Well folks looks like were not entitled to start a family either

Well folks looks like were not entitled to start a family either

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>entitled to a wife

How can a group of people with so many convictions that are parallel to those of Islam hate Muslims?

>What's the difference between a robot and a nigger?
Nothing. They both just want gibs.

I actually went to a mosque yesterday.
The only thing holding me back is my drinking.

No one in life owes you anything.
You aren't entitled to anything, people willingly give those things to you.
No one needs to make food for you, no one needs to be nice to you, no one needs to sell you anything.
They are giving out a service, and you are using it, that is all.

So yes, women don't owe you marriage.

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>entitled to a wife
then go out and rape one

Better question is how do people who strongly hate those convictions try to excuse and support Islam every step of the way?

I mean being able to get a wife has always been part of the social contract.
What we have now is clearly not in my best interests.
I think in the long run its in nobody's best interest but chad's really.
And im not chad so... yeah

This. Society seriously doesn't owe anyone shit as far as relationships with other people go past childhood. When you're a kid, you're entitled to a mother who can take care of you and adults who protect you. As an adult, nobody owes you shit.

>tfw normies aren't entitled to a school shooting free enviroment

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Can we stop owing women various forms of subsidies then? Would love to have an easier time at grad school admissions without female affirmative action desu.

I do think people are entitled to food, shelter, and health care, but you can't be entitled to the life of another human being. Love is chemical, and you can't change that. If you are deserving of love, you will find it.

Yeah, that wasn't the topic though, so whatever.
Either way I don't care for that argument.


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Me as a non-white man actually support Islamist beliefs and wished I owned a woman.

>women don't owe you shit

except men built every successful civilisation in existence and the reason she can even post words and pictures on the internet is also because of men.

really makes me think

Let me elaborate.
Youre having fun right now having casual sex.
But then chad is going to want to settle down.
So hes going to pick the quiet nerdy girl.
The slits will end up being single moms.
Then theyre going to have some kids and chad is going to cheat on her on the side.
Then hes going to have bastard sons with other women and end up divorcing.
Thats why i said Chad is the only one who wins in the end.
Although i do believe you roasties are crazy enough to be ok with this arrangement.

>What we have now is clearly not in my best interests.
And no one gives a shot. Neck yourself you whiny little faggot.

women didn't have rights before and were just picked up like a newborn pup by men
you don't care about what doesn't have rights
women speaking is like a baby uttering its first words: nonsense

I don't owe you shit either. If I want to kill you I can.

>except men built every successful civilisation in existence
Implying you fucking contribute to anything

Maybe a sandnigger slampig is all you need to stop drinking

"entitled" is the wrong word to use. I think "deserve" or "should be able to have" is a better way to put it

you're not entitled to anything you millennial