Question to guys: Why do you all watch porn? It's pure brain washing in every sense...

Question to guys: Why do you all watch porn? It's pure brain washing in every sense. It is probably 75% of the reason why you're so depressed, you probably see a porn video, masturbate, get sad afterward and go "I'll never have a gf like that bros..." Seriously what the fuck? Stop watching it, it is nothing but brainwashing and destroying your mind. This whole race bait garbage all over Jow Forums is basically just the culmination of fetishes and porn playing into it like it always does.

I actually get sad because I know this board probably wouldn't exist if you just stopped watching porn. Masturbating and looking at naked girls is whatever, and you probably tell yourself you can disconnect porn from reality, but the thing is you'll always be thinking about porn when you're having sex or just around a girl, it's mentally affects you regardless if you want it to or not.

Another thing too, just get the fuck off the internet. Take a walk around your neighborhood or read a book, stay off Jow Forums or twitter, even if you're introverted as fuck just sit on your porch outside and relax. The internet is so black and white sometimes you forget theres gray areas in the middle where most people actually are.

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Because it feels good and it's addictive, and besides I don't see any of those problems you're taking about. Everything's great here.

a voice of reason? on Jow Forums? no, i must be imagining things...

Pleasure and dopamine.
I don't get sad after I jack off, unless I indulge myself in one of my degenerate fetishes.
I don't really want to stop watching porn, because I enjoy it.

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If there wasn't the internet or porn, we'd still find outlets for our perversions.

Crime would go up, women would find life harder because we wouldn't be willing to put up with their shit.

The fact is, this western feminist system couldn't run without porn to act as a pressure valve.

But mabey that would be a good thing to see it go, this world needs more violence.

>when you're having sex or just around a girl
Are you joking?

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are you a female? You must be because a man would never ask this question.
>you probably see a porn video, masturbate, get sad afterward and go "I'll never have a gf like that bros...

Are you fucking retarded? You watch porn to get a boner and jack off, and afterwards you don't care about women at all.

And when you're with a real girl you think "holy shit this is awesome"

tl;dr you're a retard OP fuck you

I'm always happier after porn who are these guilt tripped people who feel worse? Just have fun and fap

i fap to drawn porn because the stuff I like is illegal IRL.

You're right, good. I think masturbation is very nice, to my 2D loved ones, and I still feel resentment and anger for the damaging effect that porn had on me, in the past, and how it still comes up in my mind and torments me a bit. The conditioning, the way I found it so hard to look away from stuff that hurt me, it made me feel so hopeless and angry. Turning off the computer, staying off of it for a day or two, is a great idea when things get hard.

>It's pure brain washing
Stopped reading there. Come at with me with something other than bunk science OP and maybe I will bother to read your post in the future.

>guilt tripped
Those who feel depressed for enjoying a solo loli character they really like are really dumb, but there's more to it than that for some of us. When you want to move on to something else that's more beneficial to your emotional and mental wellness, as you grow older, but feel stuck in this mindset that you're just supposed to lust for everyone, like that's what's normal, and enjoy general fetishes and ignoring the good things you actually want, then that's really upsetting. I've had nightmares and bad images sticking to my head, because of the things I've seen, when I just want to look at my waifu and feel good, genuinely, not only when I'm really aroused.

Pornography withdrawal accounts:

Recovery accounts:

Shut up normal fag! Get off muh board!

tfw no aqua gf
Time to fap to some aqua hentai to feel better

because i'll never get a gf so whats the point

go back to Jow Forumsnofap, please kys

>you probably see a porn video, masturbate, get sad afterward and go "I'll never have a gf like that bros..."
Oh no. You underestimate how completely abstract the idea of sex and relationships becomes when you are a robot.

I'm a 30yr old virgin and I would never DREAM of having a fantasy where I have a gf. It's just not going to happen. Porn is nothing but a release. The psychological attatchment to the idea of girlfriends is long gone. I sometimes wonder if it was ever really there in the first place.

I never listen to advice if the person giving it doesn't follow it themselves, but other the internet part your advice is good.

>but the thing is you'll always be thinking about porn when you're having sex or just around a girl
I'm 35 years old, been watching porn regularly since age 12-13, and never in my life have I ever thought about porn during sex. You idiots need to realize that excessive porn watching is a symptom of your mental issues, not the cause of them.

It's true that some types of people are harmed much more severely by it than others, and normies can watch whatever to jerk off and be fine. Doesn't the case still stand, though, that the deep damage in the mentally unwell person wouldn't have been done if they didn't watch porn? If it takes mentally unwell people consuming it for that kind of damage to be done, then Jow Forums is a very good place to preach this message.

Watching porn and jerking off makes me feel better about having no gf
>Tfw no gf to cuddle with and love :'(
>Jerk off to porn
>Why can't I have a GF that hot :''''(
>Now that I think about it, I'm pretty fine on my own
Porn keeps me from downloading tinder and begging roasties to let me fuck them. I call that a positive influence

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>Doesn't the case still stand, though, that the deep damage in the mentally unwell person wouldn't have been done if they didn't watch porn?
No, it doesn't and none of you nofap morons have ever been able to offer any real proof to the contrary. All you have is anecdotes and links to your thinly veiled Christian anti-masturbation propaganda websites like yourbrainonporn.

I'm not OP or at all in favor of not jerking off. I have my own experiences and trauma, that were very difficult to overcome, and that of friends I've known to make me believe it's a good idea to talk about this.

No joke I think my fetish killed my self esteem. I always looked down on myself for being a fucking weirdo and now it os ingrained in me.

It's either porn or paying for prostitutes. One is free

Porn is free. Unlike your stinky cunt, which you expect me to jump through a dozen hoops and pay my way through dates just for a chance to fuck.

You women would just love it if porn and masturbation were outlawed, and you had an absolute monopoly on mens pleasure, and drive the price even higher.

>he thinks I get off to porn

I don't care if not porn related, my life revolves around these pretty girls I'll never get with... I can't move on. For example, I saw this cute girl I have always wanted to talk to, but I tried my best to talk to her... and yet I couldn't get with her. It's not always about porn, it's about rejection and can't getting back on... I don't want to just have meaningless sex... I want love to share it with... and now she's with someone else... women will always be the same.

This is such an amazing bait, I'm going to bite anyways.

Your question is too obviously contradictory to make any godamn sense. Porn and the masturbation it enables is the only sexual outlet low-status guys have. It's a fucking known meme that the 10 minutes after you blow your load is the most clear, level-headed thinking a guy can get. No one gets sad after they watch porn, just satisfied and over sex for a while, like nature intended.

Porn doesn't brainwash anyone, that's just an excuse perverts use to justify their weakness. And most guys are perverts by the way, and plenty of girls are too, they're just usually less honest. Some are just sicker fucks than others.

I want to bust on aqua's PHAT SAGGY MILKERS

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This, absolutely, porn is the best pressure release of the west, if porn was removed and banned, we have already had a bunch of massacres of elites.