, an individual being racist is not political. I'm sorry you don't seem to understand this.
I know that people like you are utterly incapable of looking at the world without filtering it through your little political filter but not everything is political. A guy who doesn't like blacks and calls them niggers is not doing anything political. It has nothing to do with politics. He just doesn't like blacks. Please look up the definition of "politics" before you make another retarded reply, ok?
If west can keep this party going sure, otherwise I don't see how right-wing views wouldn't just become stronger and stronger.
Who here /socially conservative fiscally liberal/?
And the US is 14% black 15% Mexican. Stop moving the goalposts.
>I used science to justify my racist belief system.
>It's the liberals who are dumb for wanting social equity in the face of difference.
>Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated. The evidence is based on 1254 community college students and 1600 foreign students seeking entry to United States' universities.
Most colleges is very left leaning so I guess this skews the stats significantly.
Because there is zero evidence that the world is falling apart. If anything all the evidence points to the opposite taking place. For example crime nowadays is much lower than it was in the 60's or 70's. There is absolutely zero evidence. If the world went to shit I can totally see people turning to people like you. Hell I totally agree that the more miserable you are the more likely you are to turn to extremism which explains why everyone in the alt right is an ostracized virgin. But there is no real evidence to support this being a widespread thing.
Gee I wonder who funded this study
>Oh so they literally asked them about the republicunt party platform?
Donald Trump campaign had almost no emphases on social conservatism.
> I guess all those informed libretardians forgot they were voting for Ted Cruz
The low iq republicans support Ted the high iq chads supported Trump
>The man who is bringing peace to Syria and Korea
>Mouth breather
You say "Israel has a sub 100 average IQ" in response to (asheknazi) Jews having a high IQ, as though Israel is 100% compromised of Ashkenazi Jews which isn't the case at all. That's not moving the goal posts, retard. We're comparing IQ between ETHNICITIES not NATIONALITIES. Stop pretending/being retarded.
Thank you user. Origanolololo
I'm just wondering how the average IQ can come out to +100 when a sizable portion of people who would describe themselves as liberal or very liberal have 80-90 IQs, can barely speak English and didn't finish high school.
It can't work in the long run. It's unironically too great of a system. It brings so much prosperity that the conservative part can't assimilate all the changes in the world and it inevitably leads to mass consumerism.
>that's a pretty low number to use as an example of a much more numerous group of people.
sample size selection isn't generally based off the absolute size of the entire population, 300 is often about as good as 3000
Sources? I'd heard that extremism was more prevalent amongst second and third gen immigrants than ones fresh off the boat.
Worst combination ever. You are cancer.
>Donald Trump campaign had almost no emphases on social conservatism.
What about the time he wanted to puncish women who got abortions?
What about the time he insisted torture works?
What about the time he suggested we kill the families of terrorists
What about the time he repudiated BLM?
What about the time he called the bible his favourite book (yet coudln'tnamea single verse or chapter when asked)
But I guess he hugged that rainbow flag once so all is forgiven, what a progressive guy.
I'd say this is probably inaccurate, but the south is extremely conservative and also filled with fucking retard rednecks. I know cause I live in this shithole.
Now lets compare this to California. High-income = high education = (usually) high IQ. And where do retard SJW's reside? A lot of the times, in leftist places like California.
I also wanna mention that you need to realize this grid here is probably talking about actual liberalism, not leftist cuck """liberalism""" that we at Jow Forums misdefine so often.
p.s. reddit-tier trumpcucks must go back.
>assimilate all the changes in the world
Who said anything about assimilating? I'm talking about an ethnostate.
Most people who call themselves "liberal" don't know what it means.
>>It's the liberals who are dumb for wanting social equity in the face of difference.
>trying to force unequal things to be equal isn't dumb
1.. Half of them have nothing to do with laws regarding social conservatism
2. I'm not saying that Donald isn't a social conservative but his campaign was about stooping globalism
kek have fun being surrounded by degenerates who will chimp out non-stop cause of no gibs to gaslight them with.
>0 IQ oxymoron in my reply
i get a pass by default for being retard southerner, but im sure you guys understood my point enough. -MOST- people in CA aren't going to be SJWs, but will definitely be more socially liberal. SJWs are just the left extreme of the hoard.
Good luck staying conservative when technological progress, mass entertainment and mass comfort are taking your humanity away. Whiteness won't make a difference.
>Meanwhile the gamer/tech geek culture is overwhelmingly conservative
>be smart
>get into college because smart
>college is a communist brainwashing center
>go to brainwashing center for 4+ years
>get brainwashed
>"Wow all smart people are liberal!"
>self-reported alignment
>no alignment normalization
>community college and those SEEKING TO INVADE instead of actual people
>not even surveying university people
>includes stats that are not part of the study to try to give it weight because the evidence is invalid
Truly ebin and also did they even bother performing actual iq tests and controlling for other factors? Like the fact the populations are not even comparable in the first place (the statistical analysis is invalid by the simple fact that the samples are NOT iid from the very get go), let alone a generalized measure (the samples were selected among populations that don't represent an unbiased estimate of the population to measure).
complete nonsense and backed by zero actual studies
retards who complain about video games online are "conservative" in the sense they are racist and hate women but that's about it
Trump getting voted in is alone some kind of sign that people very much doubt this system. Probably because a lot of people got dealt shit hand at 2008 and are still bitter. You will get the liberal paradise of hoods full of fucking niggers and subhumans, while the good goys and rich kids stay in their gated communities. If some pervert wants this kind of shitshow then he ought to be fucking killed.
Yeah, socially conservative. Of course they'll want gibs like sexbots and onaholes.
I never trust statistics like this, even ones from Jow Forums or alt right sources, because there is so much false equivalence and assumption. Arguing online with "muh facks n statistics" is typically pointless because so much of the "data" found on Jow Forums or any other online public forum is exagerrated, made up, not reliable, or the conclusion is assumed in order to fit the agenda of the person presenting the data.
I'm curious to know how they measured a statistic like this, because what I'm thinking is that "conservative test scores" simply means the scores were taken from an average of majority red states, yet they don't mention this and leave it open ended. I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that if this is the case, it's not reliable data at all (especially for not mentioning the specifics of what "conservative test scores" mean) and does not prove in any way that conservatives are dumber.
>Oh look it's this thread again.
How come you never post the study?
Also this is more of a poll than a legit study.
Appeasement doesn't work. You give a degerate gibs, they will only want more gibs. If they want to wreck their own communities that's on them. I'll protect my own.
You realize "Trump won therefore people are pissed" is just a stupid argument? He lost the popular vote by historic amounts. Most people didn't vote for him.
but what proof do you have they're the majority of people who play video games/are involved in tech? What proof do you have the majority of people in tech or even gamers are conservitards?
Republicans tend to be more successful at life and in the workplace it's also why we make more money than deadbet leftists.
Why do you think that matters? They'll still vote.
Basically the whitest states have the highest IQ. Go figure.
>ideology correlates with intelligence but race doesn't
Liberals call republicans both the dumbest poorest of the bunch and rich white elists. But in reality tax payers vote gop by a majority and the welfare and niggers vote for dems.
Just look at who makes the most money, who creates the most. Hint, it's not liberals.
wonder if there's a correlation of these high/low IQ states and amounts of asians/blacks
I like how the study considered "ultra liberal" to be "far left" and akin to to "far right" (which i'm sure in this study just refers to your modal bible-belt neocon and not your fascist pol bloke). Everyone knows that the vast majority of mainstream academia outside of the humanities is dominated by your centrist neoliberal with varying degrees of left/right (econ/business being more right and sciences like biology and chemistry to left). With a couple of wild cards like the libertarians having a sizeable presence in CS/STEM and the leftards in education/criminology.
Communist /=/ liberal
>you realize after a couple of generations almost all the conservatism in them is gone?
actually it's the opposite. Immigrants tend to get more conservative as their generations get older. 3rd generation Hispanics are very conservative.
Once the victim complex of the left wears off they become more practical thus more conservative.
It's worked great. The New Deal prevented radical leftist uprisings and the gibs that developed since then keep niggers subdued. We don't have riots everyday like we did in the 60s and prior and the 1996 welfare reform has shown to only worsen poverty and embolden class warfare libshits. Conservashits in the 90s chimped out about welfare queens when they were virtually nonexistent and the welfare spending was less than 5%.
And yet they don't contribute anything worth conserving. The nature of technology is utilitarian and teleological. True conservatism must be cultural and the left and liberals have hijacked culture and made it consumable.
>Communist /=/ liberal
Read the democratic party platform and the communist manifesto then try telling me that again
The west is getting more and more conservative. Have you seen the election trends in the US and Europe over the past few decades?
you sure about that champ?
Go to /v/ or IGN forums and find out dummy. ***Studies*** on this kind of thing are always bullshit so there's no point in citing them. It's like with the election when every poll indicated Trump (not a fan) losing.
>you realize most muslims in the united states hold liberal views and vote democratic right?
thats only because the left plants the seed of being an "oppressed minority".
>test college student IQ on the basis of intellegence
>look how smart we are
>test general population IQ on the basis of race
another Jow Forumstard post with zero data behind it. why aren't hispanics voting republican en masse then?
I said socially conservative fiscally liberal at
Dems are now being taken over by progressive types and leaving the liberals (people like Bill Clinton, Larry Summers etc) behind to support incompetent policies advocated by some deadwood ass alzheimers Vermont senator who doesnt even know proper definition of socialism (social ownership of the means of productions) and only shot up to fame over free college. Dont expect policies like a capital gains tax cut coming from the dems these days as opposed to some robin hood type speculation tax that the centrist Dems back in 1990s would have opposed
>What about the time he wanted to puncish women who got abortions?
If it's illegal and they get one they should be punished.
>What about the time he insisted torture works?
It does work, KSM gave up info that led to Osama being killed.
>What about the time he suggested we kill the families of terrorists
Collective punishment works. Israel does it all the time.
>What about the time he repudiated BLM?
That is a good thing. BLM is a terrorist group that spouts lies about justified police shootings.
Is there really anyone that still support blm?
that's not true at all. when you poll people based on individual policies the majority of them are left leaning
>most americans support DACA/dreamers
>most americans support universal healthcare
>most americans in favor of gay rights/marriege
just because republicans got a few wins doesn't mean much in the long run. people are moving more and more towards the left
Most high income earners in CA are white conservatives.
The south is also filled with tons of dumb ass niggers.
Liberal in US means leftists marxists, Liberal ever place else in the world is more Libertarian Right.
Most high income earners of CA are Asians or Jews.
>2854 sample group
how about fuck off, you imbecile
Problem is that the polling is not done on a sample which distribution is consistent with the distribution of the larger population, a very common trick. It's why harper up north made census response non-mandatory, this way they can arbitrarily modify the results by dropping out some answers at their leisure and claim this is representative of the larger population.
That is not what the word means in the US unless you're going off the nu, twisted definition of it. A definition which, by all political and historical accounts, is objectively wrong and should no longer be used.
That's a massive sample, usually a sample of 200 is considered big and 50 is considered sufficient.
actually I am, why not break it down by county or voter... Thats right because it kills your narrative.
Also that stat count social security as "taking" from the government when people actually paid into it.
Also take a look at exit polling, Trump won the majority of those who make more than 50k a year. That's even with those soft red defectors who voted Hillary. In a normal election the gop overwhelmingly wins those that make the most money.
>"70% support DACA"
>survey of 2,000 adults, probably all from LA or NYC
>representative sample of 320 million people
>the hill
user, I...
How can anyone want to support #blacklivesmatter?