Have you ever had a gf that used Jow Forums?
Have you ever had a gf that used Jow Forums?
I fingered a girl i met on /soc/ four years ago, does that count
I fucking wishI think?
>Have you ever had a gf
Lemme stop you right there
How was it? Was she /cute/?
I dated Eliza, so yes.
Yes, a well-known tripfag/attention whore who used to post here.
Massive mistake.
Yup, she was a barely five foot blonde girl with tats. We never got to bang though cuz she ghosted me after that one encounter.
No, I have never had a gf before.
>Have you ever had a gf
>A gf that used Jow Forums
OP, there are two problems with your theory.
Yes, I still recognize her posts on here
>Have you ever had a gf
stopped reading right there, buddy
H-how does she post user-kun? I want to know
If i tell you, it's not special
>implying anything is special anymore
i'll give you a little hint, i'm typing like her right fucking now
she's probably online right now
No but i have friends in rl that use it. Its pretty much how i found Jow Forums.
They both cheated. One after 2 years, one after 1 year. Both used me as hard as they could, for as long as they could.
It makes absolutely no sense, and at the end they always go full psychotic.
Women don't make sense in general
You can't think of them in male terms
They don't follow logic.
Yes. I dated a neurotic fat chick that played on a WoW private server and would lurk WoW threads.
She was actually incredibly cool when she wasn't in a psychotic mood but I eventually had to drop her because she became permanently mental.
Fat chicks, only once.
Had a oneitis that I used to browse with
gib proofs user or gtfo
I swear this is a template for like 20 different posters
>tfw paranoid and deliberately scramble post styles and never use the same image twice
The girl I lost my virginity to showed me Jow Forums
Yeah. She ended up getting my IP banned a few times for acting like a newfag.
God I miss her