>be me
>commit crime in a dream
>spend rest of dream getting chased
>wake up sweaty
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
shitty greentext kys
>dream about dating some roastie and wake up miserable because I don't want that crap
>dream about being on my computer and seeing bad stuff on it and wake up miserable
>only dreams I have that make me feel some sense of pleasure, after the fact, are ones where I beat someone trying to harm me, and kill them
I wish there was an easy way to fix this. I can't bring myself to document my dreams anymore, it's too rough.
>dream about dying in different horrible ways all the time
>getting beat to death by a bunch of people with baseball bats on a pier
>getting stabbed in a public restroom
>cant find my way out of a underwater cave and suffocating
>getting trapped in a burning car
what the fuck man
>dreamed last night about torturing my cat by forcibly sticking my finger down his throat so it blocks his trachea
>wake up feeling extremely depressed and guilty, immediately go hug my cat
Why would my subconscious show me something like this? I love my cat.
That ones pretty straightforward.
You're probably guilty about something that no one knows about. And you're worried people will find out.
Is that true in any way?
What kind of situation are you in in life? Do you feel like time is chasing you down while your potential drains out of you?
more like fraud
My situation is bad but i don't want to go into too much, I'm getting older and really feeling regrets and agonizing over wasted time, i feel like life could have been good but i fucked it up and now i think it's too late to fix it, it's all i ever think about really.
>constantly dream about seeing girls I used to know in school
>one day see one of the girls in the dream, wearing a nice skirt that I saw her wear once, and start to talk to her but then remember all the other times
>understand on a deep level that it's just a dream
>since it's just a dream, I can do whatever I want with her and won't harm a real person since it's just a fictional version of her in my mind
>can only do it for a few seconds before temporarily forgetting and being sent into a new dream
>for some reason try to rape a woman in a barber shop in the new dream, with no memory of the previous dream
>go home
>don't get caught by the police but know there were witnesses
>for some reason my elderly grandmother was one of the witnesses in the barber shop
>become consumed by indescribable amounts of guilt and despair for the rest of the dream
Scary shit. The mind can truly be punishing. I'd never do something like that in real life, of course, but I'm sure I won't try anything like that in a dream for a while now either.
>Had a dream
>I was eating dinner is some kind of underground cave-like restaurant
>I'm eating with the girl I recently had to leave
>I say something (probably about leaving)
>She throws her spaghetti on my shirt
>It stains the nice white shirt I'm wearing
>I storm up and out of the restaurant
>Into the light above ground
>Still stained, and still angry
>I see a manhole, and for some reason I throw it open
>Water shoots out of it like a geyser
>Drenching me in water
>But it's refreshing
Anyone want to take a crack at interpreting this one?
>This image is a visual response to your image
>dream about being at someone's funeral
>a long-lost relative shows up and gives me chocolate
>a fucking dog gets onto my legs and keeps putting its horrible paws on my balls
>feels disturbingly real
>no matter how hard I try to get it off, it's like its paws are magnetically attracted to my balls
>this shitty dog section showed up in another dream I had a few days later
Thanks for opening up.
What is it you want to do with your life? Generally speaking.
>consistently dream about fighting and killing my family
>fuck it, they suck anyway
lol, maybe your balls are getting crushed because of your sleeping position.
sometimes dreams really do mean nothing. If you love your cat then the dream isn't rooted in anything real. Just electrons firing in your brain.
>dream about cuddling in my bed with a girl that I used to know and really like
>she falls asleep
>she's so beautiful
The only reason why I still remember it is the feeling I got. I can't remember it and that pisses me off. Now I'm all bummed out.
>inb4 "gtfo failed normie"
I'm pretty sure I briefly knew what it was like to be loved and it was good, sue me
>God that's sad isn't it Paul?
>Yeah John, that is mighty sad. Isn't it George?
>Quite sad, Paul. Quite sad indeed. Ringo?
>Huh? Oh yes sad, very sad.
Thanks for listening
I just want simple things like a house, car, girlfriend, dog, time for hobbies, a career would be nice too, I'd like my parents to be proud of me and I'd like people to respect me.
Naw Ringo would definitely be off smoking weed somewhere else
>be me
>commit crime in a dream
>get jailed in real life
I really hate being a beta, bros.
I've Gotta say that's wrong.
Just because a dream may be so abstract that it's meaning is impossible to know, does not mean that that meaning doesn't exist.
They're tricky and symbolic. They're trying to tell you something.
For example: the cat choking dream might simply be a meditation on the fact that the cat owner can indeed do his cat harm. As in it's in the realm of the possible, and the dream is a reminder of that.
The dream doesn't mean that he wants to choke his cat (if it's true has no such desire).
>oh god, what's ringo doing on the ceiling?
>There's a hole in me pocket john
That's the dream, but what is 'meaningful' to you?
What kind of careers could you pursue that would provide that sense of meaning to you?
What I'm getting at here is this:
>What could you do to fight that feeling that your life is over?
I promise that when you feel like you're moving forward in some way, these dreams of death and drowning will change into something far more pleasant.
>dreams mean something
I refuse to accept that the many dreams of my waifu being in love with someone from her series means that I have to accept that she doesn't love me, or that all the dreams about me looking at porn I hate means I should just relax and look at it, or that the dreams about me dating 3DPD means that I actually want one instead of for the bad waifu dreams to stop like I actually want. My dreams are just my mind being a silly asshole, that's all.
lol, you are a silly asshole.
Why do people have cool dreams?
Mine are about fucking boring shit like work and dinner
You're a silly asshole, fuck you.
I think those dreams mean something. Maybe your subconscious is trying to imply you need a rebirth
Dreams tell you important shit, pay attention to them
One thing I can tell you is that you can change the manner in which you dream.
You can do this by paying very close attention to your dreams, and talking them out to people.
Think about what they mean. Read up on some Jung (reading Jung profoundly effected my dreams).
Think about the things you'd like to know more about as you go to sleep.
About your life, or reality, or God, anything.
Ask yourself a question, and your dreams will answer.
>not to sound like a fortune cookie
>waiting for the bus at night
>long wait
>walk to next bus stop down the road to stretch my legs
>get there and realize I forgot something on the bench at the other bus stop
>if I go back, I risk missing the bus
>wake up
I bore myself awake quite a lot, though when I was a kid I was constantly dreaming about post apocalyptic adventures, and time travel and shit.
From the sound of it you're insecure and you're projecting it into your dreams
The people that your waifu is in love with in your dreams are your ideal version of yourself
Shit man that's a tough one, I have always wanted to find meaning but haven't been able to find it myself, I often wish that i could serve some kind of cause that would give me a purpose, that meaning would be thrust upon me.
>What could you do to fight that feeling that your life is over?
some stoicism would help, I've always felt like i have no control over my life and my emotions for that matter, it's all so chaotic.
>be me
>commit crime in real life
>still not caught
Was the dream emotional at all? Did you feel genuinely conflicted about the decision?
It could be a symbolic reflection of a similar situation in your life. Have you "left anything behind in the name of progress" in your real life?
lel, what did you do?
I remember it feeling very conflicting, actually. I don't know if it was my wallet or chapstick or something, but it weighed heavy against catching the bus home or to whatever the destination was.
>be me
>dream of people i don't remember ever seeing irl
>they're the best of friends, even have perfect gf
>wake up
>realizes he only has one friend and gf isn't the true girl of his dreams
>shoot self in head in dream
>jolted awake
>have a headache
>walking down my street
>decide that I want to float straight up
>do exactly that
>keep floating up until I'm past the trees
>my head tilts back and my eyes roll into the back of my head
>dream ends
I always forget how fucking crazy dreams can be after you run out of weed. I'm pretty sure I was lucid when I decided to float up, but I was barely aware it was a dream.
I gotta remember to do something cool next time, the time before that when I became lucid was me in some white room cluttered with children's toys and I started playing with a kid's piano before I happened to look in a mirror which was fucking WEIRD. I also summoned a white cat by mere thought.
Lucid dreams are neat.
I apreciate your genuine responses. This is what this board should be about in my opinion.
Boy do I have a song for you:
>I was raised up believing I was somehow unique
Don't worry, as soon as you set yourself on a path, the chaos dissipates like it was never there. Regarding what you'd potentially find meaningful: you'd have to know what kind of person you are.
>Are you open to new ideas?
>Are you highly agreeable, or disagreeable?
>Are you extraverted or introverted?
>Are you competitive?
I really think this is about something going on in your waking life.
The whole bus idea could be an indicator.
At the time in which you had this dream, were you going through a change in life? Like a move, or a job change?
Sure no problem thanks for your help, perfect song too describes me pretty well haha.
>Are you open to new ideas?
Sometimes, I like to think I have my core beliefs and my way of thinking but it's also flexible.
>Are you highly agreeable, or disagreeable?
Mostly disagreeable desu but i can be highly agreeable if i feel like putting the effort in, sometimes I'm just so down and frustrated that i feel like being an asshole to others, but i feel guilty afterwards.
>Are you extraverted or introverted?
>Are you competitive?
Oh yeah, anything i pick up i want to be the best at, i get really passionate about things almost to a fault, I burn my self out easily.
I used to be an amazing pool player but I got so dedicated that i just rode that train off the rails and I haven't played in a couple of years now.
I've got to cash in for the night.
You sound like a passionate guy, I'm sure you'll find that you're well suited to something good, as long as you remember to look for what ever that is.
Good luck, user
>have recurring dreams where my mom is some kind of monster and she keeps trying to kill me
>try to fly out of my bedroom window but she always grabs my legs
>some girls forcefully put a humiliating tattoo on my balls
>rest of dream is me being too worried and looking up tattoo removal options
>Holy Oedipal Mother of Vishnu
You might want to take a seat.
>this somehow means I wanna fuck my mother
Fuck off Freud, just because you wanna fuck your mom doesn't mean we all do.
I wasn't implying that at all.
If anything your dream means that you're desperately trying to escape your mother.
I just thought the image was funny.
My mom is literally the opposite of overbearing though. She ''jokes'' about kicking me out of the house all the time.
Anyone still here? I got a dream
>be me
>walking down street lit with street lamps
>can see my breath
>feel something heavy in my pocket
>huh, I didnt feel it before
>pull out a glock
>for some reason I begin to mess with it, point it at things, twirl it..
>then my arm randomly puts it aginat my head on its own will
>try to block it with my other hand
>bullet went through my hand and into my face
I then jolted awake
Anyone know what this means?
You had been running away from your problems for a while, using the relationship as a safe haven where could get good feelings whenever you wanted, which you are ashamed of. However, when you realized that the relationship needed to end, the girl made you feel like it's too wonderful to criticize. Although it was too difficult to continue, you were still afraid of not appreciating it enough. You get upset after and during the breakup because you feel like she forced this feeling on you when were trying to be genuine, trying to change, and now you feel like things will never be as good as that again, because you'll always know that you let go of something special.
But when you think about how bad the old problems of the relationship were, you're glad it's over and that you don't have to think about it anymore. You feel peace of mind, begin to totally renew yourself.
You are trying to protect yourself from bad emotions (grief perhaps) but you do it in a way that made you become a coward.
You were in a very unpleasant situation. The street lamps represent the fact that you still had a sense of hope in spite of this. Suddenly you realized that you could easily do something to change your situation. You tried to see what the right thing to do is, but instead you fucked up and embarrassed yourself.
can an armchair freud please tell me what i'm thinking and how it relates to how I want to fuck my mum
>top of tall building
>hear old classmates walking up some stairs
>immediately sprint to a ledge and jump
>wake up, shitty life flashes before my eyes, feel like I actually slammed into the ground
2nd one
>wake up
>house is filled with people I dont know
>try to pretend like I do
>they start to notice
>freak out, flip some plates and pans
>guy comes at me with something, he seemed kind of familiar, asked me who the hell I am
>wake up for real feeling like a whole day passed