Have literal actual autism

>have literal actual autism
>have literal actual schizophrenia
>have literal actual bi-polar

Life has never been better, and my lies have never been truer. Im not even sure what the fuck about anything. Ive got siblings with autism and they are lower functioning than me, but i wonder how similar we are. this is fuckin hell. I hear a word and fabricate stories on it. I hear anything and it becomes true regardless of if its a joke or not. Social cues are not a factor in my behavior. Im just art imitating art imitating life.

Does anyone else know anything like this feeling?

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No, thank god. I'm perfectly sane.

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well fuck you then. please allow me to make you uncomfortable with my crazy eyes.

I can tell you're upset.

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regale me with your tales, wise-one

>browse r9k

>perfectly sane,healthy and funtcional

chose one and only one

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i dont give a fuck about anything right now. im fucked in the head, you're pretending not to be. i know your lies. you wouldnt be here if you didnt have some mental illness.

you want the whole story or what? Im intoxicated and have many spelling errors i wont care to fix.

now you need depression and the pack of mental iliness will be complete

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that would be a blessing OP

i excluded some brain issues for my own sake. Ive got plenty more.. depression is one of them apparently. Im "the real kind of crazy" my psych says. and im the real kind of sad too. Im literally dying inside.

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Type it out first, okay? Auto-correct when needed, but make sure you have the full story before posting. Waiting for the next part always sucks.
This is just a tip from me.

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what woukld be a blessing?

im hungover as fuck, i can use comas but i cant be assed to spellcheck on a huge post

yeah everything is a story, and i'm far too influenced by fictional things. autism + schiz is a delirious combo, then add drugs

i started watching trailer park boys a few months ago. i got really into it and then got arrested for stealing liquor and carrying a weapon a couple weeks later

you writing out your story about your life

Im not wise. I thought I was, but its a lie. Please pardon me, Im not highly articulate at the moment. Life began with me before I was born. I was beaten before i was alive, in the womb by my biological mother, in an attempt to kill me, even upto near my birth. my adoptive mother was certain she was to adopt me and Did. My mother was white, and my father was black and naturally i never knew my father. Thank god because ill never know what other mental illness i could have genetically. /sarcasm. I grew up in a semi-stable home but my paretnts divorced at the age of 3 and i moved aacross the country with my mother. I had no idea what was happening, but the memory is the first i can recall. Desiel is a hell of a drug. Aside from this it was a fairly normal childhood. i saw my dad on occaision, i think. When shit starts to get fucked up is about the age of 6 when i was molested by my friend, i cant even remember. I thought it was MY friend, but my mom says it was my friends older brother. I dont know. I do know that we played a lot of "games" during that time, If you want an elaboration for yourself ill greentext it later. I then went on to live a normal life trading pokemon cards and hating sc'hool for being the only colored kid and hated by teachers and students, and i wish i was exaggerating. i had primciples convinced i was doing druigs just because i was black and one time I was ordered to take a drug test by the school and it came back positive for barbituates, and my bitch princaple was deaed set on expelling me but she was not aware that i had been taking medication for a gastrointenstional disorder and was quickly made a fool. Glossing over that, prior i was molested by my best friend at the age of 8 .. that was a fuckin mess at the time. Im drunk i cant keep going. I played a lot of "games" with him, ;but again i cant recall if it was my friend or his older brother, a different friend and brother. a much older brother. ..

yeah its a shit fuck ton, and im too drunk because thats how i cope yo. i, com,ing with a part two in a bit. i gotta get readu for work soon,

Schizotypy is a hell of a drug when you mix it with an interest in ritual magic. Addicting as fuck, too.

my bit was meditation. opeing my third eye was the wirst thing i could have ever done, It is olike magic but it makes me literally crazy. there was this one time when a coworker dropped his pen during startup stretches and i looked but didnt see anything ffall but he dropped it again and it made the same sound it did before and i thought for a second i saw the future, I am to drunk to type. this took me way longer than it should have . ill sober up but too late to continue my fucked up life story .

Are you Andrew Cuanan?

You sound like you weren't molested at all, to be honest. You probably knew what you were getting into.

i know that i devoloped a sort of perfectionism because of the insitigations of my alleged drug abuse as a a middleschooler, whil everyone else around me iuni my christian schookl was doing actual drugs unbeknownst to mel.

its nice to be young isnt it? my autism and schzo is a great combo... i can create a reality that isnt evem real. i know you understa d and i wish i could convey my words better but i am took intoxicated,. i have more to say but i am not typi'ng well

>browse r9k one time
>browse r9k from time to time to see what its new
lurking king
>browse r9k daily because its full of people like me
>create posts in r9k daily
beyond salvation
haha fuck

lol i didnt finish my story. that was just the first instance i can recall; I didnt go into detaial, so pardon me;

Please, do continue, then.

To be fair, he did say sane, not necessarily healthy and functional.

>Im intoxicated
that much is obvious.
You don't sound like you have any of those disorders, just drunk

i will when i am sober enough to type. its cold and im drunk. But as far as my first molestation goes we played with a suction cup and then he stuck it all over my body. i remember the smell of shit and having my dick and balls sucked. its hard to even recall. cut me some slack OCfag. do you get off on this shit or what? im a human fucking being, not some source for your gratification. Ill post when im sober and on my break at work. but its not nearly enough time to recall and type it . just keep the thread alive.

aside from the suction cup, we conmopared dicks and then we rubbed eachothewrs dicks and grinded dick to ass a few times, my fingers and brain arent working so well. ill be back when i can type

ahaha no my friend.. you are not from here are you? I have no response except that you must never have been treated like shit in your life, nor known the reason why. Im typing poorly because im drunk, the feelings that cause me to wriite how im feeling are neverending.

I will patiently await your return.

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ive got to leave in a half hour. i need to shower and eat. Ill be back at around 4:30am, and im off at 8:30 or so. keep the thread alive and ill continue.

Easy. I'm awake all night long.

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same except im making that money. Get yourself a night job bro.

What kind of job do you have? I wouldn't mind looking into it.

warehouse slavery. its not bad. and good money. last post for now. later.

Alright, I hope to hear from you again.

Bumping with a greentext, since I don't want this thread to die.

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Going to bump again, since I don't want to miss the story.

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I know the feeling of being fucked mentally and yet also being self aware of it. Moreso when hammered like rigjt now, it's fucking hopeless and I hate it.

>paying your compliments to a fast food worker
critical autism

> I hear anything and it becomes true regardless of if its a joke or not
user, the Jews did 9/11. Mossad orchestrated 9/11, USS liberty etc
They control the news, the media we consume, the very manufactured construction of our society which persecutes people like you. . Are you angry? are you gonna do something about it? You could live forever or be forgotten and ridiculed by the normans holding this perverted world together.
Be free.

Even normal people know that kind of stuff, user. Way to be blue-pilled

Have a bump, fellow robot. Thanks

I do my duty to keep the thread moving.

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Waiting for OP's return.

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Haha, I swear the images on my screen are moving around.

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>just b yourseIf user

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Im here, at work though .

2 and a half more hours.

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please kill yourself to save the gene pool

>save the gene pool
You must really like black people.

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blacks only have as much power as you give them.

Is that why you invite them to take higher positions of power in your society and advocate for other races to suicide?

As long as they're satisfied with their twitter harems I don't care.

I'm advocating a defective human being to suicide

Defective in your eyes, but not actually defective.
Your advocacy means nothing, lunatic.

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>>have literal actual autism
>>have literal actual schizophrenia
>>have literal actual bi-polar

So you have all three? what sort of quack dr did you go to? you're probably completely sane and everyone else is crazy...have you ever thought about that?

I'm glad it's slower at this time of night so I don't have to bump as frequently, but it sure does get lonely.

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OP here. No i considered that for a time, and 3 different doctors told me i have characteristics of just those three disorders. a completely new doctor has pointed to all these things just in the first time meeting him, and confirmed in saying "you have the real kind of crazy". Yeah, i wish other people were the crazies, but they're not.

imma read the thread quick and get some beer in me. ill continue my story in a minute.

im glitchin reality. Before i even knew today was going to be cut short i said id be back on my lunch break, but it turns out im actually home at the time i said id be back.
>simulated reality is real

i never knew how to describe how i feel. self aware of my mental deficiencies, seeing them and knowing what they mean now more than before, and still not being able to overcome them. this really is hell. what are you drinkin bro? Im getting myself toasty so i can even bare to be in this thread again. Sippin some weyerbacher.

i was 6 bro, all i knew was "dont touch your penis or else it will fall off". my mother used to tell me that, and i didnt masturbate until i got molested. we can chat later im gonna keep going where i left off.

>be 6 year old me
>at family friends house frequently
>i would always go back to my friends room and then we'd listen to music and chill
>one time he took his pants off
>i went to open the door and he said to leave it shut
>my memory recalls this being my friend of the same age
>it turns out that it was the gay older brother apparently
>we both got naked and i laid on the bed
>he used a suction cup to play with me using it on my belly, butt, and genitals
(realizing at the moment how fucked this really makes me feel)
>he grabs my balls and starts playing with them
>pinches my penis starts sucking it
>puts dick and balls in his mouth and sucks hard
>he stops and lays down on the bed next to me
>tells me to get on top of him and to put my dick on his butt
>i basically do everything he tells me because hes my friend so i trust him
>he tells me how to do it and to put my dick between his cheeks so i do
>he tells me to get up and lays me down and says he'll show me how to do it right
>i lay down while hes on top of me and he slides his dick between my buttcheeks
>this is the part where i remember the distinct smell of shit and my memory is pretty fuzzy after this
>i recall getting dressed and going back to listening to music but thats about the end of that
i cant remember how many times we were naked together but this is the only instance i can recall. i spent a lot of time at his house.

i need a break

hi user, i have schizophrenia and autism too. are you still here? will you be my friend?

im here telling my story for user. its depressing me to hell though. Stick around, get comfy. this is gonna be a long thread lol

from the age of 6 i had a normal childhood. saw my dad on the weekends, did all that family stuff. I had and have a really good family thankfully. life was seemingly normal, except for me. At night i would masturbate in strange ways as a kid would. I put stuffed animals in my underwear and grind against the bed with them. i didnt know exactly what i was doing but i wanted the stimulation it seems. I did this almost every night.
when i was 7 i had a girl friend and she was always talking about sex when we were on the bus
>im greentexting without the green
im taking a smoke break

>she started by spelling out sex on the back of the seat in front of us asking me if i knew what it was
>i said no and she told me
>she then would tell me all the things you can do during sex
>i was clueless i had never heard of anything before not realizing that a boy and girl could do it and not knowing that i had already "had sex" when i was 6
>she never said who she had sex with but she described things very vividly i recall
>she pulled her pants down one time when there werent many people on the bus and she spread herself and i could barely see but she was explaining to me what she was doing

i cant remember much more about that
>during the same year i was best friends with a boy in my same class
>one day he says to me that he cant play with me anymore because i wear a mask
>i didnt know what he meant but the next day i had a parent teacher meeting when his parents told the teachers that he wasnnt allowed to talk to me anymore because i was colored
>i went home and asked my mom why i wear a mask
>thats when i learned i was not white
>it just clicked with me that "wearing a mask" has been a hidden theme in my life until just recently
>i took the "mask" off and started literally being myself
>and being myself was not a good idea without realizing how fucked up i am
i never talked to my friend again after that meeting. Moving on.

literal teen thread
post on normbook instead

when i was 8 i was living in a small industrial town . i had a few good friends and we all had some good times together. three of my friends however were not like the others.
>be trading pokemon cards with friend
>asks me something
>we end up naked somehow
>we swordfight, he actually called it swordfighting
> he was my age too i was 8
>we go back to playing pokemon
>days later his older brother is over and we were outside sitting on a bench
>he pulled his dick and balls out and told me to do the same
>he says "lets race" we raced to a tree and back to the bench with our junk out
>sitting on the bench again his dick is still out and he tells me to touch it
>i touch it and he says it feels good "tingly"
i cant remember this shit, im not drunk enough but it has constantly been in the back of my mind. im taking another smoke break.

>he leans over and starts sucking my penis and balls
>asks me how i feel
>tells me to do the same to him
fuck you user. seriously fuck you. but this is good therapy. Ill print this out and take it to my therapist because its healthy i hope.
>he says to play the "lets see who can stick it in the fastest" game
>he lays down and i put my dick between his buttcheeks like he said and obviously i lost
>he tells me to lay down and it was his turn
i dont remember any more past this except for sitting back on the bench and then being called in for dinner.
it turns out that my friends older brother had an even older brother that was a flaming homosexual. the one that i was playing "games" with told me stories about how "fun" it is to play with people, and the third friend was their sister and he would tell me about how to fit her whole breast into his mouth and how they "played" with eachother. the whole family must of been incestuous because their dad i recall being a real creep.
i didnt realize a lot of this until my early 20's when i had an escalation of my then ignored mental disorders. so after that i started sticking things in my butt, q-tips, toothbrushes, anything smooth and long. i didnt know what i was doing i dont think but i did it. i avoided talking to all of my friends for a while after that but then we ended up doing similar things again weeks later. and even with his younger brother, in between playing pokemon.

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in the same year i had moved away to another bumfuck nowhere town. my mom had a boyfriend nearby and i would hang out and play with his daughter. we were great friends and we'd all take trips to the beach and it was a great time. In between those good moments i found myself in a bunkbed fort and then again we ended up naked and very simple things happened. i was comfortable with being naked in front of my friends at this point because i thought it was normal. she instructed me on how to finger her and i did. and we went back and forth playing with eachother. only later did i learn than she was being molested by her father and that someone in the family was molesting all of the sisters daily. I only had the one experience with her that day, i recall. we were riding bicycles together a few days later and she asked me about our "disgusting stuff" and i sped off so i didnt have to talk about it. In hindsight, this was the most traumatic instance of my sexual experience because i knew that it wasnt just me that was in these situations. i became aware, but to my mind at the time it didnt make sense. i need a break.

if anyone is still even here, im probably going to keep going on with my story if you care to listen. But im done for now.

I'm reading, I just passed-out while waiting

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