Greentext thread

Got any good stories to tell?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be me

Nice. /s

>tfw fembot feels greentext

>be me


>be full of anxiety all the time

>my mom tells me I have to do chores around the house


>make younger brother do chores promising to pay him $5 to do it all

>mom pays me $50 for doing chores


>get a new bowl for my bong


This is why some of us become robots, fuck you, I hope your brother realise he's being used

no such thing, get the fuck out of here.

>be depressed
>ghost post on Jow Forums pretending to be a real hooman
there is no escape from this hell. not even death

Im more of a robot then you ever will be virgin

Ask for stories
No stories

>Im more of a robot then you ever will be virgin
Stupid roastie, Jow Forums is specifically for virgins; you can get leave if you plain on ever using that shit as an insult ever again

Calling someone virgin
Says "shes" more of a robot
Wtf xd

>10 years old
>play wrestling game on N64
>had a habit of picking my nose and wiping boogers on my dick
>girls come into the ring with the round signs
>get really excited
>put a few more boogers on my dick
>have sticky roll-down-the-wall toy
>wrap it around my dick
>press dick against TV on card girl

I had a solid year where I'd put anything gushy on my dick.

Wise posts are wise

>falling for obvious gags

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Falling for obvious gags
1/8 making me reply gr8 b8

I feel deeper than u could ever feel ok??
You virgins dont know heartbreak you probably live pathetic lives

That was not much of an interestin' story.

Like you could ever experience an interesting story, incel

Ofc my lifes pathetic
Wtf would i be doing here if it werent?

Your not entitled to sex
stop responding to me i dont want to talk to you.

>be me
>browsing Jow Forums
>see funny meme picture

Attached: 1516571712489.gif (250x250, 993K)

Fine. I'll tell one.

>be me
>be 7 years old, many years ago
>was invited to winter party at crappy elementary school
>day of the party
>sped class there
>this might suck
>there was this one female student
>she loved eating
>she could eat through the uss pueblo if she wanted to
>i don't get much, due to not being hungry
>some time later, the female students complains of stomachache
>just out of the blue
>fucking vomit all over the table
>puking girl escorted out
>never saw her again

I present you the only interesting story in this thread...

Have a nice day.

Have gf
Pathetic anyway
But your way to choose why should i talk to you or not doesnt fit to reallity
Have a nice day

Stop talking to me dumb virgin dicklet

Or stick sry im
And spanish jejej

>never saw her again

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Hahahah why dont you stop? I wont insist

Didn't care for her. She's a sped.

these were oreganoly hilarious

Attached: couchgina i.png (1567x5856, 1.38M)

part 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuciing bica de bepo pasta de pizza

Attached: couchgina ii.png (1567x5844, 240K)

> when I was 9 my brother pushed me off a 2 story jump into a pool in Hawaii
> retaliated by nearly drowning him in The Queens Bath 2 days later

I prefer catfishman

Attached: CATFISH MAN.jpg (1284x7572, 1.52M)

Well, I guess I can forget about sleep tonight.

Fucking chores? Are you joking? What kind of chores do you have to do where you can't just get off your lazy ass and contribute to your household for 20 minutes? Your mom is giving you a roof to live under and probably food as well and you can't even do some simple chores to help her out?

Ungrateful fucking shit.

I prefer hackman.

something tells me whoever made this actually believes it

I believe in nothing.

a heartwarming story so its probobly fake.

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Please. Everything's fake.

>meanwhile user freezes to death due to lack of social welfare

At least women are saved!

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>mfw the first time i read through the saga of Nurse-Kun and Ampu-Tan

i dont care if it was on /b/ its real in my mind.

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Sure it is. It's definitely real.