who else here thinking of /droppingoutofsociety/?
I'm so sick and fucking tired of college, I'm literally a bad day away from dropping out and finally becoming a neet
who else here thinking of /droppingoutofsociety/?
I'm so sick and fucking tired of college, I'm literally a bad day away from dropping out and finally becoming a neet
I've almost achieved this, meng. Moved to a small coastal town and at the end of the year, I'll be quitting my job and just chilling for a bit with beer in hand.
Already did friendo. It's comfy as fuck. The truth is that if you aren't a retarded normie and are perfectly content with living frugally, it's very possible to live years on a few thousand dollars.
Especially for robots that don't care about going outside and just stay indoors, it's very cheap to live like this.
i want to do this but you do you do it financially?????
I've always dreamed of buying a van and living out of that. There's a city near me that's the perfect size for this.
I don't know how to finance a decent humble/meager full-time-NEET life
What are some good countries to retire to?
I've been considering this every since I had month off as a neet. life is way fucking better if you don't have to deal with normies you don't mesh with 24/7
Well, wouldn't say I have dropped out of it, because it's not true until you are totally independant from society.
I get welfare and live in an isolated way from society without leaving it.
Have been doing so for over 11 years now, soon I am 32.
I've been looking at this pretty hard. Really you want to keep costs low but not go somewhere dangerous.
Thailand scores high, from what I've seen, as does Serbia. Ukraine also comes up but that just seems unstable right now, so I don't know if I'd recommend it.
But, there are some pretty inexpensive areas in the US. I've been looking seriously at S. Carolina.
not good if you don't have money. I did this and now I have to work a bunch of shit jobs. Finish degree, sell your soul to make as much money as possible then neet. I know a guy who did this and he happy now. if you have neetbux or something then do it. it's comfy life if depression from isolation doesn't kick in
Wise words, for sure. Save up, get some passive income going, it does make everything much easier. I watch a YouTube channel of one guy who has to do six months on six months off so he can come back to the US to work every year
I want to just stop doing everything and become a buddhist monk.
I have started dropping out of society. I'm working odd jobs occasionally to pay for cigarettes. Apart from doing that and buying them I don't leave the house. I have no friends at all and I barely speak to my mum because she keeps yelling at me for being a loser
>I'm so sick and fucking tired of college, I'm literally a bad day away from dropping out and finally becoming a neet
me too honestly
I have a shit GPA, everyone hates me, I have no friends, I can't do shit
this environment is literal hell on fucking earth
Me too, I quit 2 jobs this year, the first being my 10 year long grocery store wagecuck """"career"""" and the second tossing around packages in a shipping warehouse after about 5 months.
Now I'm getting by on selling all of the video games I've accumulated over my decade long wageslave stint. Thank god retro games are expensive as fuck now, I'm selling games that I bought for a few bucks years ago and making profit.
I didn't save any money that whole time, but at least I accidentally invested in a growing retro video game market lol.
I just wonder how long I can keep it up before I'm forced to "join society" again and become a slave.
I can tell that my mom doesn't approve but what the fuck does she know about being a young adult male in today's society?
I'd love to but I do not qualify for NEETbux and I coudln't do this to my parents after all they did for me. So I guess I'll have to settle in some job after uni and slave away.
You can't drop out anymore at least in the US.
Sure you can, but you're gonna end up homeless. But is that so bad? I see homeless people surviving all the time. It must be a more natural existence if you think about it, out in the open air all the time, scavenging for food, it's like reverting back to the days where humans were truly free of the burdens of society.
>You can't drop out anymore at least in the US.
what do you mean
I am so sick and tired of life as well
I wish there was some place where normal, sane people who were just tired of it all congregated, like some small village in alaska filled with button pushers who got sick of life and moved
I have a feeling that town would mysteriously vanish off the map one day