Women are all fucking whores nowadays. I want to go back to that time where a man dedicated all his love to one woman and she didn't have the option or freedom to be a whore and cheat on him and fuck random guys while dating. How do we go back anons?
How do we make Courtly Love come back?
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For a second I thought you were talking about Kurt Cobain's psycho wife
>For a second I thought you were talking about Kurt Cobain's psycho wife
I am though.
Only a man can be truly in love.
Women aren't capable of love like men are.
Somebody fucking say something
what does courtney got to do with it?
She's a whore (I think.), and thus represents what the average modern woman is like.
A tip of mine fedora to you, good ser knight!
Nice bait m8. I won't take it though.
shit he is literally so beautiful and pure
>shit he is literally so beautiful and pure
>tfw I remember when I was in High School a lot of girls said that Kurt Cobain was hot as fuck and all that shit
He's literally a mentally ill manlet faggot who does shit music and ended up offing himself, and it was not even OD, he just shot himself because he was a pathetic sad fuck.
are you cuter than him? i'll orbit you
>are you cuter than him? i'll orbit you
I fucking wish m8. I think I'd be really fucking hot were it not for my nose and my jaw. If I had some plastic surgery I'm sure I'd look chad as fuck. But unfortunately, I don't have enough funds for that.
I also am a semi-manlet (not 6ft tall). Am Unironically considering buying height-increasing shoes. Does that shit work?
if you are skelly
>if you are skelly
I am not really a skelly but I can lose weight pretty easy. :)
oo how much do you weigh?
>oo how much do you weigh?
Last time I checked it was like 68kg. But I think I've lost some kgs recently due to intermittent fasting. Am gonna do some more. It actually feels great!
all i've eaten today is a piece of raisin toast, feels ggreat. can you get under 60kg pls i will love you?
>can you get under 60kg pls i will love you?
Why do you want me to lose weight like that? Do you want me to become a trap or something? Are you Reiko?
no i just like hungry skeletons
We don't because courtly love was cucked as fuck
>do everything for a woman
>usually this woman is with another man
>usually this woman is raising the other man's children
It's literally the friendzone of old. Courtly love is a shit meme.
>men and women don't sleep around
>people find someone they love
>when you find your partner lacking in something, you don't ask to use someone else for it, you ask your partner to mature and become better at it
>you don't leave each other, because you mutually improve each other and your expectations change and you grow to become the perfect fit for your other half
Instead of what we currently have
>men chase women, women refuse to show interest in even the most attractive men
>women think of men as lower beings, decide their worth entirely from their genetics
>men think of women as sexual objects to be used, because that's how they present themselves
>women sleep around until they eventually "settle down"
>instead of actually settling down, they have one kid, leave the man they claimed to love and go off and sleep around more
>the man is forced to pay the woman money for the rest of his life for some reason, despite her being the one that decided to leave
>the woman dies alone and unloved after her child goes to jail because they were raised by a single mother
>everyone is unhappy and people are literally killing themselves at record rates
Jesus christ how did things get so fucked
>>instead of actually settling down, they have one kid, leave the man they claimed to love and go off and sleep around more
>>the man is forced to pay the woman money for the rest of his life for some reason, despite her being the one that decided to leave
>>the woman dies alone and unloved after her child goes to jail because they were raised by a single mother
>>everyone is unhappy and people are literally killing themselves at record rates
Damn... You explained it just too fucking well. We need the good old times back NOW.
courtly love is what allowed roasties to get out of line in the first place by influencing their men to be cucks.
no, we need white sharia to deal with the roastie problem once and for all.
>courtly love is what allowed roasties to get out of line in the first place by influencing their men to be cucks.
How??? What do you mean? Is being with a girl and being in love with her equal to being a cuck? How does your fucking logic work?
Courtly love was entirely about cuckolding you fucking faggot. Read up on it bitch.
allowing women power and influence over you is never a good idea, especially via love. history is full of female schemers who ruined their husbands and lovers.
love is a weakness of men that women fully exploit
>Courtly love was entirely about cuckolding you fucking faggot.
What the fuck are you talking about faggot? In Courtly Love, the woman (idealized as the fair maiden in distress) is fucking saved and claimed by the man. She is to do his bidding from now forth. She can't just fuck another guy like it happens nowadays.
>allowing women power and influence over you is never a good idea, especially via love. history is full of female schemers who ruined their husbands and lovers.
They fucking didn't. At that fucking time women had no voting and had a shitton less power. Men were "knights" and women were the "maidens" to be saved in the high society but women had absolutely no political power and was supposed to be submissive to her "rescuer".
>love is a weakness of men that women fully exploit
That is true in the modern era, but not in the time of Courtly Love. Women couldn't exploit men's love because she wasn't allowed to cheat on him no matter what, and so a man could love a girl with all of his heart and never fear it being broken.
>In Courtly Love, the woman (idealized as the fair maiden in distress) is fucking saved and claimed by the man. She is to do his bidding from now forth. She can't just fuck another guy like it happens nowadays.
No you fucking faggot. Most of the time the woman is married already, and also is a lower class than the man. Knights would give them free shit to demonstrate their love, all while they're fucking and having kids with another man.
bro you are putting women on a pedestal. you are hyping them up. you are increasing their pussy value. like it or not, this is what makes women arrogant, confident and whorish. this is beta behavior.
alpha behavior would be to shit-talk her, make her feel insecure, make her feel unworthy of you. courtly love doesn't achieve that. women must feel MUCH lower in value than men in order not to cheat and cuck you. also death penalty for adultery is needed too.
>bro you are putting women on a pedestal. this is beta behavior.
Yeah, I fucking know, but this is only because I find love so fucking beautiful and amazing. I am kind of a pussy. I'd fall in love really easily and quickly, but
>women must feel MUCH lower in value than men in order not to cheat and cuck you
That's fucking true.
>also death penalty for adultery is needed too.
Was this ever a thing in the West?
Courtly Love is a meme. Delete love, bring back arranged marriage: youtube.com
Secular ideas of love are destroying society.
Whose good? Obedient to what?
Which times?
Opinion discarded. Please fucking delete yourself from existence you LARPer
>Which times?
I know it's kinda vague. But basically I don't want to go back to the past with older technology etc, but I DO want to have the views on sex and love and gender roles as those before the Feminist Revolution of the 60s and 70s. That's fucking all. If you think about it, women's roles and their sexual freedom changed RADICALLY, but their happiness didn't change one bit. Studies show that they aren't any happier, if anything, they are UNHAPPIER.
Bring back the good old times before Feminist Bullshit. It makes men worse and women miserable.
I don't think King Arthur would approve of this sentiment.
I just want silence all around. Only the sounds of nature wherever I go
why am I not married then if I am so perfect?
different in all the wrong ways and none of the right ones
>views on sex and love and gender roles as those before the Feminist Revolution of the 60s and 70s
Morality has always been one hell of a rickety structure despite the solid foundations. Birth control threw things for one hell of a loop as it allowed people to delay/dodge a lot of the more immediate consequences of acting like an animal but there was never a time when everybody was fundamentally good.
You can build a society which makes it easier to behave by removing opportunities to do wrong and prodding people in the right direction but we've gone and entrenched a whole shitload of bad stuff. If we get rid of female employment AND birth control we might be onto something Employment is actually the big killer. Naturally creates antinatalism which leads to nihilism, hedonism, egoism, and all kinds of other undesirable things.
Of course I think that Christianity is the key, but Christians aren't revolutionaries. Live like an immigrant from the land of sanity within your community, you might impress a few people enough to make a difference. More importantly though, you'll be in order.
>why am I not married then if I am so perfect?
Because you are a fat fucking cuck. That's fucking why.
>Employment is actually the big killer. Naturally creates antinatalism which leads to nihilism, hedonism, egoism, and all kinds of other undesirable things.
I think you are absolutely right. I also think that the greatest contribution that Schopenhauer ever made was basically his views on women.
Schopenhauer's guide to shitposting is superior. Called it something like his list of ways to win an argument when you're wrong.
I am not a fat cuck. I am a brown eyed qt3.14 like you are so endeared to.
Schopenhauer didn't have any thoughts on women that could not be disproven by finding and speaking to an average or above average intelligence woman.
Man I've been awy from women so long that just from the way you typed, I can tell you're not faking. It is so dear to me how that part of soul is so deeply held that it even expresses itself in two sentence posts in the middle of the night. Who says it's all an act? They are devils who say that. Thank you for being so dear
I was joking about being cute. You warm my heart, user.