What's a good shotgun i could use in case of an intruder that would be a quick knockout (or kill)?

what's a good shotgun i could use in case of an intruder that would be a quick knockout (or kill)?

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Really can't go wrong so long as it's tube feed. A guy hit with a 12ga at home invasion range will not be doing any more home invasions no matter which gun delivered it.

any shotgun really, go to walmart and buy a cheap mossberg or remington and they will do the job, if you aren't putting a lot of rounds through it at the range it doesn't really matter, all 12 gauge slugs do the same.
Unless you're a richfag with money to burn then get a Benelli tacticool

Personally, I don't own a shotgun. It is effective yes but it will stain the entire room red, stink it up, and plus if I'm inaccurate the walls will get torn apart.
Still, listen to this guy youtu.be/K4FESGjiH3s

mossman 5000

Don't forget to buy a truck, that's what the cool robots use these days.

Don't knock them out, kill them. Dead men don't testify or sue for damages. Double barrel is for people stuck in the 1800s, get a tube fed, preferably automatic. There are some good mag fed ones out there BUT they're pricey if they're not shit (N.b. I've got no experience with the Saiga stuff so if anyone rates them, go with their expertise)
.410 will tickle, 12 will kill, 10 will eradicate. What's in your house that's valuable? What are the interior walls made out of?

What will a 20 do?

Just get a mossy, cant go wrong.

Arent the Remington shotguns made since 2007 notorious for terrible quality control and rusting extremly fasting?

It should fine if you use a large shot size or slug

Shooting a 12ga indoors will destroy a lot of your hearing
Nothing against it but i have a glock 17 i keep in my room for that
Mossberg 500 is a good cheap shotgun
I have one too

Remingtons and Mossbergs, the Keltec KSG is pretty cool looking too. Also get a handgun with some stopping power, probably a .40

I'd rather get a pawn shop 590 than a new one of Walmart or Dick's Sporting Goods or some shit like that. Just inspect it a bit and make sure it cycles good.


It just wont kill the intruder, it will kill your hearing as well.

A shotgun blast peaks at something like 145-150 db at one meter. Put that in a room where sound has nowhere to go but back to the source and you're stuck with hearing aid for the rest of your life.

Home defense I tend to lean more towards a nice simple .38 revolver rather than shotgun. Mainly because of the damage potential to your home with the shotgun. .38 is plenty loud enough but not destroy your hearing permanently loud, easy to handle, easy to maintain, not going to jam on you.

I'd avoid getting an automatic. Good autos are pretty reliable, but they can jam, and correcting a jam takes time you might not have. A pump is pretty much a sure thing. Get one with at least a 6-round magazine. Check out the Mossberg 500 and 590, the Remington 870, the Maverick 88 (made by Mossberg).

If some guy is literally inside your house with the intent to hurt you I think the last thing you should be worrying about is your drywall

I'm no Jow Forumsommando but the supposed tranny la cretura's gun seems nice for that. It double pumps I think, so keltecweapons.com/shotguns/ksg

Get a pump action. Any mossberg or a Remington 870. The sound a shotgun makes when you rack a round is intimidating enough you may not have to fire a shot of the intruder hears it.

But sound home defense generally includes staying where you are. Dont hunt an intruder if you can help it, you are not Liam Neeson.

A knockout with a shotgun? Are you firing beanbags?



literally any 12 gauge shotgun

I've heard shotguns aren't as loud as smaller guns. Because high pitch hurts your ears more than low?

The KSG is r9k's official shotgun

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The simple solution to that sounds like keeping your hearing protection right next to your shotgun which would only take a second to slip on.

It really depends, shotguns move more air, but pistols and rifles have more a crack to them, but frankly, when you're in the 130 db+ area, it doesnt really matter, it's going to do damage to your hearing.

are you going to put on safety goggles and high grip gloves as well while you're at it?

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I've fired a shotgun indoors before. It really isn't that loud.

No that would be excessive, I don't get why this is a ridiculous suggestion you can place the ear muff types on the butt stock of the shotgun and they can go over your ears in literally a second, if you have time to reach the shotgun you have time to get your hearing protection.

a suppressor?
or subsonic buckshot/slugs?

both of those would a fair bit of sound off.
wearing muffs would be bad if you couldn't hear the intruder

well then my second question would be: Why would you want a half meter long metal rod to wave around in a tight enclosure that most likely will put you off target after the first shot when you can have a small and easily managable handgun that you can put multiple rounds on target with that isnt cumbersome in tight rooms.

>I've fired a shotgun indoors before. It really isn't that loud.

At an indoor shoting range, yeah, it wont be so loud because majority of the sound has to reach the wall at the opposite end before it's reflected back to you. In your house, that wall is at best 2-5 meters from you.

it's like putting a firecracker in a small cardboard box versus a large one. We both know which one of those boxes will come out of this with all 6 walls intact.

consider that target acquisition could be a problem in the dark.
Enough so that a handgun may be too hard for a civilian to fire accurately in a pressure situation.

Buckshot alleviates this problem.

took this thread long enough

Both of these are true, a lot of it depends on the situation and there's a lot of variables.
Personally i would go with a .25 suppressed pistol (inb4 stoppin powah) with a decent sized mag it's maneuverable,accurate and quiet, unless your intruder is a 6'6" giga nigga on pcp he's not going to be doing so well after getting mag dumped.

>Buckshot alleviates this problem.
not at a 2-5 meter range.

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Hey faggot, look at my previous post I know, people just assume shit. To break something it has to be it's same pitch, plus volume, with sound.

It probably depends on the shape of the room, and what it's made of, I'm sure. Like auditoriums having their shape to project sound. Acoustics.

I refer back to my firecracker comparison.
>it's like putting a firecracker in a small cardboard box versus a large one. We both know which one of those boxes will come out of this with all 6 walls intact.

Why a shotgun in a indoor gun range is not comparable to a shotgun in a small room.

A solid choice is the Winchester model 12 trench grade. that shit is nice+ has a bayonet mount

I've seen one that will blow your mind OP

Remington 870 Express Tac 500. I love em. I have one next to my bed.

not a gunfag here but I heard that loading it with birdshot helps do less structural damage to your surroundings when firing a shotgun in an enclosed space

Also, ammo choice is really important. Use a really low shot. Keep away from birdshot, unless you're training. Birdshot is cheap, but it's not worth your life.

Nigga you live on a farm or something? Buy a fucking handgun

Remember to wear ear protection

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an eye-arr 15 gets the job done

Why yes, yes they are. The user you were replying to meant to say get a cheap Mossber, Maverick, or Stevens. That was a really bad typo.

>not using an SKS with bayonet affixed for home defense
why even live???
yes I'm a pseudo Jow Forums-poster