The First Crusade

Global Conquest 1096
>Pick a country and tripcode yourself with its name
>Try to be somewhat realistic
>To make a move reply to the image I post. To discuss stuff with other nations do not reply.
Ongoing wars:
Georgian-Seljuk wars

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One other thing, these threads now have a discord:
gg slash 6du77h

Spread civilization to the pagan Slavs of Mecklenberg

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Prepare a surprise attack on the count of Provence.

The Holy Roman Empire's army marches to Mecklenberg to fight Abodrites. Their more experienced and well equipt army crushes the Abodrites causing them to quickly route.

The first crusade begins

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The army of Toulouse makes a suprise attack at night on the count of Provence, pushing their army into his land

The Crusaders gather in France and make preparations for their journey.

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Continue marching into Provence. If the count does not surrender more than just his people will die.

>(be green) Invade the land to my south and east and start unifying the nation!

Growing impatient and believing god is on their side to protect them, peasants gathered in France decide to start the crusade early in Springtime.
The army of Toulouse continues their march into Provence however this time the Count is prepared. He has gathered his forces and plants to meet meets the Toulouse army on the field. It is a bloody battle for both sides yet Toulouse prevails but at a cost. The count is forced to retreat
Algeria sends an army into Almoravid, starting a war between the two in an attempt to unify the nation

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I clearly said to the east! Against the mini kingdoms, not the massive Almoravids. Please fix this, and then continue fighting them

Call off the attack and message the count to be my vassal. If he does not agree continue marching into his lands.

Crusaders begin to gather in the Holy Roman Empire and Apulia. The Peasants continue to march to the holy land.
War breaks out between Damascus and the Fatimid Caliphate
>tfw my sense of direction has been off lately. I actually got a question wrong on an exam because of it.
Algerian forces make a surprise invasion of Banu Hilal
The Count of Toulouse calls off the attack and calls for the Provence to become a vassal. The count responds by sending you back the head of your messenger.

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Spend the majority of my treasury on hiring mercanaries, and make the final push into the Count of Provence's lands.
When I find him have the family of the messenger he killed kill him.

The Crusading peasants begin to grow hungry and tired. They start ransacking villages in the Holy Roman, killing every Jew they find.
The Count of Toulouse hires a vast number of trained French and German mercenaries. With his increase in numbers and combat experienced men, the army of Toulouse is able to take a majority of the land claimed by Provence with ease, pushing the Count into his last castle.

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Rally my troop and attempt to invade the Seljuks of Rum

Instead of siegeing the castle have my army circle it and starve the man out.

The peasant Crusaders have finished murdering the Jews of the Holy Roman Empire and continue their journey, passing through Hungary.
The Count of Toulouse's men encircle the Provence castle and start a siege.

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While I wait for the mans family to starve, start production of a vast navy.

With our men rallied, charge into the Seljuks of Rum

English archers, knights, and spear men are sent to invade Wales.

It is now summer and the Knight's crusade begins. The peasants continue to fight their way through the Hungarian countryside and near the Roman Empire.
The Fatamids invade Damascus
Toulouse begins the construction of a naval fleet. In fear of his imminent demise, the Count of Provence charges out with his men, killing many of Toulouse's yet in the end, succumbing to the sword.
The Romans rush the Muslims in the Seljuks of Rum. While the are able to take vast swaths of land, a war as been reignited Rome's Muslim neighbors.
The English army heads to Wales. With their superior numbers, knights, and longbowmen lead to a successful attack.

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Keep going east and south!

Spend time building our navy, start training a professional standing army.

would you be interested in a cross-cultural exchange?

Continue fighting into rum, attempt to recruit and train more soldiers, expand our navy.

The Englishmen are ordered to continue their conquest of Wales.

Are your women looking to get froged?

>The Lambakannas of Sri Lanka launch an invasion of the southernmost Indian state whose name I do not know.

The people's Crusaders head into the Roman Empire, to Constantinople with the Knights behind them.
The Algerian army continues to expand into Banu Hilal. Soon they come face to face with the Banu army.
Toulouse continues production on their navy and starts to train a professional standing army, gathering men to make up for their recent losses.
Rome attempts a push further into Rum however the Turkish army is able to repel them with horse archers. The Romans are forced to retreat.
The English army continues into Wales. They fight valiantly and are able to capture the rest of Leinster yet through the constant fighting, many casualties have been sustained, a good amount of supplies have been used, and the troops begin to tire.

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NoOffer them an ultimatum! Surrender or be assimilated!

Use my new navy and professional army to invade the weak Corsica.

>Ceylon raises its army and begins to secure dominion over the southern tip of India

English troops are given payment and allowed to return home and rest. England gathers its strength and waits. Focus resources on crossbow production.

This is me oops forgot trip password for a secondWould you like to control the Mediterranean together?

Increase our defenses in the east and continue devolpment on our navy and army.

The People's Crusade arrives at Constantinople and ask to be let across the bridge. They are told to go slowly but instead, rush across and begin to loot. The Roman guard is called and puts an end to the People's Crusade. The Knights continue.
Lambakanna soldiers land on the beaches of Pandyas, set up camp, and prepare to invade.
The king of Banu Hilal decides that no more bloodshed be had. He will gladly assimilate for a hefty fee.
Toulouse's new navy and army invade Corsica with great effect, capturing land and slaughtering almost half of the Corsican army.
English troops return home to rest and England starts to produce crossbows while the Gwynedd army fortifies their land.
The Romans increase defenses and continue military development.

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Continue to slaughter the Corsicans pushing further into Sardinia.

The Lambakanna army wastes no time in marching to the capital city of Madurai. Foraging parties double as scouts, interfering with the enemy's muster as the invaders besiege the city.

What fee? Will it be less or more than waging war until victory? After deciding this outcome, we keep going east to the next kingdom

The English Navy is sent to invade and occupy the Isle of Man. Crossbow-men, archers, knights, spear men, and armed peasants are sent to the border of Gwynedd, but do not cross.

The Knight's crusade manages to meet in Constantinople.
Fatimid Caliphate continues to wage their war on Damascus.
Toulouse pushes further into Sardinia. Their army shows no mercy to the morally and physically weakened army of Sardinia. The Count of Sardinia retreats to his castle in Northern Italy.
The Lambakanna army pushes straight to Madurai and begins to besiege the city with the King trapped inside. Their foraging parties are able to hold back the approaching army.
A fee of 10000 dinars. After paying the fee the Algerian forces continue onto Zirid Emir
The English Navy is able to quickly take the ill-defended and prepared Isle of Man, waging war with Scotland. English soldiers move to the boarder of Gwynedd.

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Keep conquering! Offer the same terms to those on our path

The navy is sent to invade Gwynedd from the north in a naval invasion. English troops stationed at the borders of Gwynedd invade simultaneously.

Build an even larger navy and continue to train more professional soldiers.

cultural cross-exchange?

With time scarce, the Raja orders an assault on the city. Infantry attempt to draw defenders to the sides by scaling the walls on ladders, while rams are brought to the gates.

With our improved army make the final push into Rum

A mutually beneficial trade deal sounds desirable.

>exists in 1096

It is now fall of 1097.
The Crusaders continue to the holy land.
The Fatimids take more land from Damascus.
Algerian forces continue on Zirid Emir. They meet their army and offer them to assimilate however the King does not take kindly to this. A bloody battle ensues and the Algerians are forced to retreat.
English forces flank Gwynedd from behind. The surprise attack on from their ill defended rear allows for an opening. English troops are able to capture the rest of Wales. In the meantime Scottish troops move south in retaliation to the invasion of the isle.
Toulouse continues to expand their military might.
The Raja orders an assault on the city. Men scramble up ladders while others fight at the gates. Eventually the garrison falls and the city is theirs. Renaming troops surrender with their king and capital captured.
The Romans have caught their breath and are able to make the last push into Rum.

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Lets do it!
Keep fighting them! Use new tactics, deception and incorporate the banu hilal army

Use our new found military might and invade Sicily.
Send word to the Algerian King that in return for aid in the Toulousian Invasion of Italy we will assist them in future battles.

English troops are ordered to fall back, regroup, and counterattack the Scottish. Production of crossbows continues, and training of Welsh troops begins.

As the new lands of Pandyas are integrated under Lambakanna stewardship, an envoy is sent to the Chola dynasty in the northeast. A gift of a dozen elephants and crates of the spoils of war are sent along, with the kingdom's best wishes and hopes for friendship.

English merchant ships are sent to trade with Algeria.

With Rum gone, the Siege of Nicaea never takes place and the crusaders continue to Jerusalem.
The Fatimids take Jerusalem
Algerians, using new tactics are able to defeat the Bantu Hilal army in the north, forcing the survivors to retreat.
The army of Toulouse sends their mighty fleet and army to the shores of Sicily. A messenger is sent to Algeria. With a large portion of their army moved, the Count of Piza sends a small fleet to reclaim his stolen lands.
English troops Move toward the Scottish army, pushing them back to their lands. Welsh troops undergo training.
The Chola dynasty gratefully accepts the Lambakanna gifts and paired with them witnessing your might on the field, promises a long alliance.

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English and Welsh troops are sent to defend the border and prepare for an invasion of Scotland. Production focuses on shipbuilding.

Continue our fighting in the east, taking soil in Danish memds. Begin training horse archers to combat the Muslim ones.

Finish them off but give the option to join us peacefully beforehand

The southern kingdom spends this time consolidating its gains and organizing its larger army. A core of trained, well-armored infantry will be maintained to provide an unbreakable center for the Lambakanna army on the field. After all, more serious threats lie to the north, and the Raja has no intention of marching unprepared.

Continue pushing into Sicily.
Send a message to the English king asking if he would like to setup trade and offer him my daughters hand in marriage.

How's the trade with the brits going?

The King of England agrees to the message. Trading vessels are sent to Toulouse, and the King is set to be married.

The Battle of Dorylaeum takes place and Edessa is born yet the crusaders refuse to give the lands to the Romans.
The Fatimid-Damascus war ends with a treaty.
The English and Welsh troops move to the boarder of Scotland and prepare for an invasion. Production switches from crossbows to shipbuilding.
The Romans move east and take land in Danish Memds. They begin to research horse archer tactics to better fight the Muslims.
Algeria offers Bantu Hilal peace one last time and defeated, the finally accept.
The Lambakanna Dynasty works on increasing their military might to expand in the future.
Pic related

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Using our horse archers we fight brutially to take more land in Danishmends

English generals order a cavalry charge against Scotland, backed up by crossbowmen and archers. Naval production continues, and several ships are sent to the Isle of Man.

The Chalukyas and their Hoysala vassals are the real power in this region. We and our Chola allies will play nice for now.

The Raja dedicates his focus to economics, investing in the merchant fleets of his maritime nation. He's eager to see trade outposts expanded in the Maldives, but particularly to see the kingdom's interests expanded along India's west coast. This will serve not only to enrich his people, but to keep him informed on the political situation farther north.

The Crusaders besiege Antioch
Toulouse continues to push into Sicily, hacking away at their smaller enemies with ease while the Count of Pisa moves south.
The Danishmends are no more however the constant fighting has made the Roman men weary and their numbers have dropped substantially.
English soldiers chose not to wait for Scotland to make the first move and instead move forward into Scottish territory. This has puzzled the would-be attackers and causes them to fall back.

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Entrench position in Sicily. Send more men to Corsica to halt the advancement of the count of Pisa

English troops fortify the front lines and focus on defensive measures, getting a short period of rest. Ships gathered at the Isle of Man are ordered to sail north and take the Shetland Islands.

Continuing with the strategy of pursuing maritime influence and high-quality intelligence, the Raja takes an interest in robust ships capable of crossing the Indian ocean with the monsoon.

Keep going east! And offer trade options with
Toulouse and
the Dynasty (is that possible?)
as well as offer to exchange military advisors with

Accept trade offers

Build fortifications in the east and begin to recruit more men for the Roman Army.

The Crusaders have taken Antioch and again, refuse to hand it over to the Romans.
The Raja of the Lambakanna Dynasty rather than continue his fighting, focuses more on building his nation's economy. Several merchant fleets are established in the Maldives and builds trade outposts along India's west coast.
Toulouse entrenches in Sicily and moves to push the Count of Pisa back to Italy.
English units fortify the front line in Scotland and send a large fleet to take the Shetland Islands from the kingdom of Orkney.
Algerians move further east, waging war now with Banu Jami.
The Lambakanna Dynasty invests heavily in their navy and economy
Trade begins with Algeria and Toulouse
The Roman Empire recruits more men and increased defense against the Muslim invaders.

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Offer to trade, and learn from the Roman ways!
Keep fighting the Bamu Jami

We accept your trade offer
Continue expanding our military and defenses in preparation to move east.

England accepts the Algerian offer and exchanges some military advisers. The new knowledge will surely be helpful.
From their position in Orkney, English troops are ordered to invade east and attempt to split Scottish forces in two. Fortified troops keep waiting.

Now that our presence is felt all around the region, some of our merchants in Gujarat are paid to spread slander about the bordering Chalukyas.

Back home, the Raja uses the proceeds of recent prosperity to buy more elephants, for purposes of war of course.

Force the count of Pisa out of Corsica and follow him to Pisa and crush his forces.

The Crusaders continue to the Holy Land, choosing to not fight anymore but rather take bribes from the villages they pass.
Trade begins between Algeria and Rome, the Algerians continue to fight in Bamu Jami. They take heavy losses but are able to claim more land.
The Romans continue their military development
English military advisers are sent to Algeria, increasing Algerian combat effectiveness.
English troops use the western flank to invade Scotland. Scottish scouts saw the approaching English army and order a tactical retreat. No casualties are sustained.
Orkney and Scotland ally to fight the English
The Lambakanna Dynasty has merchants in Gujarat spread slander about the bordering Chalukyas increasing tension between the nations.
The superior army of Toulouse pushes the Count of Pisa out of Corsica and chases his fleet back to Pisa, sinking his flagship and drowning the Count. Pisa surrenders to Toulouse.

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English and Welsh troops are ordered to fortify the new front line as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, the English navy is sent to invade and attempt to finish off Orkney.

The Rajah decides that the time is near, and begins a rapid military buildup, expanding his core of trained soldiers and taking inventory on the supplies for his levy.

Our envoys consult with the Cholas, asking their willingness to go to war against the Chalukya menace.

We incorporate the teachings of the Brits/Romans and use them to take down the Bamu Jami. Again, we offer them fair terms if they are to join us peacefully.

We also seek an alliance with the Moroccans in order to fight in Spain and reclaim land from the infidels, offering to split it between the two of us

Also it doesn't look like you moved the border at all
How is the trade helping/affecting us btw?

The Crusaders make it to Jerusalem and begin to besiege it.
War breaks out between Gujarat and Chalukyas. The Chalukyas army pushes into Gujarat, killing every civilian that stands in their way.
The English and Welsh troops build fortifications on the Scottish boarder. Meanwhile the English navy is sent to Orkney however they are met with the Scottish navy that predicted this attack. The Scots are able to fend off the English however they lost many ships in the fighting and know the English has more to come.
The Lambakanna Dynasty builds up their military and ask the Cholas to go to war against Chalukya. Seeing the recent outbreak of war with Gujarat, in fear for them to meet the same fate and seeing an opportunity for land gain the Rajah agrees without hesitation.
Algeria uses their newfound tactics to take out the Bamu who refuse to go down without a fight. The Algerians are able to take them out while sustaining little casualties.
The Almoravid Empire agrees, wanting to see Islam spread through Europe and desiring new lands.
More money = more troops, mercenaries, and bribes

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Angry at the crusaders for not keeping their promise, take Antioch and Nicaea from them.

With Pisa finally done with, finish the invasion of Sicily and set up trade with the Romans

The fortified troops are ordered to bunker up and stay put. Meanwhile, the English Navy circles around the northern coast and attacks eastern Scotland.

The now-expanded Lambakanna army crosses into the territory of the Chalukya's client state, the Hoysalas. Their demands are simple: swear an oath of fealty to the Sri Lankan Raja and help overthrow the empire to the north, or be conquered. None of this causes the army to cease its march north.

The Raja promises to meet the Chola army in the territory of the Chalukya Empire proper.

The King of England sends a message to Toulouse asking if they want to set up trade relations.

We warn those to the east that it is much preferable for them to join us, that we will give them favourable terms, but that if they do not join us we will show them no mercy. Invade if they do not acquiesce, incorporating the roman/british tactics even further. Meanwhile, start preparations for invading into northern spain with the Almoravids, invading the weakest to the strongest in order, and agreeing how to split the northern part of Spain, making sure that we have port access to whatever lands we get.
Propose further military integration with England, taking the best of what works from both of us
Offer Rome some cultural classes so they better understand their Muslim foes whilst seeking to learn more of the Roman ways and incorporating the best of their practices

Agree with the king and set up trade.

England agrees to the proposal for further military cooperation.
English ships immediately begin trade with Toulouse.

The Crusaders receive naval aid and build siege engines. Using these they attack the walls to no avail with one tower siege tower burning down. However, in the night, the second tower is moved to a less defended part of the wall and the Crusaders enter Jerusalem. They kill every Jew and Muslim inside creating for a massacre that is considered brutal even for this time. By the end, the streets are wash with blood and the Holy City is returned to the Crusaders!
The Romans move into Antioch and Nicaea. Thinking they were on their side, the Crusader guard is down however the Romans lay siege and take their rightful land.
The Toulouse army moves to Sicily, restarting their siege. The Navy flanks and fires upon the people of Sicily. The kingdom of Sicily is no more.
English troops hunker down. In the night the Scots attack English positions however before they arrive a scout spots them. The English crossbow men are able to force the Scots to route as they sustain heavy casualties. The English navy meets the Scottish navy in the north and finishes them off.
The Lambakanna Dynasty passes through Hoysalas. The Raja agrees to the terms of war in fear of your military. Gujarat is able to push back the Chalukyas as they move to fight the invading Cholas.
The Banu Sulayam Caliphate after witnessing your recent victories, alliances, and ruthlessness surrenders their land for a large sum. Algerians being to prepare for their invasion of Spain.
Toulouse begins to trade with England.

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The Lambakanna army enters Chalukyas territory, marching towards the capital of Badami. They keep in regular contact with their allies, preparing to change course should a battle appear imminent.

Start to build an even larger professional army stationed in Sicily, using the money from our trade with England and Algeria build massive siege engines.

Negotiate an alliance or at least a nap and trade with the Egyptians to our east, set up trade in our west, invade the balearics first and the kingdoms in eastern Spain

Move to take lands in Armen and Erzerum. Show no mercy to the Muslims.