Alcohol would be illegal if it was discovered recently. Alcoholics are weak scum and a drain on society

Alcohol would be illegal if it was discovered recently. Alcoholics are weak scum and a drain on society.

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I don't know if that picture is supposed to be a joke or not but the only one that's actually true is the overdose.

time to ban alcohol then and hang anyone who continues to seek out or manufacture alcohol

>Alcohol would be illegal if it was discovered recently

But it wasn't, and it has been a staple in society since ancient people discovered it. You wouldn't exist without it, as one of your ancestors boinked while tipsy. Many meetings of peace between groups in conflict are often done over alcohol to help ease tensions too.

Alcohol is bad for your health and some retards can't handle their alcohol, but I do not think it is bad for society.

>non addictive
I hate people who say this shit. I enjoy both weed and alcohol and I know weed is a lot less dangerous than alcohol but weed can definitely be addictive. I had a friend who was on his hands and knees in his house, digging through his carpet, looking for weed he could smoke. I had a friend who scraped black gunk out of his pipe and smoked that when he ran out of weed. People who aren't addicts don't do this shit.

>user claims weed can kill you
maybe if you make a rope and hang yourself

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Even paper smoke will kill you eventually, you fucking brainlet. Enjoy minimum wage your entire life.

>can be addictive
>has depressant properties, inducing relaxation and lowering body activity
>can introduce symptoms of depression
>smoking it (as well as literally anything else) introduces carcinogens to your lungs and therefore can cause cancer; it can be used medicinally but it can't cure cancer (a gun can kill cancer cells the same way THC does)
>hasn't been proven to "grow brain cells", and the methods of ingestion that may have this property are definitely not by smoking it
>is still better than alcohol
be realistic user.

>grows brain cells
holy fuck i havent keked that hard in a long time thanks user

its not addictive I haven't had a drink in two weeks. alcoholics would get addicted to whatever makes them feel good. its just alcohol is legal

weed is addictive too, isn't safe to your brains and smoking causes cancer, but generally alcohol is a pretty dangerous drug, it's true, it can cause addiction similar to heroin and humans literally evolved to be somewhat resistant to it

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Well then don't do it until it kills you maybe? Everything in moderation. I make over $100k yearly.

i absolutely hate weed culture and idiots claiming its a super drug that cannot do wrong. weed is okay but in moderation. smoke it after your 18 or else your gonna be retarded

I'm sure you make that much money, just like everyone else here. Fuck off with your autism.

If I wanted to lie, I'd say that I made over $250k. I'm sorry that you're a failure.

>grows brain cells

what a moron

if i wanted to lie i would make it beleiveable

that's retarded logic. 250k wouldn't be believable when 100k is theoretically possible. I've seen more people on this website/board say they make 100k than those who've said they don't. I'm sorry that you feel the need to lie on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

They tried to ban everything, in the US anyway, back in the early twenties, including alcohol.

No drug should be illegal. Don't be gay.


I could make that much in ten more years if I get to veep level.

if weed is so good how come a lot of people in my country are often high on it and they rob you and kill you impulsively because they're absolutely brain dead after consuming?

really healthy!
alcohol is a problem too, though
they both should be banned

lsd should be the only legal recreative drug

and I'm buzz aldrin

My retirement savings right now are literally about the third of the price of a consumer trip to space.
You don't have to be so negative.

and you don't have to lie to Anonymous users, yet here you are.

Why would you tell lies anonymously on the internet?

>grows brain cells
For normies, maybe. I'm an aspie, and psychoactive substances straight-up just increase a risk of developing shizotypal symptoms for me. I can't smoke weed without having a ridiculous panic attack and I despise anyone who says it's a fun ride.

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lol I love weed but that pic is some real bullshit bro, but then again this is a bait thread so what ever.

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It could never be discovered recently because it literally is responsible for society and saving the human race

>weed grows brain cells
I can tell the maker of this image lost brain cells

>grows brain cells
This is what potheads actually believe

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psychological withdrawals included
>cures cancer
lung cancer is also a thing, also, fucktards think that treating chemo symptoms = curing cancer.
>grows brain cells
dude weed lmao

remember kids, when people tell you a drug is a harmless medicine and it's highly psychoactive, chances are they're just justifying its use so that they can continue to get high. it's not that hard to see through.

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Show me ONE stoner that's happy with their life when they aren't high
Certain cannabinoids can be used to stop the progression of cancer, not cure it. Even if it did, literally no one would care about it if it didn't give a high
Ever heard of the war on drugs?
Literally the exact opposite

So is psychedelics and opium, basically any plant that will fuck you up people have been eating since ancient times.

>same gov that says its as dangerous as heroin.
lol nice try shekelburg

As someone who has used both I can tell you alcohol fits much better with being a productive member of society, it makes you feel stronger and more confident and the affects really dont linger at all once it wears off and it wears off fast. I think its more 'dangerous' in that it can kill you but i think from a standpoint of how society and individuals turn out weed is a considerable obstacle whereas alcohol is a sustainable vice.

>i'm a retarded stoner that can't click on the citations
Imagine my shock


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I doubt the "zero deaths in history" im sure its rare but pot can make a pretty profound effect on people's physical and mental state and im sure it can trigger shit in people with conditions.

Alcohol makes me feel better
Weed doesn't

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i doubt it's even that rare to get into a road accident on weed or to die from lung cancer in all those resins you inhale when you smoke it

>weed is harmless guys!
>sure, i smoke it all the time, so i'd be biased, but it's harmless!
>*ignores all risks including psychosis, schizophrenia, dpdr, lung cancer, laziness, psychological dependency, shortening of attention span*
it's okay in moderation, but you don't smoke it in moderation, do you? how did i know that?

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This. Just because someone hasn't died directly from weed doesn't mean the altered mental state hasn't led to any deaths. I just didn't care enough to look it up because either way it contributes to the degradation of society.

The people that argue that weed is better than alcohol don't even know that the way a high and drunkenness happens is literally the exact same. Chemicals in both interfere with your brain's ability to send messages around by blocking synapses. LITERALLY the exact same thing. But dood weed lmao xD


>my opinion is more relevant because Mr. Goldstein pays me a lot of money to optimize his business expenses in excel

exact opposite for me

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> weed
> grows braincells
It's bullshit

agreed, tried weed once and it gave me the single worst experience of my life

You can OD with edibles