Why do people believe in ghosts?
How is it the implication that our concioussness dwells eternally somehow not seen as torture and misery?
>Haha look, grandma moved my soda can in an eternal struggle to reconnect with the tangible world.
How are people literally comforted by the thought?
Why do people believe in ghosts?
Same reason they can't be silent for extended periods.
If ghosts were real, women would be haunted constantly by the ghosts of male virgins who committed suicide.
Isn't it the idea that ghosts are tied to physical places? If you really wanted it to work you'd kill yourself in the bedroom of a girl you want to sleep with.
>How is it the implication that our concioussness dwells eternally somehow not seen as torture and misery?
But user, life's implication is being torture and misery.
>Why do people believe in ghosts?
Because it's more probable for intelligence existing everywhere and being the building block of everything in a disembodied form waiting for a vessel to inhabit rather than humans gaining cosciousness out of nowhere when their brain develops.
Ghosts are perceived by many as dissipating consciousness.
How does someone maintain their identity once a brain is dead and the concioussness is no longer inhabiting it?
Does someone who had dementia now become a demented ghost, or are they somehow fixed?
Without our brains our concioussness is not 'us'
Often intelligence correlates to consciousness, the lesser the intelligence the lesser the consciousness, how blurry are your childhood memories? A demented person would probably lose part of himself, and a dead person would just hang around deteriorating until nothing of him is left around, this is probably a long period of time for us and might actually explain things about haunted grounds.
>Because it's more probable for intelligence existing everywhere and being the building block of everything in a disembodied form waiting for a vessel to inhabit rather than humans gaining cosciousness out of nowhere when their brain develops.
Could you give any justification at all for that statement?
I believe in ghosts because I saw a door stopper fly down a hallway by itself after I bought a Ouija board. Has nothing to do with me finding it comforting.
Stuff doesn't come out of nowhere, as matter doesn't come out of thought, thought doesn't come out of matter.
This is why i think that.
Some people rationalize it by saying they're just an echo left by the person's brainwaves or some shit when they were alive. That echo is suspended in some kind of medium that we can't measure with instruments. They are not truly sentient but just an afterimage. Ghosts are repetitive because the most repeated things that a person does form the deepest impressions, like drawing over a line multiple times to make it darker.
That doesn't make any sense either but it's how people can reconcile the existence of ghosts and either oblivion or pleasant afterlives after death.
>matter doesn't come out of thought, thought doesn't come out of matter.
that doesn't follow
in fact you can't prove that "thought" isn't just matter and electricity
People believe in god after reading all that bullshit in the bible so ghosts are not really all that different.
Computers aren't run by themselves they need a user.
Same applies with brain or any other organ, from the simplest animal to the most complex, the brain happens to be the best way that controller seat has evolved.
Brains don't have a user only the illusion of one.
>Computers aren't run by themselves
Actuelly, they can and do exactly that.
Machine learning isn't what i'd call a user, actual artificial intelligent life might be possible, but we're far from that.
Explain your reasoning.
>actual artificial intelligent life
that doesn't even mean anything
non carbon based life forms capable of complex thought.
Better autist?
>>Explain your reasoning.
There is no You controlling your brain to decide A or B or C. The brain reads a script based on the past experiences and patterns. Everything inside the box makes up the experience and you are not outside that box.
I disagree, here's what i think.
The brain serves to read past experiences, genetic predispositions and moral predispositions, then afterwards You make the choice based on that.
Obviously the chanses are skewed towards a certain choice, but as i said, having a consciousness you're the final judge, and i think your thought simply removes responsibility out of your actions.
>complex thought
your computer is capable doing billions of calculations a second
that's pretty complex
you'll need a better definition than that
I won't play your game, you know what i mean, and you know you used a bad example.
Sage for useless reply.
I'm not saying you are a husk unaccountable for your actions but rather a biological robot. There is no final judge making your brain decide which levers to pull, just the brain.
>Computers aren't run by themselves they need a user.
So you're saying the moment you walk away from your computer it instantly shuts down? What a ridiculous statement.
If it's just the brain wouldn't explain temporary clinical death experiences.
I'm saying the moment you walk away it does nothing as it has no input, and i think the same would happen to a biological body if your conscious part somehow connected and stored into it was removed.
The conscious part is the tip of the iceberg. The conscious part doesn't tell the body "I'm hungry." Your brain sends signals that it needs nutrients and executes programs that will get it. From there you might run a program to eat a hamburger or a program to eat a slice of pizza but there is no user outside of the computer writing them.
>you know what i mean
I seriously don't.
Brain has evolved on a solid base, and a solid base should have its automatic responses to keep running and safe.
Nowhere did i did imply automatic parts aren't part of the greater conscious part, but i implied consciousness doesn't come in clumps, it's gained gradually and accumulating over millions of years of evolution, or an accelerated pace of 6 months plus gained and lost in the rest of the lifetime
i meant 9 months in the uterus*
>the lesser the intelligence the lesser the consciousness
Woah, woah. Hold on a second.
So what are you implying when someone loses memory? Whether it be from disease, trUma, or chemically? That they weren't as conscious of a person for the period of time they lost their memory?
you're in a bad luck user, for example the ancients thought the main container for consciousness was the heart, and it's part is true, it seems that even the heart has neurons. And watching a few documentaries about heart transplants depicting people radically changing lifestyle after the operation, to the one of the old owner, might make me suspect it's totally possible.
Its a bit of fun, I used to delude myself into believing in ghosts when I was younger because I liked the idea of it and creepy stuff.
Because they are hack frauds caught in an endless spiral of depression.
>get baboon heart transplant
>cravings for bananas and return to the jungle intensifies
>get life saving organ from nigger
>release a mix track and start getting arrested
Why aren't we doing this