why don't you just lower your standards and date or fuck a fat girl?
Why don't you just lower your standards and date or fuck a fat girl?
because I don't hate myself
/>implying fat girls would settle for me
I got a bj from girl that looked fatter than that a few weeks ago and I wanted to kill myself afterwards
Currently am, but I never had standards to begin with.
I actually like girls with a little bit of curves, but at a certain point it become self neglect. Theres no reason to be a landwhale. None of that genetics bs, anybody can lose enough excess fat down to cut down to a healthy weight, it all amounts to how much effort you are willing to put into improving yourself.
but these autist don't want to listen
For the 389,309,091,643,284th time, even fat girls would reject me. I have nearly the same body type as your pic, OP, but I'm a male. That girl would never give me the time of day.
>all the fat girls with cute faces are in relationships
>be 5/10 or 6/10 guy
>have to settle for 3/10 fatty because reasons
How fair, the most pedestrian looking girls can fuck Chad McAlphaBalls on call, but we have to settle for whales.
fucked two fat girls in my life during a bad period of my life. i dont necessarily regret it because now i at least know what it feels like but one of them was a friend who i dont see anymore because of it
I did and they are completely insane.
Some are ok. It depends where the fat is stored. Unfortunately I find some to be so unattractive and disproportionate that it kills my boner
I was actually thinking about this looking in the mirror after a bath. Ive been called ugly ive been called handsome. Ive heard eww! I heard hot! When I tried tinder for a couple weeks with a bare profile I got matches with like 3 and 4 out of tens. We all know women only date up so I guess I concluded that im a 5. I actually would be happy with my lookmatch.
im a loser with loser retail job but I think a qt who rarely comes in thinks im hot, ill ask her for coffee next time
I'm nervous that she'll tell my acquaintances how (presumably) bad I am in bed.
I love fatties but they are usually too self conscious, they don't like when you grab their fat rolls or play with their bellies
ive thought about this and concluded just to go for it
whats the worst that can
have to leave my room first
>fat hides the pussy
Fucking sick.
That is fucking empirically wrong and you know it.
52% of the population are women and you can't find any? Stop bullshitting user.
I'm a skinny 175cm guy, I actually like more cushion and big bellies, but thicc/plump/fat women don't find me at all attractive.
Improve your reading comprehension, friend.
I didn't say I couldn't find any. I said I have to go two or three leagues below my own to find a woman.
Women date up and do so pretty damn easily. Aside from the top tier men, guys have a terribly difficult time even dating on their own level.
I'm not fat and I'm not hideously ugly. Why should I have to date an obese woman?
>Why should I have to date an obese woman?
Because you have a bad personality and no one can stand to be around you.
>fuck fat girl
>go home
>masturbate to porn
Ask her out user. Do it. Make the leap..
I really will, I wanted to the second time I saw her but she was with her little brother and my tism kicked off. The first time it was just too surreal having a functional attractive girl take any interest in me. Seems a bit slutty desu, but im lonely and she also seems nice.
i used to be fat, lost weight, and got irrational hate against fats
why? couldn't you cum
Because shes fat due to her own poor life choices and lack of self respect. Im short because In inherited my parents genetics. Not my fault so I wont settle for something that disgusting.
This triggers the shill
Did you make a thread about it when it happened? I think I saw it.
Because fuck you im Jow Forums as shit. I seriously don't understand how goddamn Chad I have to be to get with an average fucking girl. Like what the fuck.
No. I left a few comments in a few threads about it though.
does Jow Forums like your body?
Idk, I don't really go on Jow Forums. Most people on Jow Forums aren't really fit anyways so who cares what they think.
That being said by body is pretty well developed(much better than the average Jow Forumsizen and live a very active lifestyle.
you need to become a skeleton and i'll get with you
cause i'm not that desperate and never will be, would rather remain a virgin than have a fatty think i want anything to do with her physically, i will respect them as people but gotta say they need to sort their own shit out before fucking them is ever a consideration
Because this pic was sent to her Chad FWB who then posted on the internet.
Even fat and/or ugly sluts have no issue getting Chad dick. And in the meantime they ignore every other guy.
>losing my gains for a roasty(probably a trapfag)
why don't you just deep throat a butcher knife?
Nobody is triggered unless you whine about being an incel.
I'm worried that I won't be able to stay hard.
or even get hard to begin with
>tfw my fiance isn't fat
jackpot baby
It will happen eventually and bots will have a new treasure trove of women some of whom will be very smart, talented, and hard working. All bots have to do is push metal a small amount of time a day and maybe their new gf will want to also.
Why won't a fat gf just lower her standards for me?
Its literally the opposite of what I want. Abnormally petite>Fat
>isn't fat
Fat women have high standards
they disgust me unless I'm extremely horny. it's better to just masturbate.
ew. because they're fucking gross
I did but she left me for a little nigger that beats her.
Fat girls are a popular thing now
sadly ugly guys are not
They have to lower theirs first
Because I doubt they'll try to turn that situation around and it might get worse in the future? Seriously, if it wasn't for the physical pain of being hungry, I'd starve myself before getting back to where I once was.
>be skinny dude
>attracted to fat chicks
>not even fat chicks want me
I guess I invested too much exp into low standards and not enough into not being a retarded autist
>implying that they would fuck me
>implying that she would want to fuck a virgin
>implying that I wouldn't have problems with the erection
>implying that they wouldn't have hygiene problems
other than that it's fine
I can't get hard to fat girls and don't understand how some guys do
Ex was a chubby girl
I am fat and I like skinny dudes
Why aren't you dating fat guys as you should?
Because not even fat guys like fat girls
Of course we do. Well, I do at least.
This isn't true, it depends on how fat and where the fat is located bc some women just don't carry weight well
because not even fat girls want incredibly young looking turbomanlets
I'd fucking love to do that.
Fat distribution is key. I feel I carry it well except for a double chin and boobs. There was a thread the other day and anons were saying the lady in the dp had old lady boobs but mine look even saggier baka
distribute your fat on to my wiener
And you're only in to skinny guys?
Did you fall for the Jow Forums meme?
I like skin and bones but not exclusively ofc. More to it than that
Would you ever consider a fellow fatty? My personality is probably 9/10, face 8/10, but then I'm a fat fuck. I just was curious what my chances were. Not necessarily just with you, but I'm choosing you to speak for all fat chicks.
redistribute your weight onto my skin and "bone"
Some girls like some cushion.
My friend loves that her bf has a belly. Even though he wants to get fit she wants him to keep his tum
Smooth af I am impressed
I got really depressed and super fat a couple of years ago. I can fluctuate like 100 pounds in a matter of months if it happens again. I'm currently losing again and I hope fat chicks are into me while I'm losing.
>>Fat distribution is key.
It's really not, I don't give a shit as long as you're actually fat, not just a little bit chubby. Saggy tits are great.
Because i'm a fucking dicklet
We've been over this. Real robots don't attract even fat girls
Originallio,capitan, but not even fat girls would take me. I'm also a fat fuck, and I have a 2/10 assholeish personality.
I have hope for you, user! Focus on your health first though
Lol I am. I'm naturally muscular and I'm on my feet all day at work. I just get so down in the dumps that I'm too lazy to cook myself food and I balloon up on fast food. It's terrible for my health, but I really can't help it. I appreciate your support.
so are we an item now, or didnt i impress you enough
This nonny knows whats up
Np now you show support for your own body!
Can I ask what you like about fatness rather than chubbiness?
>Can I ask what you like about fatness rather than chubbiness?
Be my gf and find out.
I think I love you. Originally.
One more
I am not sure if I would be fat enough for you, thinking about American-tier levels though so maybe I would
I'd only fuck a fat girl if she had cowtits like this. Otherwise, no.
Love you too, user. Thank you for being respectful
How saggy are we talking here? And idgaf about double chin I have one that I cover up with a majestic beard anyway.
So we're actually dating now, right? Not like you and the unfunny asshole.
>I am not sure if I would be fat enough for you, thinking about American-tier levels though so maybe I would
I'm not American though. OP pic is good enough.
Saggy as in not perky.
Saggy as in nipples pointing to the ground.
ooh savage
Not nearly that big, maybe half the size of the OP picture.
Because they're fucking ugly and gross.
Thank you for politely rejecting me.
Tbh do not even know your name desu
I've lowered my standards 2x because of droughts of emotional contact after breakups, and both times made me take a year off from even seriously talking to women because of how low I felt after. The first was a good person, but she was not very pretty and she was overweight and I felt nothing but self loathing after hooking up, ended up depressed and ghosting her. The 2nd was a year ago and it was a similar situation only this one was heavier but prettier in an alt/goth way. It's been a year and 5 months and I haven't talked to another girl outside of professionally at work since.
Tldr; blog post about quantity =/= quality. I disagree that lowering standards is worth it.
I'm with an ugly girl right now.
I could never contain my spaghetti around pretty girls but with ugly ones I can turn on the charm. Such is life. It's much better than those long lonely years before I figured this out.
>Not nearly that big, maybe half the size of the OP picture.
Then you're barely even chubby, what the hell.
It's all a joke anyway, hun. I'm just having some fun. You do seem like a really sweet girl though.
not gonna lie, i'm not exactly original enough to do another. I am unable to impress my empress.
and that's why you are a menace to women.faggot.