How will the incels ever recover?
How will the incels ever recover?
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incels absolutely BTFO
I would say "checkmate" incels, but I wouldn't want to trigger anyone by saying the word >mate
Who the fuck even are these people and why should I care? Twitter is fucking retarded.
you incels deserve all the shit you're getting so fuck to you
I hope the beta uprising becomes real and all of these stupid whores reap what sow.
And no, your nigger boyfriends can't save you. Not that they'd want to. Losers
Tried and failed = involuntary (for whatever reason). There is nothing about entitlement in the term. I don't understand why women don't seem to comprehend.
Go back to tumblr becky the bitch
That's some devious linguistic fuckery I'll give her that much
poor little snowflake needs a safe space? cry some more you little incel bitch.
Ummm... Hahaha because women are fucking DUMB!! lol get a load of this guy, doesn't know women are brainless holes XDXD
Roasties are so brain damaged, the word just means you are a virgin and don't want to be. What does being "owed" sex have to do with it?
>An incel tells someone to go back to Tumblr
>meanwhile they are getting so TRIGGERED that they are getting literally triggered and shooting people
Kek you people are weak links in the gene pool and tree of life. You all deserve to be pruned. The point of life is to spread your genes and you are a failure of a human being.
Do mankind a favorite and kill yourself.
If the safe space is your asshole yeah
such a bizarre society we live in. women have literally everything handed to them on a silver platter from the second they're born until the second they die, but claim that men want too much when we only ask for the bare essentials.
i think this is just because women know no other perspective. if you live a life of luxury and solipsism, eventually you'll settle into complacency and think that's just how life is, that's how everyone's life is.
thoughts lads? why are women like this?
What part of 'involuntary celibate' means 'entitled to sex' I consider myself 'incel' but that doesn't mean I think I'm entitled to sex, it'd be nice to get it but I know that the reason for my 'involuntary celibacy' is nobodies fault but my own.
>I don't understand why women don't seem to comprehend.
If your whole life revolved around being trendy and liked you would understand perfectly.
okay, no one is owed sex.
what does that have to do with being involuntarily celibate and what does being involuntarily celibate have to do with being a misogynist?
how are all these connected? it doesn't make sense.
it's like she's taking talking subjects and fusing them together to try and make some point, what is the point she's trying to make?
well if they want me to care they should drive a van through toronto and call it the anti-incel terrorist attack
she's just trying to get some likes and retweets
women commonly have double standards.
>What does being "owed" sex have to do with it?
Women feel the need to spin the story in a way that puts attention back on them.
>the bare essentials
Maybe it's not women's fault or society's fault you aren't ugly and an undesirable mate??? Chances are if you are a robot you have a shit personality to top all of that off.
You're looking at the definition of incel and not looking at the mentalities of the people that are incels that go to extremes, like The Perfect Gentleman and the guy from Canada. The Stacies are only seeing the news stories about incels and not what the average one really is.
>why are women like this
Because the pretty princess bullshit is constantly spouted and in the eyes of cucks and simps everywhere they can do no wrong. It's pretty tiring to watch.
haha incels are so stupid. lets never study this group of loser males like sociology/humanities should to develop adequate mental health programs for them and just label them as evil womyn hater ISIS. haha
btw calling out white privilege/whiteness/white male fragility isn't racist. race is a social construct. blacks will always be oppressed because xyz government policies and portrayals in white supremacist media.
>You're looking at the definition of incel and not looking at the mentalities of the people that are incels that go to extremes
it's not proven anywhere that they went to an extreme as a result of being an incel, it's only speculation, therefore the entire thing is moot bullshit.
>something considered essential on mazlow's hierarchy of needs, a worldly accepted priority of human needs for a satisfying life
>not a bare essential
They don't, they snap instead.
The bass
The rock
The mic
The treble
I like my coffee black
Just like my metal
With the bass
The rock
The mic
The treble
I like my coffee black
Just like my metal
I can't wait for you to fuck me up
In a minute - minute
In a fuckin' minute
I can't wait for you to fuck me up
In a minute - minute
In a second
>as if it's a valid concept
What exactly is invalid about being involuntarily celibate?
If you want to have sex, and can't find a partner, that's the situation you're in.
she's using language in a way she doesn't even understand.
mental gymnastics, pseudo intellectuals, SJWs, women, they're all fucking idiots who skipped critical thinking class.
If 'incel' and 'misogynist' mean the same thing, it stands to reason that the only reason any man likes any woman is purely sexual.
Celibacy makes a man hate women, because the second he is not being blinded by the possibility of sex, he sees women for what they truly are: Parasites.
This. These actually could even be bots. Something about the structure of the sentence is all too familiar.
>You are not entitled to us
Yes they do and yes we are.
I've yet to hear anyone back this "You are not entitled" shit up with solid reasoning. Get fucked before we force you to, cow.
Because lots of women live in a world where anything they want they believe they deserve. They project that entitlement onto virgins wanting sex
If you can't get a mate it is your fault for being undesirable. Normies can get laid easily and the average age to lose your virginity is 16-17. If you can't it is because you are ugly, weak, and undesirable. If this wasn't the 21st century you would probably die from being an evolutionary weak link. Modern society is bad because rejects like you and your parents get to birth fuck ups like you.
>If you can't get a mate it is your fault for being undesirable.
Okay. It is not, however, okay to be mad at the people who are mad about it for being mad.
um, sweetie, urban dictionary says incels feel entitled to sex so that's how it is. I google searched it so I know the truth, you can't hide it anymore
... I'm pretty sure I heard CBC radio quote a part of that verbatim this morning.
>not having sex = misogynist
What even...
>basing that by looking at the literal definition of an incel and not looking at the kinds of people that identify as such.
Fucking autist you probably are an incel because nobody wants to breed with literal retards.
>looking at the kinds of people that identify as such
>>two murderers and a small minority of absurdist shitposters
Yeah, all the same
They cherry pick the people who identify as it to suit their agenda
>Implying both groups don't kill and shitpost from the same hate within
You people are a cancer and a pox on the human gene pool kill yourself.
>two murderers
One, for now. Facebook post is not proven and Minassian has made no statements regarding motive yet.
let's not start using the term 'woman' as if it's a valid concept. it isn't. no stupid cunt is owed respect. we already *have* a word for those who call themselves 'women': 'fuckhole'
He's probably a muslim, but since it's liberal Canada they made up a bullshit story about it being incels to protect muslims from backlash.
Be volcel and not give a shit.
>involuntary celibacy
Doesn't imply entitlement
>They cherry pick the people who identify as it to suit their agenda
This is true. It's just like how incels cherry pick horrible women to suit their agenda that they're all horrible.
You don't need to cherry pick shitty women because there's plenty of them out there. It's why women cheating is so rampant
Who's "us" in that context?
>You don't need to cherry pick shitty women because there's plenty of them out there. It's why women cheating is so rampant
And plenty of incel-bots are shitty; so again, it's the same thing.
>men are not entitled to sex
Unless it's a refugee LMMAAOOOO
>If you can't get a mate it is your fault for being undesirable.
No it's not.
Justify that statement.
>And plenty of incel-bots are shitty
But they're not though.
Also don't get why women think they're allowed to throw "toxic masculinity" around as a generalisation of men, but throw a hissy fit people do the same to women.
>MSM can just make up meanings for terms they know nothing about and spout it to other people that also know nothing about it
Why are women so fucking dumb? I've seen the IQ gap between women and men and I don't buy it that a 5 point deviation makes such a big difference.
Not that big a surprise, the girl in the OP is a CBC reporter
This is just the "nice guys are actually evil" meme extended to the lowest of men
>Also don't get why women think they're allowed to throw "toxic masculinity" around as a generalisation of men, but throw a hissy fit people do the same to women.
Only SJWs throw that term around. Every woman I've ever talked to about it knows that it's utterly retarded.
>Every woman I've ever talked to
so your mom
She's right. Men aren't owed sex, but also women aren't owed protection from being raped.
yeah but they only think that because they want all men to be violent slaves for them, "toxic masculinity" benefits women
i bet you my left nut that woman has made fun of beta males by calling them "virgin"
all the women complain about incels on twitter is white
dear normies,
get out
with regards, user
I honestly don't get it. What part of 'involuntary celibate', implies that they think they are owed sex?
It's simply a term describing a state of being...
Underrated shitpost
Its almost like the roasties are afraid of being exposed as the fickle cunts they truly are.
dear faggot,
or what
with regards, normie
For your own mental health of course. Look at this place.
Kek. That was actually an awesome answer.
Being born a male, in the eyes of nature, means the literal purpose of your existence it to impregnate a female
Certainly sounds like men deserve sex, then.
>mfw some unstable, perpetually pissed off Jow Forums tier dude nearby her is going to go after her
also nature doesn't have opinions or perspectives, stop anthropomorphizing it.
So are normalfags trying to start an actual beta uprising? Demonizing these people is only going to make shit worse, they should be looking for ways to help these guys, not shit on them.
Answering in good faith here...
The community of men who self-identified as incel overlap significantly with Jow Forums-types: reactionaries, white nationalists, anti-feminists, most of whom in turn advocate for a reversal of the sexual revolution and (to varying degrees) the coercion of women back into traditional gender roles via government policy or social pressure. Since these politicized incels tend to be much more vocal on normie Internet, and interact more with liberals and leftists, women like in the OP therefore connect the term incel to reactionary politics even though that doesn't represent the average incel who probably doesn't care all that strongly about politics.
Okay, do you take care of yourself? Do you eat well and exercise? Do you put effort into your appearance? Have well-kept hair and facial hair, try to dress nice?
How about your personality. Do you live with your mommy? Do you have a job that pays more then 30k a year? Do you have higher education, maybe not falling for the college meme, but went to a trade school or have some kind of certification of your skills? Do you even have any skills?
What do (YOU) have to offer a potential mate and wife?
>no one is owed sex
>women are owed birth control and abortion
prove that I should have to do that
most women don't do that, why can't I get them?
do these people not realize they are just fanning the flames that will create more killings? they will not even recognize the incel problem yet they expect us to give a shit about their misogyny .
Right now an user somewhere is getting pushed to the edge with every stupid comment they read like this.
>user, stop playing the identity politics game, its mine!
Where do all the incels hang out these days I want to laugh at them
>owed abortion and birth control
Are you implying that the government directly pays for birth control and abortions?
Because they don't.
>losing an argument
Thanks for admitting defeat :>)
I'm not "anthropomorpgizing it" you dumb shit
If you're born with a uterus ovum and eggs, you're purpose is to be impregnated
If yu're born with a cock testes and sperm, your purpose is to impregnate
Stop being a politically-correct retard and acknowledge the absolution of nature for what it is
>no one is owed sex.
and you're not "owed" a right to live.
I think what she was trying to say (and admittedly doing a very poor job) was that, regardless of its origins, the word has become synonymous with people like this...
that's not what I said
stop being stupid
Stop describing yourself as incel for starters. Same for MGTOW. Problem solved.
Western women are disgusting
implies intent
which is anthropomorphizing nature
Saying "natural purpose" is meaningless, everything that has ever happened, will ever happen, or could ever happen, is par of nature.
wtf this can't be real. i imagine she found that "joke" on tumblr or whatever, but why the fuck would she tweet it?
Do you even know what the word prove means faggot? Shit like this is why you will die alone and a virgin.
Nobody wants to bread with a retard
by leaving these cunts alone
MGTOW is just a completely different thing. Any reason you think you have for hating incels doesn't apply to MGTOW.
>do these people not realize they are just fanning the flames that will create more killings?
Personally I find this good.
I hope more betas kill normalfags, instead of suffering in silence. It will force society to do something about it.
Hopefully more betas will convert to Islam, since Islam is protected by liberalism, yet their women are generally pure waifus, and the arranged marriage system is ideal for betas
I have an gay friend at work, he said to me a few weeks ago that its been months since hes spoken to a woman that isn't a customer and that he has no reason to ever ever bother with them
Made me think, the only reason I ever speak to women is because of the hole between their legs, take that away and there's no point even acknowledging them at all
You might make note of how I proceeded to make an argument after that statement.
Pretty sure most misogynists get laid anyways