Offensive thread

I got a challenge for you guys, be as offensive as possible in this thread.

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oh please. not tonight i need sleep

How can I be offensive? We don't know each other so our words mean nothing.
I'll give a little about myself to start, I suppose:

>22 year old NEET incel robot non-virgin with anxiety(learned I had it from an online test)
>Live with my parents still, who bought me a car for my 21st birthday
>It's a blue Honda Civic
>I have 2 brothers and 1 sister (who is my fav sibling)
>my friends and I all love having fun every weekend
>I spend most of my nights on here drinking and complaining about my day

Okay, roast me, guys!

Oh, forgot to mention, I'm an Aries ENFP

You're no real NEET.

That hurt a little, but I can take it.

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>I got a challenge for you guys, be as offensive as possible in this thread.

I don't think lolis are even all that hot.

>you and your friends have fun

Wow, that's gay.

>most of my nights

Why not all of them, you normie?

I gave money to a black homeless guy once, and when he said "God Bless!" I said "Thanks."

Traps do not look good at all

True fact 2018

i... think you are a big dummy, op. and you smell really bad

sorry i didnt mean that last thing

I have no value for women at all. When a woman dies I do not mentally acknowledge it as being even slightly important. I will feel sad and lament the loss of a dog or a cat or even a dead rabbit on the side of the road. But women? Their lives and deaths are equal to the bacteria living in my toilet bowl. I accept they are alive and that is about it. So when I hear a news story about a guy plowing a van into a bunch of women its like hearing a news story where the anchor says "I sprayed some bleach in my toilet before I came to work."

go ahead and get triggered roasties

Wow. Now I wanna die.

They also don't exist. It's all photo angles.

Sorry for not responding. I had to take a cry break and calm myself down.

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Oh I should probably mention that I my self have no desire to kill women. That would be like breaking into someones home to spray some bleach in their toilet. A complete waste of time.

Hello youtube!

>not knowing the word NEET
If only I could hurt you idiots.

Get off of the Internet.

I enjoy the thought of women getting their clits removed

Wrong place, smart guy.

Wow, you're a damn baby.

no u. normie responses ain't gunna fly.www

oh my god user im so sorry
i regret everything can you forgive me
could you even forgive a terrible gross no good sicko like me

Fuck of "be as offensive as possible" OP faggot nigger cunt. I hope you get shot by a tranny and I ll write it as memory on your gravestone, so everyone can see, what a pussy you are. "This sissy loser goy got shot by a fucking trap... what a fucking discusting creature. Hope he gets assfucked for eternity. Now piss on his grave or fuck off"



Wasn't installed in this version of Windows.

>tfw imagining i'm an african woman who was born in a small village, got her clit removed and is now forced to serve her husband fulfilling his every sexual wish makes me feel horny
>i'm male

Oh wow. Great comeback. Save some pussy for the rest of us. /s

oh no...
i guess pure goodness wasnt installed on mine
someone should just turn me off


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oh boy do i have a good one

r9k are all pretty cool guys and i wish all of you the best in life

This user thought he was clever doing the exact opposite of what OP wanted, but he didn't realize that's exactly what OP wanted to hear.
You're just a puppet.

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Clever as you think you are, but in reality, that was just dull.

If you wanna be turned off, then read these other user's posts.

If someone doesn't hold to your morals you shouldn't be friends with them and if you care about them you should tell them you believe what they are doing is wrong. Somehow that seems to be incredibly offensive to people these days like they think others aren't allowed to make judgments, hold strong convictions, or even have real opinions.

random webm from my gore folder

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The roasties of 2018 have become chronically prolapsed STD hostels. Despite their steady dribble of viscous snail trails, their dangly beef curtains, even their near constant harvesting of new strains of HPV and gonorhea, Chads and Betas line up to service them, to wallow and worship in beefed out body horror. It's been said the bow-legged sluts of our era are now so rotten, their eviscerated vaginas actually "spit" every time they take a step. Sometimes with an audible queef, other times quiet, these whores jettison whatever melange of fluids are sloshing within their polygamous caverns. It's not unusual to spy spotty trails and blood tinged puddles wherever the posterior of a sexually liberated woman has rested.

>All niggers should be enslaved
>All women must be raped and killed
>All normies should be genocided
>All faggots should be raped and mutilated

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I like to snuggle with my kitty

If i was that motorcyclist idk how i would be feeling. Like yeah the car driver was a dick but holy shit a lot of people could have just died rn.

i would feel lucky?

I mean that car swerved to hit him, and ended up fucking everyone else;'s day up. Car driver is trash, what can't take a little tap? besides we dont see what happened before gif, but nothing that happened could have possibly deserved attempted murder. car driver is trash.

are you drivebot? driver? drive drive

hi driver

my weenus peanus haha! xDDD

>be gril

I once molested my cousin.