Let's post stories about wacky things kids did at our schools. I'll start.
>that kid who threatened to shoot up my school via twitter
Let's post stories about wacky things kids did at our schools. I'll start.
>that kid who threatened to shoot up my school via twitter
>that kid who hung action figures on string nooses from the tree in his front yard
>those ghetto kids that ambushed a white boy and started tearing the principal's office apart
>walked in right as one of them threw a potted plant at the wall and it broke
>watched helplessly because I didn't want to get involved
>fight finally gets broken up, watched the police get called in to question them
I just wanted to sit in the office because I was sick.
>that kid who was always left alone in a test involving groups
>twitter was a thing when he was in high school
I want off this ride.
>that kid who would give free weed to the 6'1 soccer girl after school in exchange to licking her feet
>That kid who wore a music shirt for every gene imaginable
>That kid who started a pencil business in school
>That stacy who fucking died
>That chad who fucking died
>that kid who wore a black trench coat just cause it would fuck with people, aka me
I get it, user
Twitter has been a thing for the last 10 years, user.
>that kid who was falsely accused by staff of throwing an object that was thrown by someone else
>that kid who was given special treatment by staff because they thought he was gay
>that kid who tried to hug a teacher and she told his parents about it
>that kid who was laughed at for nearly drowning
>that kid who nearly got run over
>that kid who was bicurious and desperate and asked the token camp gay out but got rejected
>that kid who still dreams about being back in school as an adult
All me
>that kid who stabbed a girl in the eye with a pencil for taking his eraser
>That kid who was obsessed with quarters for virtually no reason. Would steal people's wallets just to get the fucking quarters.
I got one.
>that special needs kid who managed to resssemble a computer
>that kid who brought a fucking gun to school
>the kid who threatened to shoot up their school on Jow Forums
>that special needs kid who crapped on the floor
I clearly said Twitter, not Jow Forums.
>kid that shit himself in Period 2 science lab and didnt tell anyone til he got home
and i had to sit next to him in period 6
feels bad man. must've sucked a lot.
That's every one of us; be more original
Was this during the period when they had those "50 state quarters"? I can see some Aspiefags being obsessed with getting every state.
> that kid in the Special Ed class who literally had fangs like a vampire and a table full of normie kids always called him "Fang-y" and laughed and one day he snapped and started grabbing each one of them by the collar yelling at them
> except the one kid at the table who had never called him that
> that one kid was me
So you were a sped kid?
No, I was the one kid at the "regular" table who didn't harass him
>that girl who wouldn't stop pissing herself in primary school so they made her sit on news paper.
My bad senpai. Misread your comment.
>>that kid who would give free weed to the 6'1 soccer girl after school in exchange to licking her feet
muh dick
*pressing X to doubt*