Post your pets and say something about them

this is lulu, a 4 months old dachshund, she cheers me up everyday.

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very cute OP. your first pet or have you had past experience? this is my cat figaro, had him for 4 years now

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This is my cat Gucci. He's good boy.

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reminds me of when i almost hit a dachshund puppy on the highway. swerved and almost crashed, but missed the dog. it got hit by someone else anyway though. pulled over and carried it to the side of the road, the eyeballs were popped out, intestines everywhere. there was another one too, they must have been brothers. there was another guy who pulled over who said he was trying to get them away from the road, but he wasn't able to obviously. those things got fucked up and i can still see it

anyone know whatever happened to Jow Forums's dog? pic related

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Met this robot back when the /r9k omegle threads were popular (2016~).
>cat was going psycho in the background
>scratching the shit out of user
>said the cat had recently knocked down the christmas tree
>also pissed on all the presents underneath

I miss him and that cot

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Nice looking dog, OP. She looks like a great companion.

this is Tuna, my dog.
he loves to play with my cat, Lewis, who i will post in a moment. they are best friends.

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That's a cute dog, I'd love to play with it and take it to walks
Very cute cat and looks like it is well educated, I'd definitely rub the back of its ears

This is Buster the Schnauzer!
He has a loud bark and he makes me feel great after a long day by making me feel like a matter.

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I miss my dog who is in another state with my family

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this is my cat, Lewis.
he loves to play and cuddle.

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here is one of my cats, she is fat because she has diabetes. no i don't free-feed her. yes, she eats only prescription food. no, my other cats are not overweight. she takes 2 insulin shots a day.

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i thought gabe the dog was /ourdog/?

>chad hands and clothing


do NOT let her jump! if you let her jump she'll fuck up her back and paralyze herself. it happened to my dachshund when he was 1 yr old.

good luck OP

I really want a puppy. But Im a wage slave and Id feel bad leaving it at home alone all day while I was at work :(

This is Ricky. He really likes drinking from the toilet bowl.

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what is your job? i install fiber optic cable and i bring my puppy to work

oooooh ricky, you better not steal that toilet bowl water

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Not OP
Thanks for the tip

>breeding a sweet and playful puppy that can't jump and have fun

humans are so fucked

This is Mocha
She's always rushes to the balcony when she hears me coming home

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Meet Chester, he likes cheetos and waking in the woods with me

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This is molly, she is a jack Russell/dachshund mix, she has an amazing personality and is my best friend

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Pic came out dark, fixed

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i free feed my cats and they're both fat, who cares? They're cats.

My doggo of 13 years died 4 months ago. Only thing I loved desu

She did this to one of her toys, it's a little demented

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running is no problem, but when they use their bodies like springs you'll have an issue.

they like to burrow though so they'll sit under your covers by your legs all night, comfy cuddle dogs basically. they'll also go under covers all the time

To make matters worse I broke my old phone, and lost the few pics that I had of the qt

This is Carlton. He's almost 3. He's one of the only reasons my life has meaning.

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why do some dogs do this? my dog's toys are all PRISTINE and then I babysit a dog and she destroys them.

people are mean to you if they think you're abusing an animal, whether its true or not.


This is a picture of my kitty. She was born with a twin sister her name is Athena

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Mine loves to jump, she's been doing it for the past 7 years, but now that I know about this I will probably calm her down, she loves to borrow under the blankets and insist on sleeping between my legs, drives me crazy lol

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She loves to shred her toys, that's why we buy her the cheap ones, sometimes she will try to keep them intact so she can play with the squeaker, but eventually she can't hold back anymore and rips them to pieces. stuffing is her favorite and she loves to pull it out through various places, such as the eye sockets on her toys lol

i don't think my dog is capable of breaking a toy, i think he is too weak.

I remember this robot too.

Maybe just their personality/breed. My dog loves her toys but if they are too tough for her and she can't destroy them she loses interest in them and plays with something else.

my dog is a spaniel. see here he favors toys that squeak, but has never broken one.

This is my doggo, Cyco, he is usually a jerk to literally everyone,but is a great friend sometimes

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not to be mean but wtf is that thing

I want to pet your dog! he looks like a good boy

what breed is he? he is shaped like a friend

Do you? He was an alright guy

A friend of mine calls him Satan,so...I was expecting this question

but seriously, what is he?

i like aminals too

That dog looks like a rat.

this is luna
she's the coolest pupper on the block

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