I hit the news again boyos
Fucking lol globalnews.ca
I hit the news again boyos
Fucking lol globalnews.ca
Other urls found in this thread:
why don't you hit yourself in the head with a shotgun slug?
I'm not ready to give up on life desu desu
>I've had relationships and sex in the past
d r o p p e d
our saviour, all normal faggots and regular faggots and "fembots" won't like this
>Incel spokesperson
what the ever loving fuck is going on
>a movement
king of the dweebs
>in b4 this normie fuck goes mainstream and some qt who got dumped 2 months ago seeks him out and marries him
this, even blames "the vocal minority" for hating women and it should be censored and that the solution would be to allow women into the community. Idiot
You reak of Reddit
>incel spokesperson
This is like that time anonymous had a leader. What a very dystopian future we have ahead.
>Incel spokesperson is a Chad
>Incel spokesperson
I didn't vote for him
I have this guys nudes, who wants me to post them
As a Chad, he was a natural leader.
Incel uprising against this normie faggot to install an actual install as spokesperson when??
>incel spokesperson
Not. My. Spokesperson
I think you mean (((Incel spokesperson))).
We can't trust all that power to just one incel, we should have an incel legislature
>we need to censor posts about violence against women in order to prevent misogynists
OP I hope this is all 4d memes and you just told them what they wanted to hear.
Aren't you the guy who was nearly killed by his shitty ex gf and then got banned for "bragging?"
>be leaf
>buy a Jow Forums gold account using my debit card about a month ago
tfw i'm probably going to prison for crimethink
keked op, Pretty much said that we are islam
You stupid fucking idiot, do you realize what you've done?
Don't worry guys, I have declared myself the incel spokesperson's spokesperson. I hereby officially decree he should shut the fuck up!
>women reject men who are genetically inferior but i dont blame them for that its how theyre programmed
Fucking asshole
Congratulations, Petey.
I wonder what people are doing on wizchan right now
>incel spokesperson
there's just no way.
>herald of the involuntarily celibate
don't let it go to your head my dude
I just want a girl to befriend me why do I have to do all the work
Because there are troves of guys who are trying to befriend attractive women. She has no (0) incentive to acknowledge you unless you can financially benefit her.
This is an oregano comment.
That whole article and podcast attached to it was fucking gay and only made me angrier. Normies never will understand.
>those reddit eyes
>that reddit face
>"a self-professed spokesperson for the incel community"
>"I hit the news again boyos"
Look at his face... this goofy retard goes around calling up news agencies to give interviews. What a prime fucking douche... That face though. That is definitely the face of a reddit chucklefuck who does this sort of thing.
They're all so blackpilled that they're volcel and ridicule anyone who's not. I imagine they're just sitting back and laughing
>>Incel spokesperson
the mouth of sauron
just like anonymous :3
He's more like a failed chad, he's not even an incel he just wants attention.
Holy fucking shit, my man Jack's on the news! Damn, dude. Nice.
back i say
Called it!
I knew this was a false flag all along
Random tard go nuts kills people then the media blames Jow Forums for supposedly radicalsing him with a false claim of a random post on tards Facebook account
I think the whole of Jow Forums should go on the attack DOS Reddit CNN the BBC and Facebook as a revenge attack for spreading such disinformation
Sounds right on the mark. I know some of these failed chad types IRL, and while they're attractive enough to bag 10/10s they turn off a lot of women with their spergyness.
I'd be lying if I said looks didn't matter to women, but social skills matter way more. Being a social retard is more of a death sentence than having some minor physical flaws, which is more often than not the case with incels.
>Spokesperson for incels
>A group so divided and self-hating that they can't come to a consensus on a single thing
>Spokesperson has been in relationships and is not a virgin
>Spokesperson is not ugly and can communicate positively with normies even while supposedly supporting their antithesis
The robot apocalypse can't come soon enough
The time has come for us to stop living in the shadows! The time has come for us to rise up and demand real change in the government! We can not let fear rule us any longer. The government MUST provide us sex or we WILL refuse to pay taxes or fight in foreign wars!
Today is the first day of the ANTI-ROASTIE RESISTANCE (ARR) and we will not be silenced any longer! Hail Victory!
>Incel spokesperson
The objectives of the robot movement aren't just for degenerate casual sex and aimless fucking. We want to put women in their place, as traditionally happened. Cunts shouldn't have rights in the first place.
If a robot has a GF, as long as he beats her in her place and makes sure she knows her inferiority to men, then he is still /ourguy/. Good on Jack for spreading the word.
5/5 star post desu desu desu
What's wrong with what I said faggot?
Do you think getting a GF will solve all your problems? That the only objective of robots and incels is to get a GF? What good is a GF when she will just cheat and leave your autistic ass sooner or later? The objective is to eliminate women's rights and make them our slaves again.
>'It's a support group for men, not a movement': Spokesperson defends incel community
>very next line
>The incel movement
Fucking fake news
I come from reddit and I find Jow Forums to be absolutely disgusting.
No I wasn't being sarcastic... desu
Who is Jack Kinghoff?
>incel spokesman
>not ugly
Fuck off normalfaggot
vid interview with this gender studies roastie on this page is pretty funny
tl;dr: entitled white males are the real terrorists and cops need to lurk Jow Forums and reddit to save muh womens from beta uprising
>incel spokesman
What timeline did I find myself in
This is a clear indication that they want you as a guest on one of their shows. Maybe you should reach out to them and spread fear into normies
You've always been an attention whore, might as well take this opportunity or shut the hell up for the rest of your life.
>nonvirgin incel spokesperson
I don't like this reality
>terrorist group
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what a time to be alive.