Piss Bottles

Do any of you robots use piss bottles/jugs? Share your experiences and if you've ever been caught.

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Been caught many times when I was younger. My mom would yell at me for going to the bathroom at night because she's a light sleeper so I pissed in bottles. She found out and I explained why, she got even more angry so I eventually just started pissing out the window.

nearly got caught once. used to collect. Felt more satisfying.
have a couple of empty bottles on hand in my room incase i need to use them even though my room is connected to the bathroom

toilets are disgusting

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Used to be a /masterpisser/ and fill bottles all night but now I just whizz out my window onto garage roof/the driveway

I piss out of my window
>tfw I sleep on the second floor

>have a couple of empty bottles on hand in my room incase i need to use them even though my room is connected to the bathroom

I do the same. The bathroom is right outside my room but when there's normalfag parties going on in the house I don't want to leave and been seen and forced to socialize.

no, i mean it's LITERALLY connected to my room. Jack and Jill rooms where theres a bathroom in the middle. It smells like pungent cum but i still sometimes use bottles.

>tfw too smart to piss in bottles or toilets

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I use them often, but Im a truck driver. Im not always parked by a pisser, or someplace I can piss outside without people seeing me. Also, I toss em out asap

Not much to share really. I usually piss in gatorade bottles and the only time I've ever been close to being caught was when I was when I was younger, sometime during my middle school days. Back then I used an empty bubble soap bottle (y'know, the ones where you dip the wand in and blow) as a piss bottle for a long time and would dump the piss out of a tear in my screen window. Eventually my mom found it, but luckily it was empty. When she asked about the smell I quickly made the excuse that the bottle was old got smelly over time and threw it away soon after.

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how is being a truck driver? ive heard mixed opinions on the job

i was wondering the other day, people used to say there was a small amount of gold in pee, what would be the best way to extract this from the jugs

I use piss bottles during long gaming sessions and when I'm too depressed to get out of bed. My closet used to be full of them but one actually exploded or decayed or something and all the black moldy piss spilled everywhere.

Do you use a tube so people don't see you in the window peeing?

Piss centrafuge.
That or pee in a condom and spin around really fast while holding it out in the nicest room in your house.

no i live next to a graveyard on one side so I just flop it out and arc it over the garbage cans

I graduated to piss garbage. I just pour some cat litter in the garbage and piss in it.

>go to looney bin
>dad goes into my room and empties and throws them away

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My mom let's me use bottles if someone else in bathroom.

why did they send u to the bin lad

was drunk and told my dad i was gonna kill myself. didnt help i tried a few days before

I used to.
Lol growing up my father would piss in everything, coke cans on the counter, a bucket near his bed, cannot believe people would care about you getting caught. Bet they make you take your clothes off the floor too.

Dont get into it now. We got the govt monitoring us now with Elogs. Its gay as a dick dripping with shit.

>Bet they make you take your clothes off the floor too.

Even worse, my mom has unironic OCD and legitimately loses sleep if she knows that my room isn't clean. Thankfully I'm planning on moving out soon. Your dad sounds like a cool guy.

nothing more satisfying than pissing in a bottle while driving and throwing it out the window on the highway. the bounce really fucking high and spray piss everywhere

nice to see another /roadpiss/ master
I used to do that so much driving back and forth to uni, sometimes chuck it out the sun roof and watch that fucker spray everywhere

wow this is the most r9k thing I've read all week.

I would do that occassionally a few years back when I had a super talkative roommate. If I spent much time in common areas they'd talk at me forever so fuck that. Always dumped and tossed the bottle shortly after though.
Now I never do that, always in the bathroom, because doing stuff like that makes me feel shitty/depressed about myself. Why do you guys keep the bottles? You might find that you feel better when your room isn't full of waste, constant reminders of your flaws etc. Then again I know how hard it is to scrounge up energy when you're deeply depressed, but I still encourage to give it a thought.

I met a reasonably attractive grill that admitted to me that once she shat in a bucket b/c her roommates were in the bathroom forever. I wouldn't be surprised if normies do this sort of stuff more often than we'd think

>take sip of coke can
>it's piss
Not really.

He's on the bux, and has a third grade reading level, and is abusive. And now days he's actually OCD too and I was just trying to bully before, the clothes on the floor and such were fine, then suddenly they weren't now that his health is worse. The worse he feels the worse he tries to make others feel. Like, he had no problem with me drinking, but his stomach went bad so now he tries to make mine bad by screaming and making a big deal over it, as some relatives have in my family line to each other to force each other to get stomach surgery, because, christfaggots hate drunkards. He's a glutton too, it's silly. Christfaggots when they get old, start behaving that way. If there is a hell, the only ones that should go there are the ones that think by being a cunt they're going to get to heaven.

Your penis is now cursed.

no but i have a cum bottle

I've pissed out the window before. It made the grass in front look greener than I'd ever seen it before.

Never really been a piss bottle guy in the practical sense, as my room is attached to my own bathroom. I have however stored my piss in a jar which was inside of a boot for like 4 or 5 years from the time I was like 9 to the time I was 13 or 14. I took it outside when I found it one day and smashed it and the smell made me fucking gag, it was worse than a dead body or shit or both of those things mixed.

>Be me, have to cross my cross my parents line of sight to go t bathroom at night
>Each time they yell at me so I start pissing in bottles
>Mom finds them one day and makes me drink it made her gag to
>Just start pissing out the window but she can see the streams of piss going down the shingles
>Start leaving piss bottles all around the house
>when she kicks me out to go live with my dad
> tries to sell her apartment but every time she brings someone to look at it they find a new piss bottle.

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One of mine started growing white mold spots on the surface.

Another one fell over and it smelled worse than fresh piss does. It almost made me gag from the smell. It was one of the worst smells I've ever smelled.

Anyone else find that pissing in a bottle the instant before you get into bed helps you not wake up to piss? Feel like I got it all out of me and I should be good for another 8 or so hours.

When I did speed for the first time I was so fucking anxious that I couldn't leave my room to go to the toilet for the next 3 days after, so I filled Gatorade bottles when I needed to go. When I threw them out I saw some junkie cunt and his wife take one out of my bin and made it into a bong, idk how he didn't smell that it was rancid piss that he was tipping out but I wasn't about to correct him

those things stink 100X more than piss bottles, how do you stand the stench?

Not to play the devil's advocate, but I don't think anyone socializes with someone taking a piss lol. Unless you're scared of the encounter getting out of your room, in which case I would say it's best to encounter them and give them whatever excuse you have for being non-social. Most people won't care, some will, but in the end it doesn't really matter.

I tried to piss in a bottle once. My dick is too big soft and wouldnt get in so I pissed as close as possible and the flow fucking splashed on the side and half the piss ended up on the floor.
2/10 wouldnt try again unless im paid to do it.

Do people really put their dick into the bottle to piss? Is this real?
Prop it on the lid, make sure there isn't air tight seal and aim correctly.

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