Why are people not freaking out about this?

Why are people not freaking out about this?

How is this allowed to happen? Are we all just so docile with anti-depressants, weed, poisoned water supply, alcohol, pills ect. that we don't even care anymore? We just comment a meme and move on?

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Don't fall for russian propaganda you drumpfy

I was where you were years ago user. Its frustrating that people will never wake up ito the fact that the world is being manipulated by various small interconnected groups with an agenda to make life as miserable as possiblenfor everyone but themselves. You can show people mountains of evidences, proofs, """coincidences""" and the like, and they still wont accept it. The bible is the only truth in this world, read it.

so you're telling me russia hacked all those news stations?

The russian propaganda meme is a meme. There are no sides just bankers and the havenots

That was pretty fuckin surreal and creepy but I'm pretty drunk so I won't remember by morning, just proving your point. sad state of affairs m8

thank you for your words user, glad to know I'm not alone at least, surrounded by zombies

I personally just don't want to believe it. Now excuse me while I go and play some videogames


We are all lobotomised. Whether it be due to antidepressants or self medicating with drugs and alcohol

I was joking about being told to fear russian propaganda when there is clear evidence of home grown propaganda that is a-okay unlike those filthy manipulative russias

While many bankers are jews, and jews prefer to work with their own, promote their own. There are plenty of bankers that are non jew that are selling out humanity for a dollar

Really loving this meme of the Establishment Left feigning incredulity and outrage Re: "right wingers are hacking the media!!!" or whatever when they themselves control 95% of it

The Judeo-Saxon elite. L'Albion perfide

>the left/right paradigm is real

Ok fuckface "global capital wants to distill everyone into the universal consumer" just decide whether or not to put ((())) around "global capital" and there's your dichotomy

My own mother got on anti-depressants last year thanks to some jew psychiatrist, I even tried expressing my concern told her how they could seriously fuck her up for the rest of her life.
Of course, she didn't listen and started taking them. Hopefully she doesn't end up too fucked up in the long run, the (((happy pills))) are insidious motherfuckers.

At first I thought this was creepy but then I realized that it's just different branches of Fox news. So what? They're using the same script

It's a bit like a professional bank robber mocking a guy who robs 7/11s. "Look how incompetent and see-through their consensus is manufactured! They don't even create their own academic departments!"

>I realized that it's just different branches of Fox news
Oh huh interesting, almost like that's a critical detail that makes the story go from "omg corruption" to "oh well duh of course they'd do that", interesting that I always have to come to Jow Forums to hear critical details like that it really makes those almonds activate

Saw my local news channel from a town of about 40k. Nice

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>Are we all just so docile with anti-depressants, weed, poisoned water supply, alcohol, pills ect. that we don't even care anymore?

Yes. The Jews won a long time ago. I'm sorry that this is how you're finding out about it.

This. It's WASPS and Jews, always has been.

It's just a script for a statement on fake news done by news stations of the same branch and you're retarded if you have a problem with it.
It's literally nothing.

you can see others like CBS, ABC and such

they're literally telling you not to listen to other news, implying you should only trust them, because it's "dangerous to our democracy"
are you literally this braindead or you work for them too?

Pay no attention to the big nosed man behind the curtain goyim!

That's no different than what CNN and NBC do.It's not necessarily wrong and it's far from being an indication of ''le brainwashing msm'', which exists but not in this case.